Dom Capers next assistant hired?

When did Dom Capers join the Mafia?



"Coach Don, may your first quarterback sack be a masculine one..."
Bach;1931328 said:
I suppose.

It'll be interesting to see how things play out next season. You'd think it'd have to at least be a little odd for Wade and Stewart to know their likely replacements after the season are already on staff working for them this year.
It very well might be, but I think he's handled all of it pretty well. He seems to be a bit of a realist in that regard. The thing is, his only real task is to keep on winning. That way even if he gets moved aside here another team sees him as a solution.

All I care about right now is what it will take to fire this team up. Especially in December and beyond. If that meant stabbing Wade in the back and there being a full blown coup, I'd say do it. I doubt a coup is iminent.

I truthfully don't think that's what is happening though. It just seems like due diligence is being paid to filling in the departed positions. In truth the only strange thing is the Solari being prefered by Wade angle. I get the feeling Wade liked both and preferred Solari, Stephen liked both and preferred Houck, and Jerry like both and broke the tie. That falls in line with how things have been described as the football operations of the last 5 years. I've seen nothing to suggest acrimony.

The first DB candidate was Emmitt Thomas, and he clearly was someone Wade trusted and all indications are Jerry was on board enough to petition Blank to let us interview him. Same with Pagano for the Chargers.

Overall I'd have to say they are all working together very well and it gives me hope, not pause for concern. I still wish we'd bring Marco Rivera in as an OL Assistant. That doesn't even seem to be an option they're thinking of right now though.
Bach;1931434 said:
It is good to have a plan. But it's also "odd" to start implementing it and hiring staff for the HC-in-waiting while the current HC is still here.

And I am going to see what happens, that's why I mentioned already that it'll be interesting to see how it works out in '08.
It's only odd, because you believe the "HC-in-waiting" is doing the hiring. Whereas, I see Campo interviewing with Wade and the rest of the coaching staff. I see Capers interviewing with Wade and the rest of the coaching staff.

Why is difficult to accept or believe that Wade could be behind each and every one of the selected hires and interviewees?

Hostile;1931441 said:
Overall I'd have to say they are all working together very well and it gives me hope, not pause for concern. I still wish we'd bring Marco Rivera in as an OL Assistant. That doesn't even seem to be an option they're thinking of right now though.
Maybe it's because Rivera doesn't want to be a coach. He may very well be a good teacher, but he's made alot of money from this league. I think it's hard for former players to come back and subject themselves to the daily grind of a coach's life.
WoodysGirl;1931443 said:
Why is difficult to accept or believe that Wade could be behind each and every one of the selected hires and interviewees?

Because we know Jerry.


And because it's more fun to speculate on conspiracy theories.
Bach;1931434 said:
It is good to have a plan. But it's also "odd" to start implementing it and hiring staff for the HC-in-waiting while the current HC is still here.

And I am going to see what happens, that's why I mentioned already that it'll be interesting to see how it works out in '08.

you can call it odd and i'd not disagree. if quality coaches are available, you take them. period. will campo and capers be available next year? the year after that? no one really knows to be sure, so take them when you can.

what you and i don't know is also how much input *wade himself* has in all this. we assume things like a controlling type jones, but assumptions backfire as much as pan out. without knowing for sure, we're all in the same boat speculation wise.

if you want to harp on jones then it would be for his overall plan, not each individual move. i think that's what gets to be overkill.

did jones put a 3 year plan in place for garrett when he had the opportunity?
yes. he did. one year later he was the hottest coaching prospect and jones kept him. score one + for jones.

did jones stick with the 3-4 long term (it would seem so far) with wade and gave wade a fair deal to be a HC again?
yes. he did. one year later wade *now* gets to start putting his finger on the coaches. he will do so with his own goals *and* the team long term goals in mind. that's how it works in jobs where you make millions.

does wade have input into the assistant coaches?
would seem so. but if i'm building a long term plan as GM (not jones, but as GM) then i have my own input also. to what degree is up for debate and usually from pre-existings sides, but we won't know which jones we have till this off-season is over and then we won't know *for sure* till it plays out like all other teams have to do.

as owner jones has to see long term.
as gm jones has to see long term.

anything less would be a failure at that position.
Chief;1931448 said:
Because we know Jerry.


And because it's more fun to speculate on conspiracy theories.

