Does anyone else remember Scandrick?

Scandrick always seemed to be in good coverage but the ball always seemed to be in the perfect spot that year.
I think the difference between Mo and Scandrick is that Scandrick has the drive to better himself, I don't see that from No. Just my opinion

Well said. Sort of like Sherman. And people complain about Sherman having a chip on his shoulder. I'd rather have a good CB with a chip on his shoulder than a bust with a weak mental makeup.

That's the thing, I don't buy that argument because those are the exact same things we were saying about Oscan before he got good. circa 2012 nobody was saying he had a chip on his shoulder, nobody was saying he had any kind of drive, nobody was calling him good. I'm sure we could archive threads about how terrible Oscan was and how many people wanted him gone, and majority of us were on board with it. I can't lie I was also on board with cutting his sorry tail after that terrible season. And yeah he turned it around and has most of us eating crown now, admitting we were wrong and how Scandrick is a valuable asset now. So it just goes to show how we cannot tell the future, so I don't think anyone can completely write Claiborne off or talk about his mental makeup or whatever, because we really can't predict a players future.
I think the thing you have to remember about Scandrick is that the coaching staff has always believed in him. They traded 2 draft picks (5th and 7th) to get him after he dropped in the draft due to character concerns (and I mean he did test positive for molly so not completely baseless). Then they gave him a long contract extension before he was even near free agency.

Any guy like that you know is probably showing something on film or in practice that we're not seeing in game.

Claiborne we traded up for, sure, but since then it seems like the coaching staff has been down on him.
That's the thing, I don't buy that argument because those are the exact same things we were saying about Oscan before he got good. circa 2012 nobody was saying he had a chip on his shoulder, nobody was saying he had any kind of drive, nobody was calling him good. I'm sure we could archive threads about how terrible Oscan was and how many people wanted him gone, and majority of us were on board with it. I can't lie I was also on board with cutting his sorry tail after that terrible season. And yeah he turned it around and has most of us eating crown now, admitting we were wrong and how Scandrick is a valuable asset now. So it just goes to show how we cannot tell the future, so I don't think anyone can completely write Claiborne off or talk about his mental makeup or whatever, because we really can't predict a players future.

Scandrick always had a chip on his shoulder, with that self confidence bordering on the side of arrogance..ask the media. Claiborne isnt from that school. He had a starting position handed to him based on his draft status, Scandrick earned his keep. And then when he (Mo) lost his spot you saw how he reacted. I'm sure everyone here would love to be wrong about Claiborne but he and Scandrick are two different players cut from two different cloths.
Scandrick has the kind of quickness, speed and aggressiveness that Claiborne will never have. It's nuts how so many folks overrated Mo's talents before that draft, even to the point of making Deion Sanders comparisons. I'll be tickled pink if he ever manages to become reasonably dependable, much less an impact type of cornerback.
I think Mo has the talent but sorely lacks confidence right now between that an injuries he has a big mountain in front of him to climb if he hope to get his career turned around.
mentally speaking there is a world of difference between Scan and Mo to mo's detriment.

How do we come to that conclusion though? We used to say there is a world of difference between Scan and other top notch CB's back in the day.
I was watching the replay of our two games against the Giants in 2011 and I watched Scandrick get toasted all game long on key 3rd downs time after time and it brought back my memories of how much I hated him that season and used to scream at the TV for him to get cut. Last year he was our best corner by far. It just amazes me how the heck did he improve so drastically in just 3 years? Things like that give me hope for Claiborne.

Jerome Henderson.

Dave Campo coached guys not to track the ball in the air. He's on film saying it to Scandrick in training camp in Hard Knocks.
Spagnola has a nickname for Scandrick, probably what all the media calls him. Sandpaper.
I was watching the replay of our two games against the Giants in 2011 and I watched Scandrick get toasted all game long on key 3rd downs time after time and it brought back my memories of how much I hated him that season and used to scream at the TV for him to get cut. Last year he was our best corner by far. It just amazes me how the heck did he improve so drastically in just 3 years? Things like that give me hope for Claiborne.

Hope for MO?

Scandrick has the kind of quickness, speed and aggressiveness that Claiborne will never have. It's nuts how so many folks overrated Mo's talents before that draft, even to the point of making Deion Sanders comparisons. I'll be tickled pink if he ever manages to become reasonably dependable, much less an impact type of cornerback.

40 Times
Claiborne: 4.5
Scandrick: 4.32

It's not particularly close, Scandrick was one of the fastest players in his draft class.
Hope for MO?


I get that you're trying to be funny Frozen, but im being completely serious though. The reasons people are giving, aren't adding up. They are saying these good things about Scandrick now, and praising his name but this guy was sitting at Morris Claiborne status just back in 2011. He was literally probably the most hated person on the defense that year. Close between him and T-Newman. It's like people get amnesia once a player is doing good. Nobody was saying give Scandrick the benefit of the doubt, literally everyone wanted his head on a platter after Victor Cruz and them boys made him into their personal play toy. I'm looking at Fan Zone posts from 2011 right now, and you would have thought OScan was the second coming of Ryan Leaf, the way people trash talked this guy. So why is it now that we have another CB (MO) who is now the whipping boy, nobody wants to admit that its possible he can also flip the script?
Scandrick was a great signing. Had people scratching their heads at the time, but Dallas saved themselves at least 3-5 mil per year - if he would've hit the open market he would've gotten paiddd.
Scandrick has the kind of quickness, speed and aggressiveness that Claiborne will never have. It's nuts how so many folks overrated Mo's talents before that draft, even to the point of making Deion Sanders comparisons. I'll be tickled pink if he ever manages to become reasonably dependable, much less an impact type of cornerback.

Look at this right here. Over half of the posters in that thread said we were gonna be screwed because of OScan, and Jerry paid him too fast stupid Jerry move, Scandrick sucks needs to be cut blah blah blah. And here we are 3 years later with one of the biggest serving of crow we've had here in the last few years. Wouldn't you think this would make us as fans be more hesitant to proclaim such and such player a bust, or trash or whatever? We as fans live in the moment way too much.
A good start is having training camps and preseasons....... Mo unfortunately has never had that and it looks like never will. Instead of taking his bumps and bruises in the preseason he's taking his in the regular season and he's having to get ready for the season DURING the season.
A good start is having training camps and preseasons....... Mo unfortunately has never had that and it looks like never will. Instead of taking his bumps and bruises in the preseason he's taking his in the regular season and he's having to get ready for the season DURING the season.

Thank you, now that kind of explanation I can buy. It sucks that he keeps getting hurt I really do feel that if he could stay healthy and get in all the practice time, he would turn some heads on the team. Maybe his body just isn't built for the abuse of the NFL.
Scandrick wasn't good early in his career. He would get converted on over and over. Steve Smith (Giants, who probably isn't even in the league anymore) constantly made him look foolish.

He's completely turned it around.
Yeah, I remember hating Scandrick in 2012. Especially in one game against the Falcons when he flat out cost us two big plays because he couldn't tackle.

Since then, he must have been coached-up because I think he is the best tackling CB we have and completely shutdown Harvin in that win against the Seahawks.

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