Serious question. Does anyone else get absolutely mad when watching real and up to date NFL style coached games? The Jets offense on paper isn't as good as ours and yet they are moving the ball at will against a formidable defense. It's infuriating.
I have gotten past being mad.
Enormous disappointment yes.
To have watched this team for 45 years and I've seen it all.
I think patience is what is needed.
We have to move past depending on Romo and stop listening to Garrett continue to appear as the leader of the team.
He obviously doesn't have the team's focus and they are not following him.
They are going thru the motions because Jones keeps talking about Romo returning week 7.
We are again back to "Tony Tony please save us"..
a line we have heard for the last 5 years with no results.
So I am moving on. I am going to follow Houston as my fav team for awhile as Dallas goes thru its death throes.
That way my blood pressure stays where it needs to be going forward.
I'd suggest something similar to everybody.
Enjoy any succeess but in the words of Garrett "its a process".