Does anyone else get angry?

You have a problem too. You're a sanctimonious, lecturing windbag. Pretty sure that when he said he got angry, he was simply making a point about what he perceives as a lack of quality coaching and execution on this team. And then you felt the need to turn it into some diatribe about how he should be acting more like you.

FWIW, I don't think anyone should act like you. You're annoying as hell.

LOL. Sorry to see you're so upset. But you should check your reading comprehension; definitely never told anyone that they should act more like me. If fact I said quite the opposite- you do you bro.
Whoever said they don't get angry watching football


nice try
I go through all the emotions. Anger, sadness, disbelief, then as the days pass and it gets closer to the next game disbelief, synicism, then hope.

Like a freaking roller coaster. One day I hope to feel joy.

In regards to Cowboy games, I couldn't disagree. Monday morning, I was looking forward to basketball and thinking of giving up stressful football. Now, I can't wait for the game Sunday.
I get mad during games, when players make boneheaded mistakes.....well at least the team I am rooting for at the time.... I really get upset at my teams for mistakes made......but once the game is over, within a few minutes I am all good. No reason to stay mad when I have my beautiful wife and daughter there with me to turn my frown upside down. The last loss that really lingered for me was game 6 of the NBA finals, when the Spurs choked away the Championship. Even my wife took that one very hard.
I'm long past getting mad.. I think the last time I was really angry was in 2011 or so. Now I just expect failure because of the coaching and leadership (or lack thereof) of this sad franchise

I do find it hilarious that Garrett has been able to play his long con game for this long.. gotta give the guy kudos for that
Serious question. Does anyone else get absolutely mad when watching real and up to date NFL style coached games? The Jets offense on paper isn't as good as ours and yet they are moving the ball at will against a formidable defense. It's infuriating.

Why arent they as good as ours? Their receiving corps is better than ours by a long shot. Forte is a very good RB. And oh by the way another veteran RB I would have been more than happy to have signed along with a guy like Lamar Miller and drafted Jaylon Ramsey.

But yah..........they are coached by a real head coach that understands how to open it up and use the weapons that he has. I also think that their QB doesnt get enough credit. He is a solid QB.
If this is actually true, and you're not trolling, you have a problem.

Football season is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, for football fans.

You seriously sit around getting angry watching non-Cowboys games?

Hell, I don't even get angry watching games that involve the Cowboys. Maybe disappointed at times. Never exceeds that though.

LOL...........If you dont get mad watching Cowboys games then you simply dont care enough. Dont mock the rest of us for actually giving a #$%@.
Serious question. Does anyone else get absolutely mad when watching real and up to date NFL style coached games? The Jets offense on paper isn't as good as ours and yet they are moving the ball at will against a formidable defense. It's infuriating.

I will say this also..................I believe that Dak played a very good game. He got let down by a lot of people last week. Zeke was impatient and had a bad game. Dez dropped a TD and his coach wouldnt move him around. Beasley dropped a TD. Williams and Dunbar screwed up royally on the final drive. In the 4th quarter Collins had two horrid holding penalties that killed our two 4th quarter drives. If half of these plays are made we win that game going away and Dak throws for over 300 yards with a TD or two.

Like almost every season this team is rusty and ill prepared to start the season. I attribute that to a lack of depth, light practice schedules, and for the most part Romo being injured or coming off an injury and being rusty.
You're welcome.

I mean seriously, if there are fans who sit around getting pissed watching some random Thursday night Bills/Jets game because they've connected it to the Cowboys, I can't even imagine what kind of circus sideshow they become during an actual Cowboys game.
I do

What does a fan like that do? Work, raise a family, and watch football among many other outdoor activities.
Yell at people? Rarely
Hit their dog? No but punched a few couch cushions in my day
Throw stuff at the TV? Nope
Punch a hole in the wall? Nope

My lord. He's everyones Lord if you choose to accept him :)

What's the point in looking forward to football season if it's just going to piss you off when it actually gets here?
Because I'm a fanatic with Cowboy football and want to see them win championships. In general I'm a fanatic about perfection and winning. I really appreciate greatness in people and in team play and despise laziness, poor leadership, poor organizations who just get by. I'm an old capitalist and belief in hard work and winning the day from my labor. If your not winning consistently, your evidently not putting forth enough effort and resources (as you competition) and do not deserve to win. I became a fan long ago when the Cowboys were very innovative to find ways to win within the rules. They were at the top of the class as an organization and were very successful. I really appreciated how they perfected their craft especially in a team environment. Years later teams have caught up and now they are consistently passing us by where we are lucky to find a playoff berth. I don't root for losers unless they are at least attempting to change for the better. Sorry for the rant and thanks for asking.
However, I am now used to the Cowboys losing in the most unbelievable ways possible so I just laugh now.

