Enough with this "he's just a kid" horse **** already. He's a grown man, he'd be the face of a billion dollar business. You have to be absolutely brain dead to give him that responsibility. He can't handle it, he has never shown that he can. Even in a **** market he couldn't get his crap together. Stop acting like he's some random 13 year old that got hammered the first time. He's got responsibilities, other peoples lives (livelihoods) are at stake. People are counting on him and he's shown over and over again that he can't be counted on. He's a lying, selfish sack of ****, a drug addict, a cokehead who doesn't care about anybody but himself. There is absolutely nothing that would suggest he can handle a starting job, there is absolutely nothing that suggest he has changed or even started to changed. He is a complete idiot that will be out of the NFL within 2 years a la Jamarcus Russell. And then 5 years from now he's gonna attempt a comeback because at some point he's gonna grow and smarten up, but it'll be too late by then. Another Vince Young, only dumber and less talented.