DMN Cowlishaw Blog: Cowboys' Crayton calls out (Aaron) Rodgers


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dargonking999;2177179 said:
No but who cares what he says, i know for a fact he quit cause i saw it

Naw, you think you saw it. For him to quit means that he stopped running his route, HE DIDN'T DO THAT. He slowed down, not QUIT. The play had numerous route options for him to run, he wasn't sure which one Romo was gonna throw to him so he slowed for a second to figure it out, obviously he and Romo weren't on the same page. That's what I gathered when listening to him explain it to Irvin. To say he QUIT on the route is absolutely false..


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tunahelper;2177199 said:
He is our FredEx,loudmouth, idiot.

What exactly that he said today do you have a problem with?


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Idgit;2177190 said:
Well, Michael Irvin, for one, in the linked audio clip. But that's just because he actually understood what was going on when Crayton explained it to him.

For the record, though, if Irvin didn't know what route was called by watching it live and seeing replays, how is it that you do? My guess is that you just don't understand what you saw, and you're not willing to learn from the data that's available to you.

None of that changes the fact that PC didn't quit on that particular route.

I wonder if it would been RW that gave up a game changing play instead of Crayton would the reaction be the same.


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dargonking999;2177202 said:
Man i hate forgetting my smileys, it makes it seem like i actually mean what i said.


I fully agree with you Idgit, i didn't think he "quit" on the route, did he make a misstep? a misjudgment? a indesive move? yes, did he quit? no. But to let one, well two plays really, take away from an entire season of production is just stupidity.

Ah. Got it. We're on the same side? Ok, then. Well, nevermind. Maybe you do know what you saw, then.


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Idgit;2177205 said:
What exactly that he said today do you have a problem with?

He didn't say anything that wasn't true. Folks who dislike PC just want to jump on him at any chance. To compare him to FredEx is just flatout STUPID.. Amazing!!!


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DaBoys4Life;2177207 said:
I wonder if it would been RW that gave up a game changing play instead of Crayton would the reaction be the same.

If anyone had actually given up a game changing play on the play in question, the reaction would have been quite different. That's not what happened, though. That play was an ad lib that didn't work.

The Crayton drop in the same game is an example of deserved criticism. But then PC came out and took full responsibility for that play, so why would I argue with anyone about it.

As for RW, I don't make a habit of blaming him for mistakes that aren't his fault, either, so I don't think that would have made any difference.


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Idgit;2177205 said:
What exactly that he said today do you have a problem with?

Upon further review-while he should keep his mouth shut, he really didn't say anything that bad. He got carried away at the end, but nothing harmful or anything.

If anything too-Packers fans are probably more concerned over the play of Rodgers this season than over what some halfway decent #3 wideout says.


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Boysboy;2177218 said:
Upon further review-while he should keep his mouth shut, he really didn't say anything that bad. He got carried away at the end, but nothing harmful or anything.

If anything too-Packers fans are probably more concerned over the play of Rodgers this season than over what some halfway decent #3 wideout says.

He's said some pretty stupid things in the past. Today's quotes were pretty harmless in my opinion. Not to mention they were accurate.


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Mansta54;2177214 said:
He didn't say anything that wasn't true.

Folks who dislike PC just want to jump on him at any chance.

Regardless. Less is more.

Me personally, I dont dislike him... I have gotten over the playoff game but he doesnt learn. What good comes out of his saying that? Nothing.

Mansta54;2177214 said:
To compare him to FredEx is just flatout STUPID.. Amazing!!!

Absolutely agree.


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I don't care what anyone thinks of him around here or how they hate him I like it. I have no issue, at all, with Crayton saying what he feels.


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Mansta54;2177214 said:
He didn't say anything that wasn't true. Folks who dislike PC just want to jump on him at any chance. To compare him to FredEx is just flatout STUPID.. Amazing!!!

My concern initially was his lack of respect. You have to give at least that.