Bingo!!! I left this out of my post, but I'm at this place now too. When something inexplicably happens, some boneheaded play, some miscue, I sometimes find myself laughing too. I think after the Terrance Williams play, I yelled, "Get out of bounds!" Then moments later, I think I laughed in that "this is typical Cowboy" way.

And then I think of what Stephen A. Smith says, "The Cowboys are just an accident waiting to happen! Just wait. Somewhere, somehow, the Cowboys will let you down!"

I know we fans hate it, but he speaks truth. 20 years and counting.
I get mad during games, when players make boneheaded mistakes.....well at least the team I am rooting for at the time.... I really get upset at my teams for mistakes made......but once the game is over, within a few minutes I am all good. No reason to stay mad when I have my beautiful wife and daughter there with me to turn my frown upside down. The last loss that really lingered for me was game 6 of the NBA finals, when the Spurs choked away the Championship. Even my wife took that one very hard.
I still haven't gotten over that one, it still hurts, even though the Spurs won the Championship in dominating fashion the following year. To this day, I still can't watch replays of those last few seconds, I have to change the channel or turn off the TV.
We were moving the ball just fine. We had 328 yards in one game to the Jets 416 in two games.

Just need to make our red zone visits count.
I get mad during games, there's no question about it. I was furious when I saw Williams not get out of bounds. But I would never let that anger linger afterwards where it affects my whole week and the people around me. Being young and having a family has drastically changed my ways after a Cowboys game compared to the way I used to act when I was a teenager. I love the Cowboys to death and I love football in general as well. However, I refuse to let this game and this team ruin my weeks, especially when I have a great family to come home to after work. If they makes me less a fan because I'm not passionate enough, then so be it.
More disappointment ... it's becoming obvious to me that Romo is the only reason Garrett has a job. They do not do very well with backups and I don't expect much out of Prescott at this stage.
I still haven't gotten over that one, it still hurts, even though the Spurs won the Championship in dominating fashion the following year. To this day, I still can't watch replays of those last few seconds, I have to change the channel or turn off the TV.

That's the way I am with "The Catch" game. I would love to watch the game because it was really a good game right up until the end. I can't remember what happened before "The Catch", but I know it was a great game because it came down to the wire.

But ... I simply can't watch the game. I just can't.

The Catch and the Leon Lett Thanksgiving Game are the two Cowboys games that had the greatest impact on me. I would also say Super Bowl 13, but the "epicness" of that game with all the future Hall of Famers (to this day, I think that game represented the greatest collection of talent to play in the Super Bowl) on the field. I'll watch it even though I know I'll relive the bogus "pass interference" call on Benny Barnes and the Jackie Smith TD drop. :mad:

Wait, said I didn't get mad anymore. :)
If this is actually true, and you're not trolling, you have a problem.

Football season is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, for football fans.

You seriously sit around getting angry watching non-Cowboys games?

Hell, I don't even get angry watching games that involve the Cowboys. Maybe disappointed at times. Never exceeds that though.
Good one but I think I am gonna cut my man some slack on his OP. I am sure he doesn't just sit around waiting for NFL Sundays to roll around so he can yet again kick in the screen of another flat screen TV while cursing his plight. Lol. I think with the coaching debacle we saw last week (at least from my perspective - and you can bet your arse I was seriously furious watching that BS), I am gonna chalk his reaction to the fact that the feelings from last game are still fresh. Some of us take a bit longer to get over the loss. But if you're like most fans I know (particularly Boys fans outside of Dallas/Texas area) losing will always put you in a surly mood. For me, it hurts way down deep inside!!! Lol. Smh. Since we live in enemy territory losing puts an even bigger cross hair on our backs so please and try to be compassionate to us lesser mortals!?!

But your post certainly got a good chuckle from me. Thx!
Serious question. Does anyone else get absolutely mad when watching real and up to date NFL style coached games? The Jets offense on paper isn't as good as ours and yet they are moving the ball at will against a formidable defense. It's infuriating.
Hey man. There's a reason they call it the "agony of defeat"...the sting of losses linger. And with these Thursday night games now a common thing, you don't get the time necessary to move on from a loss emotionally. You just sit there shaking you head saying to yourself "why can't my team do that?!!"

I feel your pain! Let's hope it gets alleviated this weekend!

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