Does This All In' Talk Scare Anyone Else?


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Jerry is reported as saying they are going all in. It terrifies me to think of them resigning Dak and then immediately putting the team in cap hell for the next 5 years.

Dlaw won’t be better, Z Martin won’t be better, I’m kinda scared Micah’s body is already starting to wear down. Your year was this year, not next year.

If they want to go all in, do a soft rebuild under the guise of all in. Go get Tee Higgins or younger guys on longer deals and don’t resign Dak, just restructure him. Let him prove it out and be hungry for the contract. If he fails miserably again, you’ll have solid, young FA players and won’t be carrying all that qb $.

‘All in’ with a QB making insane $ is just foolish
All in , Jerry’s been saying some form of this for 29 years. Unfortunately the results speak for themselves, Anyone thinking Jerry is doing the right thing is just delusional, the guy can’t even speak a coherent sentence and this is the vegetable running the show


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This is the best mgmt move Jerry has made since he hired Parcells.

He is staring at a 1 year shot then a rebuild. He knows that.
He has been trying to compete without committing future resources for a decade and it didn't work.
Last year he tried to use some resources to edge ahead of the Eagles coming off a SB and that actually worked.

This year is he is admitting he has 1 shot.
There is a real urgency which frankly the team has needed for a decade.
This means 1 last ride with this group: Mike, Dak, Quinn. DLaw, Zack, Tyron IMO.
It really didn't work. We beat the Eagles for the divisions because they fell apart, not from what we did.


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Scare me? No. But I have no idea what "all in" means to Jerry. I think he means he will commit long term to Dak. Going all in certainly would not be cutting Dak. That would be all out. Going all in to me means signing some top tier, free agents, or at least being an active player. It means wheeling and dealing for better players at positions of need. I think it means he is not drafting OL in the first round for one thing. That would be building for the future. It means signing Tyron instead.

March 13 is the magic date. That's when every NFL has to be under the CAP and free agency begins. If Jerry really means all in we should hear about top tier free agents visiting Dallas and Jerry making a push for some of them.

Before this date, Dak will have been dealt with and we will know if CeeDee has been extended.

If Jerry does not make a play for Christian Wilkins, Justin Madubuike, DJ Reader or Chris Jones then in my mind he is not going "all in". He doesn't have to sign then because there will be plenty of competition for them, but he has to make an honest effort.


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Oooh this time he means it! its like watching the funniest moments of the family fued when Steve Harvey is telling you the diferent ways to pronounce "Momma" "Mommy" "MOM" yeah this time he means it....


Well-Known Member
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This is the best mgmt move Jerry has made since he hired Parcells.

He is staring at a 1 year shot then a rebuild. He knows that.
He has been trying to compete without committing future resources for a decade and it didn't work.
Last year he tried to use some resources to edge ahead of the Eagles coming off a SB and that actually worked.

This year is he is admitting he has 1 shot.
There is a real urgency which frankly the team has needed for a decade.
This means 1 last ride with this group: Mike, Dak, Quinn. DLaw, Zack, Tyron IMO.
So another wasted year and then we get to see Jerry and Stephen trying to build. I have so much hope I can almost choke on it.


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This is the best mgmt move Jerry has made since he hired Parcells.

He is staring at a 1 year shot then a rebuild. He knows that.
He has been trying to compete without committing future resources for a decade and it didn't work.
Last year he tried to use some resources to edge ahead of the Eagles coming off a SB and that actually worked.

This year is he is admitting he has 1 shot.
There is a real urgency which frankly the team has needed for a decade.
This means 1 last ride with this group: Mike, Dak, Quinn. DLaw, Zack, Tyron IMO.
This is Jerry's thinking but you know and I know this team can not win 4 games in the Playoffs to make it to the promise land.

The thing that is going to suck is going to be the 2025 season.

I am sure we will be bottom feeders of the NFL by then.


The realist
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Fool me once .. but we have been multiple times , so don’t take any words that comes out of Jerry’s mouth seriously.


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Fool me once .. but we have been multiple times , so don’t take any words that comes out of Jerry’s mouth seriously.
I dont know that any of us can use the "Fool me once" line, its year 29..not pointing fingers as I'm right there with you..


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Dak was always and will be extended so that wasn’t a revelation to me, the all in talk is just talk so I don’t worry about it and I’m pretty sure he’s not even talking about free agency when he mentions “all in”


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In the long run, it probably doesn't matter, we haven't won anything in what 28 years. To Jerry going all-in probably just means resigning current players and dumpster diving for free agents as usual, so whats 5-to 6 more years of cap hell and no Championship?


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We were all in last year. Don't kid yourself. We will go all in again this year and it will look exactly the same. Every year the salary cap break down looks worse than the year before. We are a clown show toilet bowl. Nothing more.


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Going all in ? Really ? The first piece of proof would have been to fire McCarthy, and hire Belichek.
What this organization does poorly, Belichek would have fixed. We would NEVER beat ourselves again. We'd be mentally and physically tougher. Have 100 times more discipline. And we'd finally have an identity. Until Jerry hires a strict and powerful head coach to right the ship, we're not going all in


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Going all in ? Really ? The first piece of proof would have been to fire McCarthy, and hire Belichek.
What this organization does poorly, Belichek would have fixed. We would NEVER beat ourselves again. We'd be mentally and physically tougher. Have 100 times more discipline. And we'd finally have an identity. Until Jerry hires a strict and powerful head coach to right the ship, we're not going all in
Strict and powerful head coach and Jerry Jones wont ever be a thing again...we have learned this by now..."Me and Bill COULD work together no doubt in my mind"..."There is also no doubt in my mind we will not work together because I'm not givivng up anything i do to bring Bill here...."


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who in FA is going to help this team to win? people keep talking contract. last year Dak had a lower cap hit than Jackson. baltimore built a team and played in CCG. we had 10M on the cap last year. could have had more. we chose not to sign anyone. last year we had 20M on the cap. didn't sign anyone. you can't build a team through FA. it doesn't work. you get the old, injured, diminished or super expensive players. the core has to be there for a team to be able to sign a FA to round out the team. our core sucks. we need LBs (plural), saftey, DTs, OLmen, RB, WR and too many needs too many places to be able to fill it with FA.

this is all on Jerry. the team he built.

I honestly cannot disagree with anything you've said here. Im at the point where I just want that winning feeling again. I had no idea years ago that our future would be see l like this at that time.

I'm just down for us to try whatever we can at this point to go to the big show.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
No because I know he is just talking and is not gonna do anything ....... he will sign Dak to a 3 year contract and claim that is the All In signing.


Well-Known Member
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Jerry is reported as saying they are going all in. It terrifies me to think of them resigning Dak and then immediately putting the team in cap hell for the next 5 years.

Dlaw won’t be better, Z Martin won’t be better, I’m kinda scared Micah’s body is already starting to wear down. Your year was this year, not next year.

If they want to go all in, do a soft rebuild under the guise of all in. Go get Tee Higgins or younger guys on longer deals and don’t resign Dak, just restructure him. Let him prove it out and be hungry for the contract. If he fails miserably again, you’ll have solid, young FA players and won’t be carrying all that qb $.

‘All in’ with a QB making insane $ is just foolish
Jerrah is throwing hype out there after getting the backlash from fans with him keeping the same coaching staff. He knows a lot of fans are becoming disinterested so he's cranking up the hype machine.


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"All In Yo! All In Yo!"
