Does the younger generation care about our team history?


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we always think we have arrived, right after the draft then camp. Jerry tells the world that. Same with the team. Its all fake.


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In our success as an organization years ago we were made a name for ourselves, and were labeled as America's Team. Some of you have been fans longer than I've been alive (40). Our success in the past speaks for itself. With that said, are the current generation of cowboys players concerned about our history and living up to the standard that was created before them?

Or do they not get caught up in that, and focus on the present?? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts, it may not be every player, but some it may be!
This is actually a pretty interesting question. I was just watching an old interview last night that Michael Irvin gave and he went on about the history and said “I know all those great who went before me playing my position on this team. I’m not gonna go out there and let them down.” The Cowboys have some of the richest history in the NFL. These guys, like Irvin said, need to honor that.


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My three sons are 40, 38, and 35. They grew up watching the Cowboys with me. Now they think the Cowboys are a joke. They are all three big Mavs, Rangers and Stars fans.
Let me ask you a serious question, being that they watched them with you all their lives (hoping to get my sons to do the same!), how does that make you feel to know that they feel this way???? It has to do something to you


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This is actually a pretty interesting question. I was just watching an old interview last night that Michael Irvin gave and he went on about the history and said “I know all those great who went before me playing my position on this team. I’m not gonna go out there and let them down.” The Cowboys have some of the richest history in the NFL. These guys, like Irvin said, need to honor that.
Thanks, but do the players now really care about NOT LETTING THOSE PLAYERS down, or is it more of staying relevant for my fans in my podcast, my friends back home, etc etc


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Thanks, but do the players now really care about NOT LETTING THOSE PLAYERS down, or is it more of staying relevant for my fans in my podcast, my friends back home, etc etc
Do they care? I doubt it. This generation and society as a whole is more selfish and entitled.


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Let me ask you a serious question, being that they watched them with you all their lives (hoping to get my sons to do the same!), how does that make you feel to know that they feel this way???? It has to do something to you
It makes me a little sad but I understand. They don’t hate the Cowboys as much as they just don‘t trust them.

When the Cowboys last were in a SB, my sons were 13, 11 and 8. They hung with Cowboys until about 2010. By then they were just more interested in the other 3 Dallas teams because frankly they have all won championships since the Cowboys last did. They love football but they think the Cowboys are a lost cause until Jerry and son aren’t the centerpiece.


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Believe it or not this franchise used to be a remorseless winning machine. It was all that mattered to the people involved and it actually worked. Anyone who does not see what this team has become is ignorant of the past or in denial. I will never stop following and watching the team but I can never truly believe in them ever again. I wish I could. It really sucks. I can not.


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I don't think the current generation cares much about the history of the Cowboys. We live in a what have you done for me lately world, and half the guys playing now weren't even born to see a Cowboys super bowl. The ones that were born were too young to remember it. Playing for the Cowboys probably means more to players in terms of extra endorsement deals than the history or pride of the franchise.....and to be honest can anyone blame them at this point? Eventually a franchise has to earn a little respect instead of living off of history they made 30+ years ago.


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People care, sure.

The problem is that the historically great teams are irrelevant now because of the salary cap and, quite frankly, rule changes. People think they are a model of how to build a franchise, and they're not.


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This is a good question.
I was 11 yrs old during the Cowboys' first few seasons (1961,'62 etc). I think the primary difference between the 60's, 70's, 80s Cowboys culture, and the Jerruh Jones era, is the owner/management/personnel teams. From the team's inception, Clint Murchison, Jr., a great hands-off owner, and GM Tex Schramm, Coach Landry and Gil Brandt are legendary NFL figures. I think Jerry Jones et al are farcical by comparison. and the NFL was a vastly different entity then as compared to now.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Believe it or not this franchise used to be a remorseless winning machine. It was all that mattered to the people involved and it actually worked. Anyone who does not see what this team has become is ignorant of the past or in denial. I will never stop following and watching the team but I can never truly believe in them ever again. I wish I could. It really sucks. I can not.
I feel that pain. I grew up going to Cowboys games as a kid with my dad and brother. Saw games at the Cotton Bowl, Texas Stadium and eventually AT&T. My first sports hero as a kid was “Bullet” Bob Hayes. Got to see him play in person multiple times.

It was all so thrilling watching the Cowboys win 20 playoff games in 20 seasons from 1966-85. Then later we won 12 playoff games between 1991-96. It’s just unbelievable that this great franchise won 32 playoffs games in 31 seasons and have won 4 playoff games in the last 28 seasons. It is just sad.


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It makes me a little sad but I understand. They don’t hate the Cowboys as much as they just don‘t trust them.

When the Cowboys last were in a SB, my sons were 13, 11 and 8. They hung with Cowboys until about 2010. By then they were just more interested in the other 3 Dallas teams because frankly they have all won championships since the Cowboys last did. They love football but they think the Cowboys are a lost cause until Jerry and son aren’t the centerpiece.
Much love to you and the family!!!


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This is a good question.
I was 11 yrs old during the Cowboys' first few seasons (1961,'62 etc). I think the primary difference between the 60's, 70's, 80s Cowboys culture, and the Jerruh Jones era, is the owner/management/personnel teams. From the team's inception, Clint Murchison, Jr., a great hands-off owner, and GM Tex Schramm, Coach Landry and Gil Brandt are legendary NFL figures. I think Jerry Jones et al are farcical by comparison. and the NFL was a vastly different entity then as compared to now.


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People care, sure.

The problem is that the historically great teams are irrelevant now because of the salary cap and, quite frankly, rule changes. People think they are a model of how to build a franchise, and they're not.
So true!!!!!!!


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I don't think the current generation cares much about the history of the Cowboys. We live in a what have you done for me lately world, and half the guys playing now weren't even born to see a Cowboys super bowl. The ones that were born were too young to remember it. Playing for the Cowboys probably means more to players in terms of extra endorsement deals than the history or pride of the franchise.....and to be honest can anyone blame them at this point? Eventually a franchise has to earn a little respect instead of living off of history they made 30+ years ago.
I wondering what they're thinking when they walk in the building and see the history like WOW, then they whisper to their family, "who is that!" lol Oh Oh I know dez and witten:facepalm:


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Most fans care about winning. That is it. Nothing more. In Dallas (and most of the NFL for that matter) players, coaches and owners care about money. That is it. Nothing more.

It may not be the best comparison but I work as a consulting engineer. All I care about are the projects and the clients I work for. The company I work for does not care about projects or clients. They care about accounting and metrics. They care about 10% growth every year. They care about inflating the share prices. They care about selling the company to someone bigger. They care about money. It really isn't that much different.