Does Lamb hold out?


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Go ahead, we aren't doing anything special this year.

When Zeke held out we actually had some hype going into the season. They needed him to "make a run."


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No player will hold out of TC. The NFL mandated fines are not negotiable, nor can they be waived by the teams anymore.
Not sure what it is per day, as I have not looked it up yet, but it can get very costly very quick.
Exactly but who cares about those fines it'd be the $1 million a game and all I care about is they show up for the game I don't think today's athlete need training camp or preseason as much as people think I mean I don't see any difference from the guys coming off injuries who can't really participate much in practice or training camp but seems five weeks into the season they come in and they're ready to go... I'm not saying it's not necessary but I'm not worried if they miss training camp to make a point into limit risk but if they're not there game one that's $1 million of money you'll never recoup you'll never make it up on the contract because you're gonna get your contract one way or the other from the Cowboys or someone else but $1 million a game this is not Ezekiel Elliott situation he's a running back that knew he was only gonna get one more shot at the Big Apple and it was not at this amount and I'm betting if the Cowboys front office didn't cave Elliott would have showed up for game one... There's a middle ground here people it's not the fault of the front office or the players or the agent this is just negotiating it's posturing it happens all the other teams too and I don't know why the people keep putting this on the Jones family... Sometimes this is just the way business is used to stare down you're trying to get the best on both sides and sometimes that just takes more time than fans wanna think it would or nosy *** sportscasters who think they know so....out running a billion dollar business....


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Yes, rookies pay is slotted, it does them no good to hold out. The 100th selected player will get around what the 99th and 101st player got. If they still do it that way, or within a reasonable amount.
That may be the way it is now but back when I don't know Mr. Emmitt Smith Mr. holdout he held out before his first contract he wanted more money than they said he was worth at his slotted area and he got it then he held out again then he got paid the third time but everyone saying it's the Joneses but hey the players never play hardball players are not greedy they only want what's coming to them quote/ UN quote really??

This reminds me of last year with Zach Martin posturing saying he wanted more money and so he didn't come into camps and practices and he wanted to make a point and then the Joneses caved everyone seemed to be on Martin's side he had one of his I don't know I'd say off years I don't wanna say it was bad but he was not himself he did not look great so we paid the man cannot even play that well I mean he got a new deal didn't even live up to expectations the ownership has a right to get the best possible deal because they know the return isn't gonna be equal to what these players are being paid now I mean outside of Patrick mahomes I don't know many that are actually impacting the game where they're carrying a team into a Super Bowl championship..


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I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to rookies. What I mean by that is, nothing has changed for rookies.
Edit: Yes this is correct. Rookies can still get fine forgiveness
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No it's the reverse. Rookies don't get fine forgiveness under the new cba but non rookie deals (aka the Martin situation last training camp) he was able to get fines waived.

"Martin was fined $50,000 per day for his absence, which cannot be rescinded or waived by the team. But he was willing to sit out for what Schefter called his belief that he was "woefully underpaid relative to the market.""

sure the Cowboys gave him a little extra or something but he did not get them waived information. It's crazy that a quick Google search can keep you from posting false information that you think you have in your memory is like all the other things said around here..

It does sound like if you're on your actual rookie contract that teams can help with fines however a fifth year option is not a rookie contract that's a new contract I mean there's a lot of variables in here but yeah I'm not even worried about whether the dude shows up for training camp or preseason fine or no fines he's trying to limit his risk all I want him is to show up for game one I don't think any players holding out this year and you can book it... penalties,contract as a veteran player.


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We're just talking about what he is actually making this year when he plays. It's 34M. What he gets after that is an entirely different situation. But he's not holding out. Regular season Dak will probably demand 60M from the Cowboys if he has to play out this season.
60M for *next* year.
This year, he's only due 30mil more.
I'd think he'd prefer to make 20-25 mil more *this* year. That's not chump change.
He'd also prefer to lock in a guarantee of a couple hundred mil rather than play a season unprotected for injury.


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What team would trade for him? Not saying no team would want him. But other teams are either set at QB or have drafted one recently.

Also, if Dak asked for a trade, I am sure he wants to go to a contender. Which, as I posted above, those teams have their QB in place.
Yes, there are a few teams that could use an upgrade that may be an option. But are those teams contenders. And would Dak think he could make them a contender

By contender, I mean to get to the playoffs.
People's evaluation of Dak likely varies, but he puts good product out there for the regular season. Easily Top Ten for the regular season. That's an improvement for a lot of teams.

