well people also use the media for their points as well. if the media were to like hardy and someone that dug in didn't, then the media is wrong. if the media hated hardy and you did too, suddenly THEY GOT THAT ONE RIGHT!!!! biggest reason i don't believe much of what i read in the media anymore is because it's become opinion pieces, not news.
The issue is what they're trying to keep from us? this is what we as citizens who are vigilant
need to keep monitored at all times, take 9/11 'government officials' said terrorists hijacked
planes using box cutters crashing them into the twin towers and pentagon, then we heard
some garbage story that the towers fell at the rate of gravity because jet fuel burned right
through the steel. NYC police, firefighters and eyewitnesses to that day said they heard
what sounded like popping noises, Tower 7 which had been untouched then suddenly
went into free fall.
the story doesn't add up now does it? the same way the story about Hardy didn't add up
so let's not kid ourselves here. Hardy's g/f, fiance, wife whatever you want to call her was
in it for the money nothing else! she was unhappy so, She began a monogamous set of
relationships outside of her involvement with Hardy, which probably spiraled out of control
that lead to one of , Her love affair/interests to put the marks on her, But in her mind b/c
she was so angry about her relationship with Hardy pointed the finger of blame at Hardy
protecting the one who really did it and was counting her money before she could even
get it out of the bank, Yet as I said before Truth set's you fee, her story didn't add and the
D.A. like many of us smelled something foul in her story. So he cut Hardy free but the
media can't tell you the truth, so they fabricated that he bought her silence, The NFL
said we're going to suspend you and idiots ate it like candy. - the end