Does the younger generation care about our team history?


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I grew up in a family of Packer fans. In the 1990s when we were stomping the Packers my family would often remark about the Packer's glory years under Lombardi and their 5 Championships/Superbowls they won in the 1960's. My response was always some version of "That was 30 years ago, that's the best you got? Let's talk about football that wasn't being played when Lyndon Johnson was president".

Now I find myself doing everything I can NOT to be be that. The amount of time between the 1990s Cowboys and the Lombardi Packers is now equal to the 90's Cowboys (the last time they were truly good) and today.

Largely I keep my mouth shut about the Cowboy's glory years, which was, let's face it, last century.
That is the difference between football and baseball
baseball fans revel in the past and honor their great teams and players football fans forget and disregard the great teams and players and the history and not being important because its in the past

if you tell baseball fans that its all in the past they dont care because to them it is the foundation of the sport , football its only the most recent game


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recency bias, most recent game and narrative is what they think of
I think you're right about this. Not only about games, but the peripheral stuff too. If you mentioned Crazy Ray to some of the new fans, you'd most likely hear a response like, "Who is that??"


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I think you're right about this. Not only about games, but the peripheral stuff too. If you mentioned Crazy Ray to some of the new fans, you'd most likely hear a response like, "Who is that??"
That is what i've noticed about the fans and the media, its all about the most recent game and the narrative, if the most recent game fits the narrative then it becomes an infinitive, now, forwards and backwards in time
If the most recent game does not fit the narrative then it is dismissed, discounted or ignored

Narrative: Dak can't win in the playoffs
truth: He beat Tampa and Brady in the playoffs
Narrative: Doesn't matter, Tampa wasnt any good, that is just one game

Narrative in 1966 through 1970
truth: Cowboys cant win the big one
Cowboys win Super Bowl VI
narrative broken

2023 Narrative: Cowboys cant win the big one
truth: Cowboys have won 5 Super Bowls
narrative: that was so long ago that it doesnt matter (dismissed, discounted or ignored)

imagine Stephen A Smith and Bayless being on TV in those days, they would have melted down
but these shows have been on in the championship drought years they are only from their perspective with their time on the air so their narratives are based on what they have witnessed not from recorded football history


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I'm old and don't care about Cowboys history much anymore. Almost irks me when people brag about 5 dusty *** trophies.


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I'm old and don't care about Cowboys history much anymore. Almost irks me when people brag about 5 dusty *** trophies.
There have been 57 Super Bowl trophies and they all count the same


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The majority of the players on this team were born after them, they have no recollection of any success or history in the early 1990's and beyond. Just a team that pays their any company. It's a business. Unfortunately, not like the fans who do care and take pride.


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As a 31 yo, I very much care about the fact that I'm a Cowboys fan. I've stated and will state again that I'm a loyal fan. As for the America's Team label, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, it's a cool nickname. On the other, it's a target on our backs that I'm not sure we need anymore.


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That is what i've noticed about the fans and the media, its all about the most recent game and the narrative, if the most recent game fits the narrative then it becomes an infinitive, now, forwards and backwards in time
If the most recent game does not fit the narrative then it is dismissed, discounted or ignored

Narrative: Dak can't win in the playoffs
truth: He beat Tampa and Brady in the playoffs
Narrative: Doesn't matter, Tampa wasnt any good, that is just one game

Narrative in 1966 through 1970
truth: Cowboys cant win the big one
Cowboys win Super Bowl VI
narrative broken

2023 Narrative: Cowboys cant win the big one
truth: Cowboys have won 5 Super Bowls
narrative: that was so long ago that it doesnt matter (dismissed, discounted or ignored)

imagine Stephen A Smith and Bayless being on TV in those days, they would have melted down
but these shows have been on in the championship drought years they are only from their perspective with their time on the air so their narratives are based on what they have witnessed not from recorded football history
You hit the 1966-1970 narrative just right, chuck. A particularly painful Cowboys period (Ice Bowl, 1967; Bitter loss to Colts in 1971 SB), that beat writers and pundits used to jab our then agonized fans by creating memes like "Next Years Champions" (Cowboys fans weren't amused); as you said, SB VI ended that.


Cowboy for Life
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i definitely care. that’s the reason i myself expect so much of this franchise.


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It's like Al Bundy talking about how great he was in high school but is a shoe salesman now. If on the team bragging rights for life but as a fan, just eh.
That is a prime example of the "recency bias". The most important or only thing important is winning now. Most recent game then backwards.
The further back you go the least important it is even though statistically there is no difference.

This year counts as 40, last year 39, 2 years ago 38, 3 years ago 37, etc. This is subjective.

