Does a Cowboys win or loss effect your next week?

It used to but not anymore. Even after the playoff losses, I'm fine a few days later. Life goes on. As I got older and realized sports is not as serious or important as I used to think, the success of my teams does not really have any bearing on my life anymore. Of course I love when Dallas wins and really want to see us bring home #6 but my life does not revolve around that as it used to.
Probably between a 3 and a 4 for me now. Used to be a 5 for sure. After the 2007 playoff game, I cried myself to sleep immediately after and was upset about that for months. Things have changed a little now. Although I did still go to sleep immediately after the Packers loss in January this year lol.
4.5 Losses don't affect me as much as they used to. A good close loss isn't as bad as a blown call or bad coaching decision. Still not over the Dez non-catch though. Hell it took me 10 yrs to get over "The Catch" in SF :(
4.5 Losses don't affect me as much as they used to. A good close loss isn't as bad as a blown call or bad coaching decision. Still not over the Dez non-catch though. Hell it took me 10 yrs to get over "The Catch" in SF :(

I still won't watch re-runs of the "the catch" game.....
It used to. I realized how absurd it was though so I stopped letting it affect me for more than an hour or two.
1. No, I just enjoy football and the Cowboys are my team.

2. Slightly, I follow the team closely and I matters.

3. Yes, But I get over it either way by mid week.

4. Are you kidding? ( I'ts a big deal man!)

5. My whole week is good or bad based on a win or loss. ( no exceptions)

I've travelled down the list as I've gotten older. It used to be "5", but now that seems a bit pathetic (although the playoff loss to GB stuck with me for a couple days).

Now it's more like "2" - it matters, but if the Cowboys losing a game is the worst thing that happens all week then my life is going alright.
I used to be a "5.0"... now I've mellowed and I'm a "4.9".

Kind of like a walking dead zombie who heals by Friday.
No. Not really.

I like driving around looking for babies to punch in the face...... No biggie. ;)
Mt whole week is not ruined but my Sunday tends to suck a lot more when they lose. As a kid it would bother me a lot more than when I grew up you understand that it is a game and while I am passionate about the game and this team it is still just a game that is outside of my control.
In the 60s 70s and thru the mid 80s.
Since then not at all.
Part of it is me growing old, part of it is the losing years after 85.
I used to be a 5 but as I aged and ESPECIALLY as I had children I mellowed a ton as I realized my family did not ask for and did not deserve me being a grade-A a**hole/grump/eyore to them -- especially my little kids who don't know / care / understand football and my passion for it.

I've traveled for business quite a bit in my life, often gone Monday - Friday and I just can't afford having one of my two days at home with family destroyed by a loss.
Are You kidding me???.......i become suicidal after a cowboy loss....and i am on cloud 9 if they damien wilson will be suspended along with Irving and then Zeke will for a couple of might be 2015 all over again
There was a time in my life that it was a strong "5". But I have to say time and age change many things. Now it is somewhere between "1" and "2". I still feel as passionate about my "Boys" but life has a way of teaching you that there are many more things more important than a cowboys win. JMO


I now give myself twelve hours to get over it, if needed. As you said, life will surely help put things in perspective. In particular, having kids. At the end of the day, it's entertainment and i've learned to accept it as such. Doesn't mean i don't follow the team as closely as before because i do.
So to answer the OP's question - the success of the Cowboys is surely a big deal, but I'd say they now have zero effect on my week.

Not to mention, the spectacular late game collapses over the past decade have to an extent numbed me to disappointment.I don't have to name the games. If you're a fan, you've seen them and know what im talking about.
It took me at least mid-week to not have a bad mood after the first Giants loss last season. I saw that one live and felt awful after that. And I wasn't really "over it" for weeks.

It definitely affects my mood going into work Monday.
I have to admit, I really enjoy the wins, losses bother me but not as much as they used too. I don't know if my expectations are lower or I have just realized that there are more important things in life.

After years of making my wife and kids miserable, I've finally embraced this mentality. I'm certainly a bit more perky after a win, but I refuse to ruin everyone else's day or week because of a loss. The end result? My wife and kids are willing to watch a lot more games with me now, so it's a win/win in my book.
It used to but not anymore. Even after the playoff losses, I'm fine a few days later. Life goes on. As I got older and realized sports is not as serious or important as I used to think, the success of my teams does not really have any bearing on my life anymore. Of course I love when Dallas wins and really want to see us bring home #6 but my life does not revolve around that as it used to.
With age comes wisdom my friend, that is an excellent way to look at sports.

When someone ties their happiness or self worth to the outcome of an event that they do not participate in or have any degree of control over the's time to reevaluate priorities

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