CFZ Do fans ever "hang their cleats up"?

I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
When I want to watch my team, I watch the Cowboys

When I want to watch football at a high level , I watch the other teams
Good post, cool insight.

I think if I was still the crazed fan that allowed every Cowboys' loss to ruin the better part of the ensuing week I might've probably burnt out. But for the last 3-4 years, I am still just as passionate, but I have better perspective. I allow the game to be the game without letting it disrupt my life even a minute after the final whistle.

Google "Secular Buddhism" wherever you listen to podcasts. It really helps put life in perspective in general. And no it is not amyconver to Buddhism really is secular.
Good post, cool insight.

I think if I was still the crazed fan that allowed every Cowboys' loss to ruin the better part of the ensuing week I might've probably burnt out. But for the last 3-4 years, I am still just as passionate, but I have better perspective. I allow the game to be the game without letting it disrupt my life even a minute after the final whistle.

Google "Secular Buddhism" wherever you listen to podcasts. It really helps put life in perspective in general. And no it is not amyconver to Buddhism really is secular.
Love this.
I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
By and large, yes, many fans do hang up their cleats when they find other interests, like family, dying friends and stayin' alive, stayin alive.
I find tha elderly people have little iinterest in sports after age 70.
But it might be different with the Boomers. They (we) have a sense of forever young and, unlike our older friends we didn't go through the depression, horrible wars and civil rights struggle. And we came to the fore when the Super Bowl was created and athletes came into our lives through marketing, etc.
I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
I haven't semi-retired from the Cowboys as much as I have the league as a whole.

The football is just so bad today. The quarterbacking is worse than I've seen in my lifetime. The tackling is horrendous. The lack of discipline and knowledge of the game is embarrassing. Not understanding game situations and making game-costing mental mistakes happens virtually every game.

Coaches have no power, and they're more like babysitters than team generals. We're seeing the end of the last few great coaches.

Add to that a rule book that chatGPT couldn't figure out, and a movement bent on ending the game forever, and I don't think football is long for this world in any form we'd recognize.
Interesting. The only time I ever quit on a team was never because they were bad, but because the game changed to a point that I can no longer watch. For example, I was a life long Yankees fan. I no longer like the sport, nor do I watch the sport. I may have to try to watch some games with the new rules.

If I ever stop watching the Cowboys, it won't be because they're losing. It will be because the game is getting soft and 5 million commercials.

But I want to touch on heartbreak losses in the playoffs for a second. I can't speak for you, but besides super bowl losses, the only playoff heartbreaks I suffered were in this order. 2016, 2014, 2007, 1994, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1976. Those were all of the years I had hoped for more. Those losses bothered me. I'm not going to be heartbroken over a team I thought had little chance at going anywhere. If they win by some miracle, fantastic. But I'm not going to get heartbroken over a playoff loss that I fully expected. That's just me. But I will admit, any Championship game loss is a heartbreaker. Because you're just one game away.
94 Hurt me the most
When I was a kid and teen in the 70s and 80s losses were tough. Tears sometimes. Ruins the week. The 90s were great and still really invested. Losses ruined weeks. I even held out hope with Campo/Gailey etc. Where I turned more passive was Garrett. He ruined a decade for me. I still am obviously here and enjoy talking Cowboys and watching. Just it doesn't ruin anything anymore. Honestly I watch just as much golf or English Premier League. Too much kid stuff to worry about this team. Love to see a run again but I'm not waiting.
The 90’s were the extremes for me. The Wins were beyond epic. But the losses hurt more than anything. 07 & 2014 were painful. I’ve gotten much better. Like many others..Garrett wore me down
I quit getting worked up after the 2016 Packer loss at AT&T....the team had TWO YEARS to stew over getting screwed in Green Bay in 2014, yet they come out flat and go down 21-3 to start the game....that was it for me. "Blank em" was my immediate thought...and still is.
I totally get it.

The last lost to the niners gave me that same feeling.

