Even Galloway, who loves Jerry-bashing as much as anyone, said yesterday that over the weekend he called some people at Valley Ranch to ask about Jerry being back in charge, and they all told him that Jerry really had calmed down and changed from the immediate post-Jimmy days.
For instance, in the draft room, they now have a system in place where they stick to the scout grades very strictly and don't allow last-minute overrules. This system was put in place when Parcells was here and even Parcells approved of it. In fact, Parcells himself even argued at times for a different player than was on the board, and Jerry wouldn't let them waver. (Galloway claims this is what happened on the Ware pick when Parcells campaigned for Spears.) And they all said that system was still in place, as it was last year.
Could Jerry revert to the old Quincy ways? Sure, I guess he could. But when even Galloway has to admit that Jerry has changed, I tend to believe it.