Does a Cowboys win or loss effect your next week?

With age comes wisdom my friend, that is an excellent way to look at sports.

When someone ties their happiness or self worth to the outcome of an event that they do not participate in or have any degree of control over the's time to reevaluate priorities

Especially with all these players on social media these days and you can see into their lives more than ever, you see they also move on right away. Many are out partying that night after a big loss. At the end of the day, it's their job. They all want to win but it's not the end of the world when they don't.

I'm still a huge sports fan and follow every year but I put it in perspective of what it is which is entertainment.
It's hard for it not to affect your mood when you have spent literally hundreds of hours researching, watching, and talking about the team... And spent thousands of dollars on merchandise/tickets through out the years.
It's hard for it not to affect your mood when you have spent literally hundreds of hours researching, watching, and talking about the team... And spent thousands of dollars on merchandise/tickets through out the years.

The emotional investment alone that we make renders it pretty tough to overcome the loss of a game. I can relate to that.
ok, so I change my answer - yes, losses impact me negatively, that has not changed...but, I am sitting here looking at all of the CRAP from the players and I feel dirty (See: Wilson, Irvin, Dak-to some degree, Zele, etc)
It did greatly as a kid and younger man in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Used to ruin a day and put me in a bad mood. Once Jerry got us into this massive losing era that encompassed the 2000s I stopped worrying and really, sadly, caring as much, because I knew he'd find a coach or way to screwup something good. The difference...myself and the organization expected to win and expected excellence in the early eras...that changed along the way and even the fan base started expecting "mediocre" and "being close"
It bugs the absolute **** out of me when we lose, especially home games since I have season tickets. It's not the losing that pisses me off so bad as all of the juvenile fans of the opposing team that act like they just won the lottery because their team won.

Losses of games I watch on TV don't matter as much unless the Cowboys are in the playoffs.

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