This team just can’t seem to get out of its own way.
I have seen all of the Cowboy history. I think starting about '64 there was something really special about being a Cowboy fan. You could feel it. It was almost tangible. Excitement, anticipation, hope, expectations of winning and winning big. That lasted pretty much thru the team Jimmy Johnson put together. But something happened after Johnson's team aged out. Some of the air escaped the balloon. The edge dulled. The expectation and excitement waned. The team was no longer relevant as far as championships go. They became mediocre or less. Still most of us fans are here rooting for our team. Not gonna hang 'em up. Not gonna give up. But the best we can do now is be cautiously optimistic. Hang in there and hope. Always hope.
I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
I'm not sure what you're saying here.

Are you trying to say that being a fan isn't always, or even usually, fun? DUUUUUHHHHH


being a fan is a curse. It's supposed to be miserable.

THE BEST franchise in the SuperBowl era, the Patriots, have still ended up with 90% of their seasons ending in heartbreak for their fans. And each of those seasons had anywhere from one (against giants in SB) to 14 or 15 weekly disappointments under its umbrella they suffered through.

Being a football fan is supposed to be miserable, ruin Sundays, ruin entire weeks or months, make your family mad at you, make ur wife mad at you, make the dog mad at you......steal endless hours of your life that could have been used with ur family or something relaxing and instead filling chunks of ur life with negative emotions ranging from rage and bitter disappointment to resigning yourself to melancholy and broken dreams. Endless, repetitive cycles of getting ur hopes up, only to have them dashed yet again. Possibly a broken TV or two.

But you CANT give up NOW. I THINK THIS MIGHT BE OUR YEAR!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!+!
I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
I would still have the same passion as I did over the last 50 years but the Jones’ have pushed me to arms length.

Jerry has taken the love of my life and made it an acquaintance.

The only way I see me changing is when Jerry is gone and Charlotte takes over and if she were to name a GM that would get me back because I actually have a lot of respect for her. Otherwise I just don’t have it in me to tolerate their incompetence.

If Jerry doesn’t care if we lose so he can get the credit why should I.
Good post, cool insight.

I think if I was still the crazed fan that allowed every Cowboys' loss to ruin the better part of the ensuing week I might've probably burnt out. But for the last 3-4 years, I am still just as passionate, but I have better perspective. I allow the game to be the game without letting it disrupt my life even a minute after the final whistle.

Google "Secular Buddhism" wherever you listen to podcasts. It really helps put life in perspective in general. And no it is not amyconver to Buddhism really is secular.
Yeah baby, yeah......I sometimes go for the Tibetan healing sounds, particular the healing bowls. Erases negative energy and good for meditation and relaxation, and aligning your chakras. YouTube it.
Yeah baby, yeah......I sometimes go for the Tibetan healing sounds, particular the healing bowls. Erases negative energy and good for meditation and relaxation, and aligning your chakras. YouTube it.
For sure thanks. Check out the Solfeggio Frequencies. Probably very similar in nature. I listen to them almost daily.
Like I said last week....he needs to beat the other good teams too. We can sweep Philly every year, but what counts is who wins the conference...NO WAY IN HELL is Dak ever going to deliver going the Wild Card route.

Considering that both the Cowboys and Eagles appear to be very good teams, we might play the Eagles in the playoffs (as well as the regular season, being in the same division) a few times in the near future. So, this might be more important than we think. However, he does need to beat SFO next time we play them in the playoffs.
If I ever stop watching the Cowboys, it won't be because they're losing. It will be because the game is getting soft and 5 million commercials.
One of my favorite seasons was 89. Lots of young guys trying hard and getting better.

What was putting me off the game for a while were bad rules determining the outcome. Too many ticky tack penalties on dlinemen breathing too heavily near QBs. Going to the ground fiascos.
The game was about to die for me when they came out with the "no leading with your head" rule for ball carriers. Taken as written, it wouldn't be football anymore. Even they eventually realized how idiotic it was and just about never called it. I don't know if it's still even on the books.
I stopped caring after Romo choked away that win and your in the playoffs game against RG3. I cheer during the games but I don't stay mad for days like I used to. These players don't even stay mad. I used to hate when these guys would hug after a loss. When your not as emotionally invested you can actually see an unbiased view of the team instead of having all this hope that your heart tells you. I see way too many people believing in this QB and can tell you he just doesn't have it.

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