Does a Small Part of You Feel Bad For Dak?


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I feel bad for us, for having to get excited every regular season, only to be disappointed in the playoffs. Which then is followed by a sub set of people here making excuses and calling the rest of us names.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Does a Small Part of You Feel Bad For Dak?​

Yes but I have felt empathy for people under Jerry Jones for nearly 30 years. Executives. Coaches. Players. Scouts. Leadership is a necessary component of any organization, whether it be business, charity, whatever. Dallas is home to poor football operations leadership. It is corroded from the top and serves as poor championship seeking guidance for those working underneath.

Well. Everyone minus him and his DNA kids. And whoever wears the Rowdy outfit. Especially Rowdy.


Captain Catfish
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no. I dont. This game requires 110% prep and focus. I don't think he assessed things the right way. He was stunned looking all game.
He always has, many here identified and recognized it years ago.
Can not and has not ever handled the big stage with any confidence, always terrified.


Here comes the Sun...
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I almost feel bad for the low-IQ dak lovers on here, but then I remember how they talk him up and called all the people who thought dak sucked haters. I remember him being better than Mahomes and Troy, sheesh. Welcome to bizarro land. I almost forgot we were called Eagles fans. smh..
Yeah...I must be a low-IQ coward because every NFL coach, executives, coaches, scouts...everyone knows his game. But, it's not about football...

It's all about time to place that ACE of your money, honey.


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No. He played his hand to get as much money as he could and to double dip again on another big contract. He wants money, he gets criticism if he doesn't live up to the money he demands. If he did something like Tyron and took less money long term for the good of the team I'd have more sympathy but he wants to take care of himself first which is fine. Expect more money we expect more performance and wins.


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Sure I feel bad for him.

Seems like a decent enough guy. Obviously wants to succeed.....but he has major shortcomings at his job, which are beyond his ability to fix, and his incompetence is on full display for millions to see.

I'm sure that sucks!

Imagine your WORST day at work or school, where you screwed up big time. Now imagine a 100,000 people staring at you live in person while you made that mistake, and either booing you or laughing at you. With millions and millions watching/screaming/cursing/ mocking you at home.

Yep....dude had a bad day at the office. Def feel bad for him.

But....doesn't change the fact that Jerruh's job is to find a better person for the job.


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I thought I might get more traction on my comment about the undying love of America's Cowboy but I guess I miscalculated.


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Granted he has fame, fortune and the undying love of America's Cowboy, but a small part of me feels bad for him in that he has a high visibility job which he NEVER should have put into, and at which he will ultimately be (is) a flop.
Absolutely not. He’s a paid professional. Do you feel bad for guys who aren’t great at their jobs? They’re good enough to provide for their families but not good enough to ever own the company.


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The problem is anyone taking less for the Cowboys would be idiotic. The only thing that would happen is Stephen Jones would pocket the savings. We NEVER went all-in when Dak was on the rookie contract, but instead went budget shopping... and hence the fundamental problem of this organization. The chief football decision makers are also the owners, so there is zero accountability and real pressure to win because they can spin fools gold and get the Cowboys fans to shell out money for mediocrity
You make great points. However, Dak doesn’t have the high ground nor sympathy because he has chosen to self-prioritize. He made the choice even if it’s the right choice for playing for these Jones magpies.


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Remember Dak's tweets savaging Romo back when he was just a fan like us?

No I do not feel one bit sorry for him
. He's made more money than he'll ever spend and couldn't give two craps less how the fans feel

And he's about to demand $60 million a year more. And he'll probably get it

He deserves every bit of grief he's getting, and more. He's a damnable choker. And the reality is he doesn't care because he's only held accountable by the fans, and not by the people who could actually inflict some discomfort on him.


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Granted he has fame, fortune and the undying love of America's Cowboy, but a small part of me feels bad for him in that he has a high visibility job which he NEVER should have put into, and at which he will ultimately be (is) a flop.
I feel bad for any good player that has to listen to the drunken old codger and his spawn.


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Granted he has fame, fortune and the undying love of America's Cowboy, but a small part of me feels bad for him in that he has a high visibility job which he NEVER should have put into, and at which he will ultimately be (is) a flop.
He's actually gotten more passes than any other quarterback I've ever seen. Even Troy Aikman was booed.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Granted he has fame, fortune and the undying love of America's Cowboy, but a small part of me feels bad for him in that he has a high visibility job which he NEVER should have put into, and at which he will ultimately be (is) a flop.
Seems like good dude who has had to overcome his mother's early death and his brothers suicide.
I really wanted him to succeed, especially since he was QB of my favorite team.

He has had a measure of success, just can't clear the final hurdle of greatness.