A conspiracy would be that we are hiring capers so that he could be Bill Cowhers Defensive Coordinator again, next year......

having concerns about campo I think is just natural. Maybe he will work out maybe he wont. Maybe he will get hired maybe he wont. Doesnt mean that we all have to like the hiring of campo.
theebs;1931462 said:
A conspiracy would be that we are hiring capers so that he could be Bill Cowhers Defensive Coordinator again, next year......

having concerns about campo I think is just natural. Maybe he will work out maybe he wont. Maybe he will get hired maybe he wont. Doesnt mean that we all have to like the hiring of campo.
And I wouldn't. I wouldn't like it at all. It isn't because I dislike Campo either. I actually like him. If for no other reason than he was the Commanders' daddy. 1/3 of his total victories as a coach were at their expense. I just would prefer not to be reminded any more of 2000-2002.
WoodysGirl;1931447 said:
Why is difficult to accept or believe that Wade could be behind each and every one of the selected hires and interviewees?

Its become such a mainstream belief that Jerry is a "meddling" GM that certain fans will believe nothing but that, unless a "name" celebrity coach is put in the job. Then suddenly Jerry just shuts up and signs the checks.
Hostile;1931468 said:
And I wouldn't. I wouldn't like it at all. It isn't because I dislike Campo either. I actually like him. If for no other reason than he was the Commanders' daddy. 1/3 of his total victories as a coach were at their expense. I just would prefer not to be reminded any more of 2000-2002.

me too. I cant put my finger on it, but something about it I dont like.
WoodysGirl;1931447 said:
It's only odd, because you believe the "HC-in-waiting" is doing the hiring. Whereas, I see Campo interviewing with Wade and the rest of the coaching staff. I see Capers interviewing with Wade and the rest of the coaching staff.

Why is difficult to accept or believe that Wade could be behind each and every one of the selected hires and interviewees?

Maybe it's because Rivera doesn't want to be a coach. He may very well be a good teacher, but he's made alot of money from this league. I think it's hard for former players to come back and subject themselves to the daily grind of a coach's life.

and why would it be so hard to believe that wade WANTS to be a part of this overall process where people come in for the purpose of building a winner for the long run? he has as much if not more opportunity to help us get where we want to go than parcells - just at another level.

i see a team effort going on and i love it. i see jones working with his staff, bringing in quality coaches we want to have. some people of course find fault with everything and this would be no exception as it falls under the 'everything' umbrella.

i'm just not gonna focus on that anymore because i see too much promise for what we're doing *this* year and many beyond. the coaches we're hiring can help us *this* year and many beyond with proven track records in their roles and some promise in new roles for others.

focus on the good, not those who fail to see it.
theebs;1931462 said:
A conspiracy would be that we are hiring capers so that he could be Bill Cowhers Defensive Coordinator again, next year......

having concerns about campo I think is just natural. Maybe he will work out maybe he wont. Maybe he will get hired maybe he wont. Doesnt mean that we all have to like the hiring of campo.

noone is saying that you should like it, just saying not to use it as an excuse to launch an aerial assault on Jerry Jones
theebs;1931470 said:
me too. I cant put my finger on it, but something about it I dont like.

campo is a very nice guy. too nice. that was his failing at HC.
Bob Sacamano;1931472 said:
noone is saying that you should like it, just saying not to use it as an excuse to launch an aerial assault on Jerry Jones

well I havent so that statement is misguided.
WoodysGirl;1931455 said:
You know the Jerry of old. I don't see that. I see Jerry evolving.
Even Galloway, who loves Jerry-bashing as much as anyone, said yesterday that over the weekend he called some people at Valley Ranch to ask about Jerry being back in charge, and they all told him that Jerry really had calmed down and changed from the immediate post-Jimmy days.

For instance, in the draft room, they now have a system in place where they stick to the scout grades very strictly and don't allow last-minute overrules. This system was put in place when Parcells was here and even Parcells approved of it. In fact, Parcells himself even argued at times for a different player than was on the board, and Jerry wouldn't let them waver. (Galloway claims this is what happened on the Ware pick when Parcells campaigned for Spears.) And they all said that system was still in place, as it was last year.

Could Jerry revert to the old Quincy ways? Sure, I guess he could. But when even Galloway has to admit that Jerry has changed, I tend to believe it.
This just gives the whole thing away.

Capers is going to get some bum *** job like "Defensive Assistant" and then next year he'll be named Defensive Coordinator.
iceberg;1931473 said:
campo is a very nice guy. too nice. that was his failing at HC.

Well we've got a nice guy at HC and as Secondary Coach now, how long before people start calling for them to both be hired and bring back a disciplinarian?
TheCount;1931563 said:
Well we've got a nice guy at HC and as Secondary Coach now, how long before people start calling for them to both be hired and bring back a disciplinarian?

and then when the discipinarian wears out his welcome because he's too hard on player's feelings, when do we fire him?

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