DMN: Machota: Here's what I expect to happen regarding Dez Bryant's contract situation


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I truly hope a deal gets done that is fair for both sides. However, Dez stands to make more guaranteed money in the next three seasons than most players including QB's. Should Dallas continue to wait to see the "new WR market" set by other teams and doesn't give Dez close to or exactly $40mil guaranteed, then as his representative you hope he stays healthy, has two solid seasons in Dallas and earns $27mil in the process ($13 in 2015 and $14 in 2016) via the Tag. The 2nd Tag will have language preventing Dallas from doing so a third straight offseason and then Dez receives the $40mil or more guaranteed in 2017 on the open market at 28yrs old. That's $67mil guaranteed!

As a player, you can live with that no matter how much you want to stay with the team that drafts you. He would see more money in guarantees that way than he would signing long term this offseason or next. The security of a long term deal and guaranteed money will be weighed against injury possibilities. This situation is fascinating to me from a player representative you gamble if you don't get the guarantees you think you deserve and have earned? That's the major question.


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I truly hope a deal gets done that is fair for both sides. However, Dez stands to make more guaranteed money in the next three seasons than most players including QB's. Should Dallas continue to wait to see the "new WR market" set by other teams and doesn't give Dez close to or exactly $40mil guaranteed, then as his representative you hope he stays healthy, has two solid seasons in Dallas and earns $27mil in the process ($13 in 2015 and $14 in 2016) via the Tag. The 2nd Tag will have language preventing Dallas from doing so a third straight offseason and then Dez receives the $40mil or more guaranteed in 2017 on the open market at 28yrs old. That's $67mil guaranteed!

As a player, you can live with that no matter how much you want to stay with the team that drafts you. He would see more money in guarantees that way than he would signing long term this offseason or next. The security of a long term deal and guaranteed money will be weighed against injury possibilities. This situation is fascinating to me from a player representative you gamble if you don't get the guarantees you think you deserve and have earned? That's the major question.

No one is giving him 40m in guarantees in 2 years when he is 29 years old.

If DAL won't give it to him now no one else will later.

He is still taking a pretty big risk by not signing a long term deal. He could hurt, suspended or just old.

Look at Fitz, AJohnson, Harvin, Wallace, VCruz, MCrabtree, HNicks and Anthony Spencer


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No one is giving him 40m in guarantees in 2 years when he is 29 years old.

If DAL won't give it to him now no one else will later.

He is still taking a pretty big risk by not signing a long term deal. He could hurt, suspended or just old.

Look at Fitz, AJohnson, Harvin, Wallace, VCruz, MCrabtree, HNicks and Anthony Spencer

I think you'll be surprised my friend BK. Hope it doesn't come to that at all and he stays in Dallas for the duration. But, Dez has a late bday, November if I'm not mistaken, he will be 28yrs. old reaching free agency and likely will see the end of that deal. Look at how long Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson and Fitz are playing. Reggie is 36, Dre is about to turn 34 and Fitz is about to turn 32. Dez would absolutely receive a boatload of guaranteed money at 28yrs. old.


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I think you'll be surprised my friend BK. Hope it doesn't come to that at all and he stays in Dallas for the duration. But, Dez has a late bday, November if I'm not mistaken, he will be 28yrs. old reaching free agency and likely will see the end of that deal. Look at how long Reggie Wayne, Andre Johnson and Fitz are playing. Reggie is 36, Dre is about to turn 34 and Fitz is about to turn 32. Dez would absolutely receive a boatload of guaranteed money at 28yrs. old.

You might be right, that's why it is such a big game of chicken.

Dez' reputation is the hold up I believe. If teams see DAL passing they may pass as well.

But it only takes one team to overpay.


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Yall act like you wouldn't be waiting for the best deal if this were you.


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Yall act like you wouldn't be waiting for the best deal if this were you.

It's not that simple with a salary cap

If Dez holds out for the most possible money, someone else that could help the team will have to be cut

How much is enough vs How much do you want to win. You vets take less money all the time for the chance to win.


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Spotrac just announced a "projected" deal for DThomas of DEN at 5/81m with 37m guaranteed. That is insane.

That would be bad news. Dez is nearly a year younger than Thomas as well.


Vet Min Plus
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Dez is worth every bit of 17+per right now to us...


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Some of you guys are acting like Dez is getting paid pennies to play football. Yes, an injury could occur, but your still talking Alot of guaranteed money.

Sign the deal that is going to pay you more money that 99.8% of folks will never see in their life, to play a sport that 99% of us would kill to play for a job.

Pride/greed...choose either , but don't let them get in the way here.


