Do the Giants scare you?


Injured Reserve
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The Giants do not scare me. However, one concern, or something to pay close attention to, is their defensive line vs our offensive line. We have the same starting squad as last year, only a year older. The Giants defensive line man-handled our offensive line in the second half. Barber was not effective in the second half and I think we became too pass happy instead of utilizing a fresh Julius Jones more (I believe he only had three carries).

Even if Strahan retires, and I doubt he does, they still have Umenyiora, Tuck, and Kiwanuka to worry about. It didn't matter that our wide receivers were getting open; Romo didn't have time to get them the ball anyway. If we don't find a way to control that pass rush, we may find ourselves in trouble again.


Stay Classy Philly/Minny
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ScipioCowboy;2109661 said:

I respect the Giants' accomplishment last season, but they don't scare me.

Only one team in the NFC causes me any trepidation: The Cowboys.

Only the Cowboys can stop the Cowboys.


Dr. Freakasaurus
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theebs;2109668 said:
They have the same talent level as we do... they don't. Break it down position-by-position and we're clearly more talented. We were last year too but played a sloppy, self-destructive, playoff game. 13 Pro Bowlers to like 1. We are better than we were last year (talent-wise) and they are worse. I couldn't disagree with your statement more.

Coakleys Dad

The Re-Birth has begun.
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redskins1;2109984 said:
well said..your cowboys if they make the playoff this season will have a huge monkey on there backs,no matter if its at home or on the road..its in there heads they cant seem to get it done in the would not surprise me at all to see your team winless again in postseason!!
why are all these trolls from other teams hanging around our board...oh..because nothing intelligent going on on their boards...


New Member
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No they don't. I don't think they'll make the playoffs. Last year was a fluke. The team to watch in our division is the eagles. They have arguably the best CB trio in the league. There defense as a whole is really good. If the get some production from there receiver's they will be dangerous. I think NFC east next season will finish

1. cowboys
2. eagles
3. giants
4. Commanders.


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abersonc;2109959 said:
Anyone not worried about the Giants is kidding themselves -- there is something HUGE to learning how to win the big games and NY figured that out.

What's that huge thing? A ton of luck?

Without that the Giants don't beat us or New England.


Defender of the Star
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do the giants scare me... oh how to answer... how bout this...

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

Bob Sacamano

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ScipioCowboy;2109661 said:

I respect the Giants' accomplishment last season, but they don't scare me.

Only one team in the NFC causes me any trepidation: The Cowboys.

Only the Cowboys can stop the Cowboys.

my thoughts exactly

all of it, but that point in bold more specifically


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I'll be worried when were 12-0 and just beat the seachickens on turkey day,then sleep walk thru Decemember and be 12-4 before the playoffs start.


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The Giants are defintely a good team. If Straham returns, the pass rush they can deliver with Strahan, Tuck and Osi is very formidable. Add in the tremendous improvement in their secondary over the year with development of Ross and Webster and you have one of the best defenses in the league.

Their offense, though, is very pedestrian without a single great player and iminimal big play potential.

I like our chances to beat them 70% of the time on a neutral field. The keys to getting better against them is development of a more consistent running game and better coordination of the OL in pass blocking. I am hopeful that Houck will make a huge difference here.


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we were better then them last yr.

we improved with player movements.

Naw.....not scared at all.


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BIGDen;2110867 said: they don't. Break it down position-by-position and we're clearly more talented. We were last year too but played a sloppy, self-destructive, playoff game. 13 Pro Bowlers to like 1. We are better than we were last year (talent-wise) and they are worse. I couldn't disagree with your statement more.

Pro Bowlers dont mean jack !@#!.

That is a an accomplishment that has virtually no value right now. It helps these guys get more money in their contracts so I hope they continue to make it.

It doesnt mean anything as far as how good your team is or how good the individual player is.

They are just as talented as us. Just like us they are streaky, they got hot when it mattered most.


Defender of the Star
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theebs;2111125 said:
Pro Bowlers dont mean jack !@#!.

That is a an accomplishment that has virtually no value right now. It helps these guys get more money in their contracts so I hope they continue to make it.

It doesnt mean anything as far as how good your team is or how good the individual player is.

They are just as talented as us. Just like us they are streaky, they got hot when it mattered most.

i disagree that they are as talented. how many of their players would start for us???? you can't say osi cause he is not a 3-4 DE. i don't know i would take any of them.


Dr. Freakasaurus
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theebs;2111125 said:
Pro Bowlers dont mean jack !@#!.

That is a an accomplishment that has virtually no value right now. It helps these guys get more money in their contracts so I hope they continue to make it.

It doesnt mean anything as far as how good your team is or how good the individual player is.

They are just as talented as us. Just like us they are streaky, they got hot when it mattered most.