However-he did speak the truth saying how Rodgers doesn't deserve all this Favre soap opera distractions surrounding him, then got carried away at the end.


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Boysboy;2177218 said:
Upon further review-while he should keep his mouth shut, he really didn't say anything that bad. He got carried away at the end, but nothing harmful or anything.

If anything too-Packers fans are probably more concerned over the play of Rodgers this season than over what some halfway decent #3 wideout says.

WHY? He's a grown arse man. Why can't he speak, just like you and I are allowed to.


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Boysboy;2177226 said:
My concern initially was his lack of respect. You have to give at least that.

However-he did speak the truth saying how Rodgers doesn't deserve all this Favre soap opera distractions surrounding him, then got carried away at the end.

Cmon dude, you're reaching now. There was no lack of respect in his comments.. None!!! He didn't call AR a bum or anything like that...


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Mansta54;2177214 said:
He didn't say anything that wasn't true. Folks who dislike PC just want to jump on him at any chance. To compare him to FredEx is just flatout STUPID.. Amazing!!!

They're referring to that time Crayton said he'd like to thank god for his mouth.


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Oh and for the Freddie Mitchell/crayton comparsions

THey need to stop to

Lets see in 4 years of service (Mitchell 2001-2004) (Crayton 2004-2007)

Mitchell has 90 receptions for 1263 yards and 5 TD's

Crayton has 120 receptions for 1716 yards and 14 TD

Mitchell has never started more than 10 games in his 4 year career
Has never had more than 40 catches in a season
Has had over 25 catches once.
He has never broken the 500 yard receving mark
Had scored all of 1 TD in his first three seasons of play, before setting career highs his final two years of a whopping two TD's

Crayton had his first 50 catch season this last season
He has went over 25 catches the last two seasons
Has went over 500 yards receiving in the last two season including 697 yards this last season
Has scored mutliple TD's in his last 3 seasons, and has yet to have a year where he did not score a TD

And above all of that Crayton is still playing after 4 years, while mitchell is sitting at home and watching football.

Crayton is not the only player who talks noise, And to compare him to a player like Mitchell is just blasphemous to his name

Crayton has more room to talk the mitchell will ever have in his life


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dargonking999;2177236 said:
Oh and for the Freddie Mitchell/crayton comparsions

THey need to stop to

Lets see in 4 years of service (Mitchell 2001-2004) (Crayton 2004-2007)

Mitchell has 90 receptions for 1263 yards and 5 TD's

Crayton has 120 receptions for 1716 yards and 14 TD

Mitchell has never started more than 10 games in his 4 year career
Has never had more than 40 catches in a season
Has had over 25 catches once.
He has never broken the 500 yard receving mark
Had scored all of 1 TD in his first three seasons of play, before setting career highs his final two years of a whopping two TD's

Crayton had his first 50 catch season this last season
He has went over 25 catches the last two seasons
Has went over 500 yards receiving in the last two season including 697 yards this last season
Has scored mutliple TD's in his last 3 seasons, and has yet to have a year where he did not score a TD

And above all of that Crayton is still playing after 4 years, while mitchell is sitting at home and watching football.

Crayton is not the only player who talks noise, And to compare him to a player like Mitchell is just blasphemous to his name

Good post but you're wasting your time. Anybody who compares PC to FredEx, well, that speaks for itself...

Big Dakota

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Mansta54;2177239 said:
Good post but you're wasting your time. Anybody who compares PC to FredEx, well, that speaks for itself...

Really, comparing Fred to Pat is like comparing hambone to MBIII. One is a total washout POS and the other is an up and coming player who will be a starter for years to come. That comparison puts you in the skippy catagory.


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Mansta54;2177239 said:
Good post but you're wasting your time. Anybody who compares PC to FredEx, well, that speaks for itself...

And less not forget that Crayton was a 7th rounder once upon a time ago. He's definitely overperformed his initial worth.

FredEx, OTOH, was a FIRST rounder who SHOULD have become a franchise player.