Does the younger generation care about our team history?


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Most fans care about winning. That is it. Nothing more. In Dallas (and most of the NFL for that matter) players, coaches and owners care about money. That is it. Nothing more.

It may not be the best comparison but I work as a consulting engineer. All I care about are the projects and the clients I work for. The company I work for does not care about projects or clients. They care about accounting and metrics. They care about 10% growth every year. They care about inflating the share prices. They care about selling the company to someone bigger. They care about money. It really isn't that much different.
so when is winning important


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I wondering what they're thinking when they walk in the building and see the history like WOW, then they whisper to their family, "who is that!" lol Oh Oh I know dez and witten:facepalm:
Since they weren't around by and large, I don't believe the current generation truly understands the real sea change the organization/team went through post 1989 purchase and transition to Jones ownership. Two completely different concepts and philosophies. i.e. comparing Tex Schramm to Jerry Jones. Absurd.


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Since they weren't around by and large, I don't believe the current generation truly understands the real sea change the organization/team went through post 1989 purchase and transition to Jones ownership. Two completely different concepts and philosophies. i.e. comparing Tex Schramm to Jerry Jones. Absurd.
big difference!!


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so when is winning important
When the organization and its key leaders make winning THE bottom line. Making money for all NFL teams now is a given. The Cowboys will make piles of cash regardless of record.

Imagine if the owner of this team was so committed to winning a championship that he was willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win a championship. But our owner is NOT willing to to whatever it takes. Because stepping aside and hiring a real GM and letting them run things would show a real commitment to win a championship because the owners of the last 28 SB winners all hired a GM.

It‘s sadly obvious by now that the bottom line for Jerry is two fold: Making lots of money and being able to play with his money toy however he wants is HIS bottom line. If winning a championship while doing it that happens, he would love it. But he’s obviously not willing to do whatever it takes. Obviously.


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When the organization and its key leaders make winning THE bottom line. Making money for all NFL teams now is a given. The Cowboys will make piles of cash regardless of record.

Imagine if the owner of this team was so committed to winning a championship that he was willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win a championship. But our owner is NOT willing to to whatever it takes. Because stepping aside and hiring a real GM and letting them run things would show a real commitment to win a championship because the owners of the last 28 SB winners all hired a GM.

It‘s sadly obvious by now that the bottom line for Jerry is two fold: Making lots of money and being able to play with his money toy however he wants is HIS bottom line. If winning a championship while doing it that happens, he would love it. But he’s obviously not willing to do whatever it takes. Obviously.
regardless of record, and that's the proof in the pudding, you don't even have to win championships, just win some games, come back in the off season hype the team up etc, and run it all back over again


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I wondering what they're thinking when they walk in the building and see the history like WOW, then they whisper to their family, "who is that!" lol Oh Oh I know dez and witten:facepalm:
I went to my nephews basketball game a couple weeks ago, and the high school gym was loaded with all the championship banners the school had. Problem is I remember seeing one banner from I think a 2010 conference championship and everything else was the 80s/90s/very early 2000s. It was clear that the school was once an athletic powerhouse, but now it just seems....almost sad? That's sort of how I view the Cowboys and for reference I'm 35. I remember growing up and even during some terrible years of 5-11 Dave Campo seasons I had a lot of pride in being a Cowboy fan because of the history they had. Fast forward to now and sort of like that high school the Cowboys historic success almost hurts my view of the franchise because it just highlights the lack of success they've had since the mid 90s more than anything and leave me asking "what the heck happened"


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Generalization is usually unfair. I still fall into that trap myself occasionally.

I think recognition and (hopefully) admiration of the franchise's accomplishments, and even struggles, up to January 1996 is a young fan, case-by-case examination. History is a subject that naturally appeals to some people. Some young fans will naturally be inclined to learn and subsequently appreciate the legacy of the franchise that became America's Team before their time. All others would be a question mark.

The Dallas Cowboys' story has been bittersweet. A brand new team added to the NFL's old guard in 1960. The initial years of a brilliant young coach gradually teaching his players what it meant to perform like champions. Then achieving that goal, only to fall JUST short for several more seasons but finally breaking through--combining winning regular seasons with championships, near championships and almost annually being in the unquestionable hunt for championships.