So...I guess saying it makes it so. Feel free to do a position-by-position breakdown to prove your point. The disparity in # of Pro Bowlers DOES mean something when your talking about "talent". Granted a few of ours were questionable/borderline selections and maybe they could have had a couple of others make it, but it still would have been like 9 to 3 in our favor. Even in the crazy playoff loss, I don't think many felt the better (certainly not equally talented) team won. The team that played very sloppily beat itself. The better coached, more disciplined team squeaked out a W against a team that was committing unforced errors all afternoon.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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they didnt scare me at all or probably most here either and they still beat us in the playoffs so it doesnt really matter... not hating on your thread just saying we can all say no or half say yes but truly most of us even though they are rivals dontknow much about them compared to their fans maybe to know wat kind of team they will have this year...

Yakuza Rich

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I like what the greatest athlete of my lifetime, Carl Lewis, once said..."don't underestimate your opponent and don't overestimate your opponent, just respect them."

That's how I feel in particular about the Giants. They have a terrific run and you have to give that to them, but I wouldn't label me as scared of the team.

For starters, I really believe that having the Manning name and because his previous playoff performances were so horrible, that as long as Eli put together an acceptable performance and the Giants won, it would get overblown to him being one of the best QB's in the game. He played an okay game against Tampa, was limited to 18 passing attempts against Dallas in which it was obvious that Coughlin didn't want him throwing the ball, and then had that fantastic game against Green Bay. Against New England I couldn't help but think how lucky he was as he continually made bad decisions and just got away with stuff. It could not have happened to a better team IMO, but it was still lucky nonetheless. And I'm not talking about a shotgun snap hiked over his head and then grabbing the ball and making the right play. I'm talking about throwing into double and triple coverage and somehow his receiver making the catch. It's no coincidence that Eli has a career 73.4 QB rating, which is atrocious for a franchise QB.

Anyway, I did a statistical study on what I call QB Rating differential. I found that it has the highest correlation to winning and losing in the NFL (well, next to point differential). QBRD is a team's offensive QB rating minus their defensive QB rating allowed. The higher the QBRD, the more games a team is likely to win.

The Giants had the lowest QBRD of any team that had *gone* to the Super Bowl in the last 30 years and I didn't even check the rest of the Super Bowls because I simply didn't feel like taking the time to check it out. The G-Men had a QBRD of -9.5. The next worse Super Bowl team in the past 30 years was the '79 Rams who had a -3.3 QBRD and that Rams team has been widely considered the worst Super Bowl team in history. Oddly enough, the next worst QBRD of a team that won the Super Bowl was the Giants back in '86 when they had a +6.2 QBRD.

If that doesn't tell you enough, then my projected wins total based on QBRD should. Using a linear regression formula to project:

Projected Wins = (0.178*QBRD)+8.04

With the Giants' QBRD of -9.5, they were projected to win 6.34 wins in 2007. Going back 10 years using that formula project, the overwhelming majority of the time the actual wins are usually within 1 win of the team's projected wins using QBRD (The Vikings during the Mike Tice years were notorious for having far less actual wins than projected wins using QBRD, a big reason why Mike Tice will probalby never get another head coaching gig in the league). But here the G-Men had 3.7 more wins than projected.

OTOH, Dallas had a QBRD of +22.0 in 2007, which projected to 12 wins. Dallas went 13-3 with one of the victories against Buffalo, a game which even the biggest Cowboys home would admit that Dallas should not have won.

The big concern for Dallas would be if they had an old roster, but last season Dallas had the 4th youngest roster in the league and Jerry Jones keeps drafting to keep the roster young.

Of course, Dallas did lose to the G-Men when it mattered most. But from a statistical standpoint, Dallas dominated the game and what's often neglected is the one big factor that the G-Men dominated Dallas in was field position.

So yeah, the G-Men are obviously a well coached ball club, regardless of what one may feel about Coughlin, and they are certainly a dangerous team. But if Dallas keeps doing what it's doing, they should come up victorious over the G-Men in the end and hopefully over the NFL. Unfortunately we have many fans and writers who are quick to jump the gun and trash everything if we don't reach football nirvana (The Super Bowl) after one season.



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There is no way anyone other then a Giants homer or Cowboys hater would claim that the Giants are as talented as we are. Making full use of that talent and getting it working together is another matter.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Teague31;2111134 said:
i disagree that they are as talented. how many of their players would start for us???? you can't say osi cause he is not a 3-4 DE. i don't know i would take any of them.

I'd take Pierce in a heartbeat................and also contemplate Webster.

Yakuza Rich

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Seven;2111225 said:
I'd take Pierce in a heartbeat................and also contemplate Webster.

You need to re-think Webster. He was god awful last year. I think most G-Men fans would tell you that as well.
