DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

And! All these Holiday Inn Express lawyers in's fun to read!

Not sure where directed but I went to law school at South Texas College of Law in Houston. You can PM me and look up my background if you really want to. But hey, nothing like a laugh to diffuse things..its needed.
Not sure where directed but I went to law school at South Texas College of Law in Houston. You can PM me and look up my background if you really want to. But hey, nothing like a laugh to diffuse things..its needed.

Not talking about you at all - I know you're a practitioner.
Read my last post to Fuzzy. No panties in a wad. I despise ignorance though and you are Exhibit A for the most uneducated people on this board. It's that simple. Despite being proven wrong for 20 pages your ability to find dumber things to say is astounding. I don't mind sticking up for my fellow lawyers regarding uneducated conspiracy truthers who have no common sense. I have 3 kids and seeing a presumed adult have less learning skills can be frustrating.

Again, the personal attacks... not helping. You got nothing... I get it. Your appearant need to legitimize your own credibility with me is adorable, but no need. I already respect you as much as I'm ever going to. But.. nice touch with the three kids sprinkled on top. You have a nice day and try not to let this "woman hater" rent space in your head. :)
Here is what is crazy about your post, many things you say are right on when it comes to the case. So I at least congratulate you on that....settlement, what attys advise, etc.

As for chivalry, it has nothing to do with it. It has to do with straight out, undeniable idiots on this board trying to play conspiracy and making up crap that is even worse than the story itself. I have practiced 20 years. Spent a year in the Grayson County DAs office. I saw everything from DWIs to DV to a case where I had to watch a little girl tell a social worker where her step-dad was touching her by pointing to a doll. It is eye-opening. I have many close friends who are lifers with either the Harris County or Montgomery County DAs office in Houston and the burbs. They put away the most heinous people. So yeah, I am going to be objective and look at a case for more than being black or white and I'm going to be peeved when some dime store idiots on the board act like their conspiracies are commonplace or even rational. The fact is they make the posters look plain stupid. WE don't know what happened. She could have been abused over time, she could have been beaten that night, she could have just been throw or she could have lied but we don't know. But to ignore victims because of their background is asinine. There are CEOs who get DWIs and who are busted with drugs. Her status in life and drug use doesn't mean crap when it comes to DV. As the article above stated

It has nothing to do with sticking up for Holder but for trying to educate the irrational posters here who have been trashing the system and who know NOTHING about how this happens day after day to people.

You lost the objective card when you started telling people that they supported women being beaten. That belies this entire narrative above. When you ignore Nicole Holder's own story in court where he never hits her and instead call what happened a battering you cannot tell people that they are ignoring the victim. Battery is a felony if I'm not mistaken. You are very clearly emotionally invested here, Mr Quixote.

All that you working at a DA's office tells me is you lack objectivity. I have no idea what pedophilia has to do with Hardy.
You lost the objective card when you started telling people that they supported women being beaten. That belies this entire narrative above. When you ignore Nicole Holder's own story in court where he never hits her and instead call what happened a battering you cannot tell people that they are ignoring the victim. Battery is a felony if I'm not mistaken. You are very clearly emotionally invested here, Mr Quixote.

All that you working at a DA's office tells me is you lack objectivity. I have no idea what pedophilia has to do with Hardy.

And he is the one who accuses others of making things up. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
You lost the objective card when you started telling people that they supported women being beaten. That belies this entire narrative above. When you ignore Nicole Holder's own story in court where he never hits her and instead call what happened a battering you cannot tell people that they are ignoring the victim. Battery is a felony if I'm not mistaken. You are very clearly emotionally invested here, Mr Quixote.

All that you working at a DA's office tells me is you lack objectivity. I have no idea what pedophilia has to do with Hardy.