I admit I have no particular suitor in mind. I don't follow the rest of the league except by happenstance.


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"Martin was fined $50,000 per day for his absence, which cannot be rescinded or waived by the team. But he was willing to sit out for what Schefter called his belief that he was "woefully underpaid relative to the market.""
Yeah I had it flipped. Rookie deals can still hold out with fine forgiveness.

Veterans can't waive fines but it's still worth it if you're a high dollar player because $500-700k in fines is 100% worth it if the net result is you getting 10+ million more in guaranteed money. Obsessing over a fine when the end result is you getting multiple times the guaranteed money you had going into the season is what rich people see us peasants as "penny smart dollar dumb".


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No player will hold out of TC. The NFL mandated fines are not negotiable, nor can they be waived by the teams anymore.
Not sure what it is per day, as I have not looked it up yet, but it can get very costly very quick.
Correct…they will now hold in rather than hold out. He’ll be a camp, but won’t practice because of some mysterious injury that will suddenly be fine once he gets his deal


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Yeah I had it flipped. Rookie deals can still hold out with fine forgiveness.

Veterans can't waive fines but it's still worth it if you're a high dollar player because $500-700k in fines is 100% worth it if the net result is you getting 10+ million more in guaranteed money. Obsessing over a fine when the end result is you getting multiple times the guaranteed money you had going into the season is what rich people see us peasants as "penny smart dollar dumb".
No not really in my opinion that's a bad mindset cause what if the team doesn't blink now are you gonna start giving up $1 million a game you're never recouping that money ever he's already gonna get that kind of money that he wants so him now losing $1,000,000 a game let's just put the fines aside I'm saying he will not hold out Bing fine for not being a training camp to me he's not a holdout he's limiting his risk for injury but I still think he'll show up for the games that's why the front office doesn't need to blink I hope they do sign in but this is the three-way negotiation between the team ownership and an agent and a player it doesn't get that done easy and everyone who's on land side means a no his people are waiting on jamar chase and Justin Jefferson to see what they get paid because they wanted one of them that is the problem right now you don't know what's going on behind closed doors you're making wild assumptions this is Jerry Jones and the Jones family being cheap and this is a three-way negotiation there are three participants that all could be blamed equally on why a deal hasn't been done yet...

It's no different than any other team how they handle it some of them just come to a negotiation quicker some players take the money and others they wanna hold out because they want the biggest bag so they can have the prize of being the highest paid player at their position and to me I'm not getting on board with that you should take top five money and be happy about it and to me lamb is not the best receiver in the NFL he's a top five receiver in the NFL but it's debatable on who the actual best receiver is and wanting to be the number one in money instead of just coming on board signing for a top five contract like Trayvon diggs did there is nothing wrong with that that's works for both sides you get your $30 million a year which is insane money to play wide receiver and the team gets the player they know can help them win games but don't act like CD land didn't drop passes and been scouted on the sideline last year in the playoff game that ain't giving me hope that he's getting $34 million or some reports are saying he's hoping to get 38 or 40 depending on what Justin Jefferson gets so let's remember there are other parties involved and stop blaming the ownership..

Because when you're in a league where there's a huge salary cap and roster limits an injury concerns that could happen and knowing your return on your investments not coming these dudes making this kind of money or not at least on this team elevating their team to greatness so I'm gonna have to say that there should be a lot of conceding on both sides that means they don't have to give you a new market money and set ******* records for contracts just to make your ego feel really good that you're the highest paid ever non quarterback in the league I mean that's what it's coming down to egos...

big dog cowboy

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No player will hold out of TC. The NFL mandated fines are not negotiable, nor can they be waived by the teams anymore.
Not sure what it is per day, as I have not looked it up yet, but it can get very costly very quick.
If it's not more than a cheeseburger and fries, it won't matter to these guys. I've always felt the fines were a joke and did no good.

Especially in the old days when the player would use them as a negotiation tool by saying, waive the fines and I'll sign.