This is the corporate media narrative and it has brainwashed the fans.

All that matters is the most recent season
All that matters are the seasons since Super Bowl XXX (to support the narrative)

28 years and no Super Bowl title is unusual?
Is that the longest drought? if so by how many years?


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The team we used to know as The Cowboys is dead and its not coming back as long as the Jones own it .All you have now is a circus with Cowboys logo run by a PR company.
Thats been the narrative since he bought the team
The same people angry that he fired Tom Landry are angry that he "fired" Jimmy even though if hadn't fired Tom Landry then Jimmy would not have been the coach and won Super Bowls

Were you aware how bad a shape the team was in prior to Jerry? bad on the field, going broke, no one at the games

PA Cowboy Fan

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Thats been the narrative since he bought the team
The same people angry that he fired Tom Landry are angry that he "fired" Jimmy even though if hadn't fired Tom Landry then Jimmy would not have been the coach and won Super Bowls

Were you aware how bad a shape the team was in prior to Jerry? bad on the field, going broke, no one at the games
We had 3 bad seasons with Landry. We've had nearly 30 mediocre seasons with Jerry. At least without Jerry there is hope. He is not the same person he was when he bought the team. He has sucked the life out of this fan base.


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You hit the 1966-1970 narrative just right, chuck. A particularly painful Cowboys period (Ice Bowl, 1967; Bitter loss to Colts in 1971 SB), that beat writers and pundits used to jab our then agonized fans by creating memes like "Next Years Champions" (Cowboys fans weren't amused); as you said, SB VI ended that.
it ended the narrative in 1971 but the narrative is back

The corporate media narrative is the Cowboys can't win the big one as an infinitive
meaning they have never won it and wont win it in the future, it is unprecedented. It ignores or discounts history.

The talk shows have been on for about 20 years going back to Cold Pizza 20 years ago, that was the origin of the First Take, Undisputed, etc shows of today and in the era of those shows the franchise has been in a drought so you have to assume their audience is younger and have no memory before the drought so this is all they know therefore it is the narrative.

Then if anything challenges the narrative as false it is discounted, dismissed and ignored: Too long ago, not since VHS tapes, etc.

They have to ignore the past because it makes the narrative appear false

The narrative there is a drought, 28 years, yes
But that is not unusual
20 teams have won the Super Bowl, 12 have not so at least 12 have a longer drought
Of the 20 teams that have won, 5 have a longer drought than the Cowboys

of the 13 teams that have won since the Cowboys won the Super Bowl
many of them went 20, 30, 40, 50 years in between Super Bowl championships or NFL championships (Pre Super Bowl era)

I'm not saying 28 years is good but its nowhere the longest drought and not the only one

Miami has not won a Super Bowl in 50 years for example and they were a great franchise for decades but you never hear that narrative
The Packers went 29 years without a SB title after Vince Lombardi until Holmgren, there was no narrative then
The Steelers went 26 years without a SB title after Terry Bradshaw until Ben, there was no narrative then

The Eagles went 52 years until they won a Super Bowl and 57 years after an NFL title

So these long droughts are not unusual and more typical since franchises usually win their Super Bowls in the same era as opposed to decades apart

The Fonz

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Thats been the narrative since he bought the team
The same people angry that he fired Tom Landry are angry that he "fired" Jimmy even though if hadn't fired Tom Landry then Jimmy would not have been the coach and won Super Bowls

Were you aware how bad a shape the team was in prior to Jerry? bad on the field, going broke, no one at the games
I was aware of the team but I only start to watch closely in the early 90's.Back in the 80's i used to watch mostly west cost teams.
Now i understand your point but it has been almost 30 years and the team still lacking .So maybe it is the front office issue.


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We had 3 bad seasons with Landry. We've had nearly 30 mediocre seasons with Jerry. At least without Jerry there is hope. He is not the same person he was when he bought the team. He has sucked the life out of this fan base.
I;m not saying we cant be disappointed but he has done a decent job in 30 years
3 Super Bowl titles, winning decades in the 1990's, 2000's, 2010's and 2020's so far

Going back to when Jerry bought the team how did you envision the next 30+ years to be?
Things appeared pretty bleak in 1987, 1988, 1989. They were on their way to becoming a bottom feeder at the time.
If you would have told me then they would win Super Bowls at any point in the next 30+ years I would be happy

Do you think Bum Bright or some other owner would have done a better job all these years? Bum was broke and wasnt even a Cowboys fan

This is before the salary cap and free agency

Imagine being a Bills fan, all those people want is 1 Super Bowl title