i disagree.
it be revelatory because here i can almost see him, in his smoking jacket, holding a gimlet of brandy before the fire, being philosophical and stuff. I can almost envision the books on stiratical earnings, bound theses by John Kenneth Galbreathe, and books by the Asian and Greek pilosofers. Ah, yes, we half a thinking man looking at his long future ahead. recently engaged, on the cusp of welded bliss and mastering Stanford-business acumens.
He revealed much!
that he is a bidnessman, that life is a dream, a tributary that take many rivlets to life journeys. He revealed hisself to be astute, in tune with the murmers of immortality and . . . ah, i feel like cap-slapping him and say to him, i say: "Just get the monies and stay here, you perennial superstar in the making!"
I half to go now and assess meine puny life. but first a fried baloney samwich. That always perk me up.