Exactly. Except he didn't really say that.
Here's a transcript from the last interview I heard PC give on the subject:
Crayton: "it was a 7 route that I kind of adjusted. one quick hesitation, i didn't think i was going to be able to get on top of the corner quite as easily...so when i got on him I...got on top him I was able to get his arm down. I got on top of him, I was like should I break out, and let him sit underneath, or should I go ahead and go? And that slight hesitation cost me that extra yard I probably needed."
then, from Irvin: "but it wasn't a 9 route, so you were ad libbing anyway? so the whole idea of everybody saying 'oh, he was lazy, or he was quitting on that route is crazy? and nobody knows this?
Crayton: 'no. uh-uh.'
Other doofus on the MI show: "how upsetting is that patrick?"
Crayton: "it's very upsetting because, ah, i wish i hadn't of hesitated one bit.'
Sound like he thinks he quit on the route to you?