Next was the near decade decline from greatness and the beginning of the franchise's last two chapters in its history. The next-to-last chapter involved the partnership of two college friends--one being a national championship winning and highly respected college head coach. The other was a rich unknown. Both helped reverse the decline and returned the franchise to greatness again.

The last chapter began with enormous, never before seen melodrama. A final championship was the last breath taken by the franchise's previous chapter. Afterwards, a new and profound decline has stretched for nearly three decades. An extended time dotted with teams that teased as truly competitive but short-circuited repeatedly. An era punctuated by one individual's self-centered vision for success, bounded and encumbered by its shortsighted lack of it.

The chapter, which we all live in, has been atypical of what used to be. It would be naturally hard to related to what once was, no matter how any young people would try acclimating themselves, to what they do not know and never experienced. Perhaps it might be best and fair to let them digest what is put on their plate and ultimately write their own review of what this once perennial National Football League franchise means to them.


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In our success as an organization years ago we were made a name for ourselves, and were labeled as America's Team. Some of you have been fans longer than I've been alive (40). Our success in the past speaks for itself. With that said, are the current generation of cowboys players concerned about our history and living up to the standard that was created before them?

Or do they not get caught up in that, and focus on the present?? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts, it may not be every player, but some it may be!
players today are mostly concerned with themselves lol. Glory $ chicks, Cars etc.
They dont care about cowboy history except maybe breaking a cowboy individual record.


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players today are mostly concerned with themselves lol. Glory $ chicks, Cars etc.
They dont care about cowboy history except maybe breaking a cowboy individual record.
hey hey hey let's get him one quick catch in this blow out to pad his historical day!!

Blast From The Past

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I do. That’s the reason Im so in love with this franchise. But I really really don’t like Jerry Jones and i think he deserves every loss. if would have known, i would be rooting for another team.
I love the Dallas Cowboys franchise too. That is what makes it difficult to go with a different team. I am fine with Jerry the owner. It is Jerry the GM that I have a problem with. I'd love to spend a night just chatting with the old relic because I'm certain Jerry has some zingers and fascinating stories to be bandied about. But till the grim reaper shows up or a bad health problem manifest itself we are not gonna see change. I will give Jerry credit for listening to football people he has employed because prior to this we had lean drafts and lean years. Now if Stephen takes over then I hope he actually hires a formal GM whether it be McClay or someone else qualified makes no real difference to me. Just as long as Stevie doesn't want to be it.


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Most fans care about winning. That is it. Nothing more. In Dallas (and most of the NFL for that matter) players, coaches and owners care about money. That is it. Nothing more.

It may not be the best comparison but I work as a consulting engineer. All I care about are the projects and the clients I work for. The company I work for does not care about projects or clients. They care about accounting and metrics. They care about 10% growth every year. They care about inflating the share prices. They care about selling the company to someone bigger. They care about money. It really isn't that much different.
So if another company offered you another $100k per year to do the same job, you wouldn't leave? Everyone cares about money, whether they admit it or not lol

Fans, in every sport and for every team, care about winning more than players.


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Because of 5 Super Bowls. If the franchise started in 1997 no one would care. Why would anyone be obsessed with a team that never got past the Divisional Round in their entire existence? They wouldn't. We would be like the Mavericks or Rangers before they won their championship, completely irrelevant.
Because people don’t think of themselves and have tunnel vision


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I grew up in a family of Packer fans. In the 1990s when we were stomping the Packers my family would often remark about the Packer's glory years under Lombardi and their 5 Championships/Superbowls they won in the 1960's. My response was always some version of "That was 30 years ago, that's the best you got? Let's talk about football that wasn't being played when Lyndon Johnson was president".

Now I find myself doing everything I can NOT to be be that. The amount of time between the 1990s Cowboys and the Lombardi Packers is now equal to the 90's Cowboys (the last time they were truly good) and today.

Largely I keep my mouth shut about the Cowboy's glory years, which was, let's face it, last century.


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In our success as an organization years ago we were made a name for ourselves, and were labeled as America's Team. Some of you have been fans longer than I've been alive (40). Our success in the past speaks for itself. With that said, are the current generation of cowboys players concerned about our history and living up to the standard that was created before them?

