Do you enjoy hype?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Don't care for hype. Tends to make my expectations for the team too high, and if they don't follow through I'm more disappointed than if the expectations were lower.

And if they do better than they were supposed to, then it's a greater high.

Yeah I'm weird, you don't have to say it....:rolleyes:
What hype?


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Nope the Cowboys hype has been dead for a long time for me. Just media click bait

Every year cowboys get hyped to playoff / superbowl contender
Every year the QB gets hyped or the defense or the OL or the LBs or the coaching

Every year we fail miserably

Just show us


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I do not enjoy hearing from the Joneses at all when it comes to this team. All smoke and no substance. At this point, I do my best to just tune it out and trust my own thoughts on what I see and what I expect.


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Media hype doesn't work out well with this organization.

The national media I should say. Every time the talking heads pump us up we seem to find a way to have a disastrous season.

They don't seem capable of building on success.

They have a good year, then the hype train is crazy for the following year.....then they stink it up, so no one expects much the following year....and they aren't so bad.

They can have a mulligan for last year......but MM was brought here to take this group to a level that Garrett could not and I fully expect that to NOW. We aren't in baby step building mode.

I refuse to be ok with 9-8 and call it progress just because they were so pathetic last year.

That would be right in line with Garrett taking over a team that won a playoff game the previous season and telling us about a "process" that we have to endure before we can get anywhere.

Oh, uh....hype? Yep. I'm a little hyped up!


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You do not have to buy the hype and if you decide to do so, don't accuse someone of selling it to you, you bought it.

And what's wrong with that? Don't you get up for a new movie, album from one of your favorite bands, new TV show, new restaurant in your food wheelhouse or anything else you want to look forward to experiencing?

You are not gullible, an easy sell or any negatives because you want to get excited. Give yourself a break.

Damn, let's not beat ourselves up. Wasn't the anticipation of Christmas morning greater than the actual event. when you were young? People focus too much on the disappointment if it's not what they anticipated. What about all of that time spent in anticipation, was that just wasted?

I think there are a hell of a lot more posters here that are jazzed and feeling good than they want to let on about among the "Sam the Eagle's" of the forum.

Been a tough year, you need some joy, you deserve to feel positive about something. If you were too optimistic, that's OK. Be as happy as you can be now, do not put that off to a future time that may not come.

Don't over think it, you are a FAN and you are allowed to be a little wacky because it's all emotion. This is supposed to be fun.


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We all know the NFL is a business first, and a sport second. I enjoy football very much, especially the Cowboys. But I have become increasingly weary of all the hype and hoopla that surrounds my favorite team, especially this time of year.

Here’s a typical definition of HYPE: to promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance.

So hype in regard to the Cowboys can be to intensively publicize (often exaggerating) how good the product is going to be in advance of it happening. That sounds like the last quarter century to me. And by the way, I have no problem with any fan who does buy the hype.

Do I enjoy “Cowboys hype”? Honestly, sometimes I do. Sometimes the fan in me wants to believe every good possibility about a certain player or the team as a whole. Other times, especially the last decade, I get sick of all the hype from the leadership of this franchise that hasn’t come close to living up to the “secret sauce” comments about how good we are going to be. Honestly, the Jones boys will have to earn my trust with results on the field not their typical verbal hype.

Am I excited about the upcoming season? Yes. Do I have some hope? Yes. Do I believe all the stuff being said about how good we are going to be? I will believe it when it happens. Not before.
25 years of hype tends to diminish it greatly and I don’t buy into any of it. Do something on the field to merit it other wise it is just white noise


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-----even after this many years I have not lost hope

Wish I could say the same....until Booger and Chuckles are both out of the picture, there is VERY LITTLE hope!!!


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I pretty much ignore it.

I've learned over the years that the noise coming from the org is just noise, and mostly means absolutely nothing.
Agreed. One sign of a complete lack of accountability at the top of this organization is the shameless sales job they throw out every year. They can’t just let their actions talk.


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Don't care about hype in the least. Unfortunately you typically have to wade through some hype to get the information you seek. So I tolerate it in the name of getting knowledge about my favorite team.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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We all know the NFL is a business first, and a sport second. I enjoy football very much, especially the Cowboys. But I have become increasingly weary of all the hype and hoopla that surrounds my favorite team, especially this time of year.

Here’s a typical definition of HYPE: to promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance.

So hype in regard to the Cowboys can be to intensively publicize (often exaggerating) how good the product is going to be in advance of it happening. That sounds like the last quarter century to me. And by the way, I have no problem with any fan who does buy the hype.

Do I enjoy “Cowboys hype”? Honestly, sometimes I do. Sometimes the fan in me wants to believe every good possibility about a certain player or the team as a whole. Other times, especially the last decade, I get sick of all the hype from the leadership of this franchise that hasn’t come close to living up to the “secret sauce” comments about how good we are going to be. Honestly, the Jones boys will have to earn my trust with results on the field not their typical verbal hype.

Am I excited about the upcoming season? Yes. Do I have some hope? Yes. Do I believe all the stuff being said about how good we are going to be? I will believe it when it happens. Not before.
Get tired of it, let your play on the field speak for itself


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I have a love/hate thing with the hype. IMHO, there’s different levels of hype, both positive and negative. While I lean toward the positive, extremes on either side are the most annoying and detrimental to genuine fandom, and it’s all connected to money.

Take the “America’s Team” label. While I’m kinda proud because of its orgins, the team’s history and tradition, the whole largest fanbase and most valuable franchise thing, frankly, I only pull out the label when some snarky ABD goes on the attack. Otherwise, stay humble, enjoy the games and remain positive and hopeful. Have fun!


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One question, what exactly has been exaggerated about player(s) this offseason?

Exaggerated may not be the right word. But pretty much everything right now is hype. All the, "player X has been looking really good," stuff is completely meaningless until they put on pads and actually play some football. Sure, fans want to hear good things, but it should all be taken with a grain of salt.


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We all know the NFL is a business first, and a sport second. I enjoy football very much, especially the Cowboys. But I have become increasingly weary of all the hype and hoopla that surrounds my favorite team, especially this time of year.

Here’s a typical definition of HYPE: to promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance.

So hype in regard to the Cowboys can be to intensively publicize (often exaggerating) how good the product is going to be in advance of it happening. That sounds like the last quarter century to me. And by the way, I have no problem with any fan who does buy the hype.

Do I enjoy “Cowboys hype”? Honestly, sometimes I do. Sometimes the fan in me wants to believe every good possibility about a certain player or the team as a whole. Other times, especially the last decade, I get sick of all the hype from the leadership of this franchise that hasn’t come close to living up to the “secret sauce” comments about how good we are going to be. Honestly, the Jones boys will have to earn my trust with results on the field not their typical verbal hype.

Am I excited about the upcoming season? Yes. Do I have some hope? Yes. Do I believe all the stuff being said about how good we are going to be? I will believe it when it happens. Not before.
It's the typical approach of the media every year because it's proven to get them noticed. Beginning of the year, the Cowboys are hyped up. The homers get all excited and click articles. The haters get all excited and click articles. Then during halfway through the season and the Cowboys show they were nothing more than paper champions, the media starts their hate and the homers get all excited and click articles. The haters get all excited and click articles. There is nothing more predictable than those that love and hate the Cowboys.


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Exaggerated may not be the right word. But pretty much everything right now is hype. All the, "player X has been looking really good," stuff is completely meaningless until they put on pads and actually play some football. Sure, fans want to hear good things, but it should all be taken with a grain of salt.

I agree! Negative stuff too!