Does the younger generation care about our team history?


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I don't know how much they care about team history. But the younger generation here like RustyBourneHorse has passion for a team that's never done anything during his entire years as a fan.

I gotta respect that.
One of my best friends is from Michigan and a lifelong Lions fan.
And then there's all the other teams fans of teams with NO history of championships or only failed attempts and seem to be a lot less complicated fans than us Cowboy fans, lol.
I can be totally honest with myself and say that all the winning with Landry did create in me a certain sense of entitlement growing up as a fan.

And for some strange reason I still like to think the Cowboy standard as that way.

Winning and competing for championships.

But then I realize that that standard slipped away many years ago.
Now we take what we can get.

Wild Card and reg. season banners are our new ceiling.
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PA Cowboy Fan

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I;m not saying we cant be disappointed but he has done a decent job in 30 years
3 Super Bowl titles, winning decades in the 1990's, 2000's, 2010's and 2020's so far

Going back to when Jerry bought the team how did you envision the next 30+ years to be?
Things appeared pretty bleak in 1987, 1988, 1989. They were on their way to becoming a bottom feeder at the time.
If you would have told me then they would win Super Bowls at any point in the next 30+ years I would be happy

Do you think Bum Bright or some other owner would have done a better job all these years? Bum was broke and wasnt even a Cowboys fan

This is before the salary cap and free agency

Imagine being a Bills fan, all those people want is 1 Super Bowl title
I think any owner could have done better than Jerry since our last SB win. We have 4 playoff wins this century. That's a bottom feeder franchise. We can't even win a divisional playoff game. I know we compete in the weak NFCE but I don't even care about division titles any more. I can't even tell you all the ones we've won since the 90's other than the 2 we lost as the #1 seed. I actually was made fun of in the late 80's for being a Cowboy fan but it's nothing like it is now. I appreciated Jerry for bringing in Jimmy at the time but he's lost all that good will with me. I was young when we won those SB's. I'm getting old now. I really don't care that we won SB's back in the 90's because it feels like a different team. And other teams are winning with the salary cap. Maybe they're not winning SB's but they are competing. We aren't even doing that. If you can't win in the playoffs then you're not competing. And yea Bum Bright was an awful owner. Maybe he got revenge on all of us.


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I thought the OP was asking of younger generation of FANS cared about DAL history.

But then his post specifically asks do the younger cowboy PLAYERS care about the history.

The answer to that is NO..regardless of what they say. Just like PIT or SF players don't care about their history. He'll, even New England players likely don't care about their history which was just 5 years ago.

They care about getting paid maximum dollars. Some care about winning too...but for themselves and their current teammates.

There's probably cowboy players now that couldn't tell you who Jay Novecek was or Alvin Harper.

Most look at 9-11 like we look at WW2....something that happened in history b4 we were born.


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I thought the OP was asking of younger generation of FANS cared about DAL history.

But then his post specifically asks do the younger cowboy PLAYERS care about the history.

The answer to that is NO..regardless of what they say. Just like PIT or SF players don't care about their history. He'll, even New England players likely don't care about their history which was just 5 years ago.

They care about getting paid maximum dollars. Some care about winning too...but for themselves and their current teammates.

There's probably cowboy players now that couldn't tell you who Jay Novecek was or Alvin Harper.

Most look at 9-11 like we look at WW2....something that happened in history b4 we were born.
I think they care somewhat. You don't dawn a Lakers uniform for example without knowing they're a legendary franchise and wanting to live up to that legacy. Same for Steelers or 49ers or Cowboys or Yankees.


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I think any owner could have done better than Jerry since our last SB win. We have 4 playoff wins this century. That's a bottom feeder franchise. We can't even win a divisional playoff game. I know we compete in the weak NFCE but I don't even care about division titles any more. I can't even tell you all the ones we've won since the 90's other than the 2 we lost as the #1 seed. I actually was made fun of in the late 80's for being a Cowboy fan but it's nothing like it is now. I appreciated Jerry for bringing in Jimmy at the time but he's lost all that good will with me. I was young when we won those SB's. I'm getting old now. I really don't care that we won SB's back in the 90's because it feels like a different team. And other teams are winning with the salary cap. Maybe they're not winning SB's but they are competing. We aren't even doing that. If you can't win in the playoffs then you're not competing. And yea Bum Bright was an awful owner. Maybe he got revenge on all of us.
A true bottom feeder franchise is one that doesn't make the playoffs or have winning seasons. They also consistently draft in the Top 5, calling us a bottom feeder is not true but is ridiculous. If any owner could have won back in 1989 they sure werent around at the time. Were you saying that when they won Super Bowls in the 1990's. Only 4 franchises have won 3 or more Super Bowls in that time. Is that a bottom feeder?