Or do they not get caught up in that, and focus on the present?? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts, it may not be every player, but some it may be!
No, they’ve got Madden and the cheat codes. They’re happier than a pig in crap.


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In our success as an organization years ago we were made a name for ourselves, and were labeled as America's Team. Some of you have been fans longer than I've been alive (40). Our success in the past speaks for itself. With that said, are the current generation of cowboys players concerned about our history and living up to the standard that was created before them?

Or do they not get caught up in that, and focus on the present?? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts, it may not be every player, but some it may be!
I've noticed that our younger fans and the younger fans in general have a perspective of "recency bias" the most recent thing is the most important and it descends in importance the further back you go in time
Players are the same way unless they have studied history which they have not ,most of them only know their personal history, college, pros, maybe they watched their favorite team growing up

They do not know the history of the team or the sport, only what they have witnessed and they believe in the corporate media narratives regardless if they are true or not

For example, the narrative of the Cowboys can't win= can't win in the playoffs ever
The team has been around for 64 seasons and they have won 36 playoff games but to the younger fans none of that matters because they did not witness it and it does not fit the media narratives

The narrative, we will never win a Super Bowl with Jerry as GM
truth: Jerry has won 3 Super Bowls as GM
narrative: They won because of Jimmy
truth: Jimmy won 2 Super Bowls, Jerry won 1 SB without Jimmy
narrative: Jerry won with Jimmy's players in the third SB
truth: of the 59 players on the roster, 27 played for Jimmy

Never also implies it is unprecedented, meaning it has never happened in the past, not until this point in time and not in the future
The narrative is already not true but because the younger fans never witnessed the Super Bowl titles then its true

When I learned football I learned the history from when it started to that point in time that I watched it, there were also no 24/7 talk shows pushing narratives

I remember the Danny White cant win a Super Bowl narrative and he was replaced by Hogeboom, that was a print media and network TV narrative, Sunday pre games, newspaper, magazines
White was not credited with getting to the playoffs and NFC Champ 3 straight years to continue the dynasty he was blamed for not winning the Super Bowl
White was the backup QB and punter for 4 seasons under Staubach, after Staubach retired, White was the starter for 4 seasons, (1980, 1981, 1982, 1983)
He was 12-4, 12-4, 6-3, 12-4
reached NFC Champ game 1980, 1981, 1982, knocked out at home in Wild Card in 1983
After 1983 the fans wanted the backup QB Hogeboom to start, Tom Landry chose Hogeboom
the result, Cowboys were 5-3 at midseason, they won the most recent game after White replaced Hogeboom in the second half
The team finished 9-7 and just missed the playoffs

1985 White became the starter again, they went 10-6, won the NFC East, Tom Landry's final playoff team before he was fired 4 years later

Because we have not been to an NFC Champ game in 28 years White is remembered as a great player because he went to 3 NFC Champ game
but at the time the NFC Champ meant nothing to the fans and they wanted him out
1980 NFC Champ game, he and the team played poorly on the road in the cold
1981 NFC Champ game, he played well but fumbled at the end of the game
1982 NFC Champ game, he was knocked out in the first half, Hogeboom came in threw 2 TD's to get close in the fourth qtr(This fueled the controversy)
1983 NFC Wild Card at home in below freezing temp, White played poorly threw 3 int's

Now we are seeing history repeat itself with Dak but many of the younger fans and players were not around for this so they do not recognize the pattern


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Because of 5 Super Bowls. If the franchise started in 1997 no one would care. Why would anyone be obsessed with a team that never got past the Divisional Round in their entire existence? They wouldn't. We would be like the Mavericks or Rangers before they won their championship, completely irrelevant.
Thats the recency bias, people today only care about the most recent event and then descending order going backwards


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sand off some of the rust on the trophies and tell them to buy a VHS or beta player and watch some of the past. I'm pretty sure you can find the old tapes of the team. The 8 mm would be a little harder to find.
They will be impressed by what real football once was. This WWE crap is sad.


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Since they weren't around by and large, I don't believe the current generation truly understands the real sea change the organization/team went through post 1989 purchase and transition to Jones ownership. Two completely different concepts and philosophies. i.e. comparing Tex Schramm to Jerry Jones. Absurd.
recency bias, most recent game and narrative is what they think of