You lost me. I've been objective from Day 1 because I don't know what happened. You don't either, despite acting like it. I can't tell you if she is a straight out liar....doubtful after seeing injury pics again...or that he went nuts on her. If I had to guess I'd say that it was in between. But there are others here who have mentioned she was the issue and have called her "cokehead", etc to get this point across. When people victim blame they automatically are in a category of ignoring the reality of DV and looks like they are supporting the accused/abuser. It also ignores what DAs see daily, what the figures are for DV across the nation, etc. There a large number of cases that involve suburban housewives who cover their bruises with makeup or wear long sleeves, etc to cover it. I'm not emotionally invested, I'm explaining the justice system and what usually happens in DV to people like you who non-chalantly make black and white decisions because you think you know something. BTW, the pedophile situation was just an example of what is seen daily and how prosecutors take it seriously vs the idea among an uneducated few that there is always something afoot

You clearly have no idea legally what you are talking about. Are you trying to say that he might have throw her around, etc but since he didn't "hit" her then its not as serious or a battery? Ridiculous. Each state is different but in CA a DV battery is any touching when done in anger...includes just touching someones chest and saying "get out off my way." In TX its Domestic Assault, Aggravated DA and continuous DV family. Misdemeanor to Felony depends on if the person is a repeat offender for DA. Felony for Aggravated depending on if a weapon is used or if it was "serious" bodily injury. Your garden variety DA is intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person who falls under the DV rules. I'm not as familiar with NC laws but from what I read In NC its all similar...who was it for DV and what did they do. To start the law only states "intentionally causing or attempting to cause bodily injury". What they are charged with is contained within other criminal statutes ..."assault and battery", "rape" etc. But like all states there is a gradual scale with even A&B being a misdemeanor in cases and in aggravated cases it being a felony. Even serious A&B can be a different class of misdemeanor.
And he is the one who accuses others of making things up. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

What was made up? Your response to his response doesn't even make sense. Perfectly normal for someone so dense. Again, go back to your Truthers group and figure out more conspiracies I can shoot down. I'm guessing you get off on being embarrassed.
Again, the personal attacks... not helping. You got nothing... I get it. Your appearant need to legitimize your own credibility with me is adorable, but no need. I already respect you as much as I'm ever going to. But.. nice touch with the three kids sprinkled on top. You have a nice day and try not to let this "woman hater" rent space in your head. :)

No credibility needed on my part. You should go see someone regarding inferiority complexes. The fact that I've replied to a huge amount of people here and you think its about you shows the issue. You just got singled out because you were the most ignorant of the actual laws...and reality.
You've made up a lot in this thread. Master of the straw man.

Where? Find it. Stating law and how the judicial process works? My post above stating the laws in different states and how they work? My 20 years as an attorney? As I told you before, move along, you have already had most of your points shown to be ignorant. It really is embarrassing. Now you have no real arguments to add you just stand behind posters like a real coward and say "yeah, what he said."

As I've said before I never took sides completely but jumped in because people don't know the law or the process. Yet there is a subset of Neanderthals who think if you don't blindly jump on the "he's innocent" then you are wrong. Makes me nervous that is the same group that votes and maybe even has a family.

Again the thread should end because people in here keep making up scenarios that never happened to push it forward.
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When I put Froggy on ignore it went down to 10 pages..........

jk......watching his slow spiral downward has been well worth the time spent
No credibility needed on my part. You should go see someone regarding inferiority complexes. The fact that I've replied to a huge amount of people here and you think its about you shows the issue. You just got singled out because you were the most ignorant of the actual laws...and reality.

No credibility shown on your part. You are the one focused on making it about me. Attack my message if you don't like it, when you attack the messenger you are no longer serving your part on this forum. Continuing to escalating the dissension between us does not serve the purpose of this forum. I withdraw conversing with you until you can stay your point on the topic.
just old hat tactics i think many are tired of. i don't like politician xyz so they're hitler or the anti-christ. i don't like hardy so he's OJ.

i honestly don't care who they like and don't like. hate hardy all you want and have a day. but keep it to what he's done and stop the exaggerations done only to satisfy your own emotional parade.

anyway - didn't mean to interrupt into your discussion. just saw something that needed a good poo on top of it and let it fly.