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60M for *next* year.
This year, he's only due 30mil more.
I'd think he'd prefer to make 20-25 mil more *this* year. That's not chump change.
He'd also prefer to lock in a guarantee of a couple hundred mil rather than play a season unprotected for injury.
Of course he would prefer an extension. Most players do. But he's not making more this year under any circumstances. An extension does not provide more money this year. He'd have to pull a Zach Martin to get more money this year. Which he isn't doing.

There is one exception. If he gets an extension, he'll get signing bonus money up front. That would be in addition to his base pay. I just think they intend to extend him after the season.


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I can see Lamb and Parsons both holding out.

Dak, on the other hand, I have no idea. Dak wants money more than anything, and if it means him having to bust his butt trying to increase his value for free agency, I can see that happening. Unfortunately, whomever he goes to next, whether that means staying in Dallas or going elsewhere, will get the same Dak we have seen the past 4 years with the countless empty promises of getting better and not making any attempt at fulfilling them.

Dak is going to follow the money first. He has no loyalty to anything but himself.
So Dak is under contract and I think the penalties are pretty steep so he won't

Lamb and Parsons will probably show up to all mandatory activities too if I had to guess


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I can see Lamb and Parsons both holding out.

Dak, on the other hand, I have no idea. Dak wants money more than anything, and if it means him having to bust his butt trying to increase his value for free agency, I can see that happening. Unfortunately, whomever he goes to next, whether that means staying in Dallas or going elsewhere, will get the same Dak we have seen the past 4 years with the countless empty promises of getting better and not making any attempt at fulfilling them.

Dak is going to follow the money first. He has no loyalty to anything but himself
I can see Lamb and Parsons both holding out.

Dak, on the other hand, I have no idea. Dak wants money more than anything, and if it means him having to bust his butt trying to increase his value for free agency, I can see that happening. Unfortunately, whomever he goes to next, whether that means staying in Dallas or going elsewhere, will get the same Dak we have seen the past 4 years with the countless empty promises of getting better and not making any attempt at fulfilling them.

Dak is going to follow the money first. He has no loyalty to anything but himself.
Dak play on 5th year option and tag and bet on himself. He never held out. Lamb isn’t gonna hold out because he’s making huge money on the 5th year option and he knows he won’t be tagged next year. Micah isn’t holding out either because he doesn’t want to be giving his money back. But what dragging these things out does is show the player and other players that they are just a commodity to the team. If you plan to sign a guy then you get it done. Waiting on lamb has only raised the cost. If you aren’t gonna sign a guy you trade him before the last year so you get picks that year


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So Dak is under contract and I think the penalties are pretty steep so he won't

Lamb and Parsons will probably show up to all mandatory activities too if I had to guess
No ones holding out. But the costs are only rising and any good will is out the window. Lamb should have already been done. If they plan to keep Dak then it should have already been done. Micah is next years issue. But if you wasn’t keeping Dak you should have made moves to add picks so you could replace him


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If you aren’t gonna sign a guy you trade him before the last year so you get picks that year
THIS is why you have to believe Jerry has every intention of extending Dak........ just whether it's their numbers or Dak's. ( Bad year for Dak= their numbers.......Good year for Dak = his numbers)


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Exactly, Zeke's motivation centered around positional value and injury risk AND he didn't trust Stephen ( after the stunt he pulled with DeMarco Murray).
Yeah, I think Zeke's motivation was he didn't believe he'd get a 2nd contract. His leverage was that the Cowboys season hinged on him being on the team. It forced Jerry to remember Emmitt Smith.


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Yeah, I think Zeke's motivation was he didn't believe he'd get a 2nd contract. His leverage was that the Cowboys season hinged on him being on the team. It forced Jerry to remember Emmitt Smith.
Yep......I recall Stephen was so focused on getting Dak's deal done. He kept reminding the public how Zeke would get his money BUT he needed him to be patient. Since Zeke was going into his 4th year, Stephen was thinking he still had a 5th-year option and tag in his back pocket. Simply put, Zeke caught them totally off guard with a holdout. Looking back, Stephen probably should have called his way Zeke was going anywhere over the next 3 years.


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I'm uncertain that the best way to describe Lamb's hesitation to pursue signing with the Cowboys is due to "holding out." I'd venture to say what he actually appears to be doing is to maximize the likelihood of becoming one of the premier money earners in the WR corps of the NFL. Word is out that he's awaiting the signing of Justin Jefferson before signing a bountiful contract. I suspect his agent is offering some guidance in that direction.