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Some of you guys are acting like Dez is getting paid pennies to play football. Yes, an injury could occur, but your still talking Alot of guaranteed money.

Sign the deal that is going to pay you more money that 99.8% of folks will never see in their life, to play a sport that 99% of us would kill to play for a job.

Pride/greed...choose either , but don't let them get in the way here.

This is not the "game" we all played as youngsters in the backyard or the park or on the street/a parking lot....this is BIG business as are all "professional sports". Fans get caught up in the..."they make more money than 99.8% of folks will never see in their life to play a sport 99% of us would kill to play for a job" rhetoric. Numnuts, the NFL makes billions of dollars which needs to be shared among owners and employees of the League. No one is packing the stands and paying top dollar plus buying merchandise and concessions to see people play football on any of the surfaces I described previously. No TV deal exists for the rights of those games either. Once they do...then maybe people can understand that what was once a leisure or done for fun is actually a business. The same applies to all professional sports (no one is paying to see a league basketball game or baseball game held at the local high school either).

The money involved is something most can't fathom but yet it is rare I hear of anyone complain about baseball, hockey, tennis, or golf salaries. Or what the owners in those sports are worth or make per season. Not sure why the NFL or NBA athlete is so scrutinized for what they earn yet the owners and members of the organization (executives, coaches, etc.) never get questioned. Hell, Goodell makes $40mil per year and no one moans about it. BUT, when athletes in the NFL or NBA want more of the pie because they are the steam that runs the always seem to have an issue. Interesting to say the least but something I think that needs to be discussed openly as to why that is the case....I have my own ideas as to why but I will leave it alone.

Numnuts, this is in no way an attack of you at all. That is not my style as a poster on this great board so please don't take it that way. However, I tire of hearing the "greedy" athlete phrase very easily because I can't think of any business that you are considered "old" at 30. Maximize your earning potential...period!


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is not the "game" we all played as youngsters in the backyard or the park or on the street/a parking lot....this is BIG business as are all "professional sports". Fans get caught up in the..."they make more money than 99.8% of folks will never see in their life to play a sport 99% of us would kill to play for a job" rhetoric. Numnuts, the NFL makes billions of dollars which needs to be shared among owners and employees of the League. No one is packing the stands and paying top dollar plus buying merchandise and concessions to see people play football on any of the surfaces I described previously. No TV deal exists for the rights of those games either. Once they do...then maybe people can understand that what was once a leisure or done for fun is actually a business. The same applies to all professional sports (no one is paying to see a league basketball game or baseball game held at the local high school either).

The money involved is something most can't fathom but yet it is rare I hear of anyone complain about baseball, hockey, tennis, or golf salaries. Or what the owners in those sports are worth or make per season. Not sure why the NFL or NBA athlete is so scrutinized for what they earn yet the owners and members of the organization (executives, coaches, etc.) never get questioned. Hell, Goodell makes $40mil per year and no one moans about it. BUT, when athletes in the NFL or NBA want more of the pie because they are the steam that runs the always seem to have an issue. Interesting to say the least but something I think that needs to be discussed openly as to why that is the case....I have my own ideas as to why but I will leave it alone.

Numnuts, this is in no way an attack of you at all. That is not my style as a poster on this great board so please don't take it that way. However, I tire of hearing the "greedy" athlete phrase very easily because I can't think of any business that you are considered "old" at 30. Maximize your earning potential...period!
I believe everyone concerned about this topic should consider that the NFL and NHL are bound by hard salary cap structures. The NBA has a soft salary cap and MLB does not have a salary cap. Both the NBA and MLB have luxury tax structures to "penalize" team spending but luxury taxes as penalties are jokes.

The NBA and MLB have greater flexibility than the NFL and NHL to spend on player contracts that do not penalize teams seeking better talent and retaining quality depth on existing rosters. The pay structures are vastly different between NBA and MLB versus NFL and NHL for this reason. This is an inherit price for imposing competitive balance and fan-friendly parity. Bryant and his agent would get paid exponentially more than what is currently being negotiated if not for these handcuffs mutually agreed upon by the league and the NFLPA in the 1993/94, rake-in-millions-more-fans-who-refuse-to-follow-a-team-that-will-not-be-otherwise-competitive, collective bargaining agreement.

Some fans got (exactly) what they wanted. May as well enjoy all the fruits also, like the currently gridlocked contract negotiations between the team and Bryant. Money, money, money... moooooney...


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It is #2 money, right where he should be. Behind CJohnson.

I don't think anyone really knows what was offered. The hold up could be the guaranteed money part or more annually.