Oh I agree we don't want to educate ourselves to the real truth that is out there, If the media says Hardy is guilty then the media
doesn't lie. well it reeked of BS, the suspension I had paid off and now we know the truth he didn't do it

case closed
Oh I agree we don't want to educate ourselves to the real truth that is out there, If the media says Hardy is guilty then the media doesn't lie. well it reeked of BS, the suspension I had paid off and now we know the truth he didn't do it

case closed

well people also use the media for their points as well. if the media were to like hardy and someone that dug in didn't, then the media is wrong. if the media hated hardy and you did too, suddenly THEY GOT THAT ONE RIGHT!!!! biggest reason i don't believe much of what i read in the media anymore is because it's become opinion pieces, not news.
well people also use the media for their points as well. if the media were to like hardy and someone that dug in didn't, then the media is wrong. if the media hated hardy and you did too, suddenly THEY GOT THAT ONE RIGHT!!!! biggest reason i don't believe much of what i read in the media anymore is because it's become opinion pieces, not news.

The issue is what they're trying to keep from us? this is what we as citizens who are vigilant
need to keep monitored at all times, take 9/11 'government officials' said terrorists hijacked
planes using box cutters crashing them into the twin towers and pentagon, then we heard
some garbage story that the towers fell at the rate of gravity because jet fuel burned right
through the steel. NYC police, firefighters and eyewitnesses to that day said they heard
what sounded like popping noises, Tower 7 which had been untouched then suddenly
went into free fall.

the story doesn't add up now does it? the same way the story about Hardy didn't add up
so let's not kid ourselves here. Hardy's g/f, fiance, wife whatever you want to call her was
in it for the money nothing else! she was unhappy so, She began a monogamous set of
relationships outside of her involvement with Hardy, which probably spiraled out of control
that lead to one of , Her love affair/interests to put the marks on her, But in her mind b/c
she was so angry about her relationship with Hardy pointed the finger of blame at Hardy
protecting the one who really did it and was counting her money before she could even
get it out of the bank, Yet as I said before Truth set's you fee, her story didn't add and the
D.A. like many of us smelled something foul in her story. So he cut Hardy free but the
media can't tell you the truth, so they fabricated that he bought her silence, The NFL
said we're going to suspend you and idiots ate it like candy. - the end
I'm not hearing your explanation for the DA claiming he conducted an extensive search to no avail despite social media tracking her every move. Did he tell this to a judge and the judge believed it? Maybe even the judge was in on the under table deal too.

Your strategy is distraction by speculation. I don't know what else he told the judge nor do I care. What we DO know is that he told the judge that a settlement was reached.

Again an actual - the report of a settlement and the information being communicated to the judge based on a legitimate news organization that routinely covers events of a particular community - almost ALWAYS trumps a hypothetical - in this case, speculations that DA Murray was lying and manipulating information.

It really doesn't get any clearer than that.
Your strategy is distraction by speculation. I don't know what else he told the judge nor do I care. What we DO know is that he told the judge that a settlement was reached.

Again an actual - the report of a settlement and the information being communicated to the judge based on a legitimate news organization that routinely covers events of a particular community - almost ALWAYS trumps a hypothetical - in this case, speculations that DA Murray was lying and manipulating information.

It really doesn't get any clearer than that.

So we disagree. I'm bored with you and bored with the discussion. Hardy is no longer a Cowboy. If it remains that way, fine. If he gets re-signed by the Cowboys, we can then talk about that, but I'm done with this for now. I believe what I believe.
So we disagree. I'm bored with you and bored with the discussion. Hardy is no longer a Cowboy. If it remains that way, fine. If he gets re-signed by the Cowboys, we can then talk about that, but I'm done with this for now. I believe what I believe.

Fair enough. Peace.

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