Donald Sterling, Clippers Owner, Banned For Life, Fined $2.5M

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So who is more trustworthy? The gold digging side chick or the sleazy, racist landlord?

I mean, really, what are you defending here? I have yet to even hear/read anything from Sterling's camp that suggests she's lying about him knowing she was recording him.
I haven't seen or heard anything from Sterling's camp at all. Does he even have a camp? AFAIK, neither he nor his representatives have said a single thing.
I haven't seen or heard anything from Sterling's camp at all. Does he even have a camp? AFAIK, neither he nor his representatives have said a single thing.

youre not supposed to say anything when youre fixina sue the pants off everyone in sight lol
Truth is, I (and all the writers of those articles) are clearly calling him an "executive" in the sense that he works in the office and isn't, like, you know, a player.

The truth is, that's not an executive.
and my point is if the NBA wants me to truly believe they care about ending racism, they would do more then the very minimum when everyone has gathered on the front lawn with pitch forks.

The 2.5 million fine is the maximum allowed. The lifetime ban, is, well, for a lifetime.
Because white people love to point out single instances of stupidity from one person to attempt to marginalize the racist actions of another as if black folks were the ones running slavery, Jim Crow, and opposing Civil Rights for centuries.
We have 2 instances of people involved in the NBA saying despicable, racist things. One of those people has lost his entire franchise and has gained the scorn of every self righteous mediot with access to a microphone.

The other has received nary a word of criticism from the mainstream, and certainly no discipline.
We have 2 instances of people involved in the NBA saying despicable, racist things. One of those people has lost his entire franchise and has gained the scorn of every self righteous mediot with access to a microphone.

The other has received nary a word of criticism from the mainstream, and certainly no discipline.

Because Larry Johnson doesn't matter, and because black people never were and never will be in a position where they are privileged, entitled, and control the nation at an institutional level like a wealthy, white man like Donald Sterling.

Larry Johnson said something dumb. You know what he didn't say? That white people all stink and attract vermin. And that all they do is smoke and drink all day. And that he wishes his wife or girlfriend wouldn't associate with white people. And that he "gives them" cars, clothes, houses, and that he essentially makes white people who they are.

I'm sick and ******* tired of people trying to marginalize or rationalize racist behavior by pointing out one stupid comment by one person as if it's the opus of the entirety of racial tension and inequality in America.

Long story short you're too short sighted and quite frankly not qualified to even be involved in this discussion. And I would say to "walk a mile in my shoes" but who wants to walk a mile in a black man's shoes in America? Those numbers are slim to none, and slim just died in a car crash.
We have 2 instances of people involved in the NBA saying despicable, racist things. One of those people has lost his entire franchise and has gained the scorn of every self righteous mediot with access to a microphone.

The other has received nary a word of criticism from the mainstream, and certainly no discipline.

That's because nobody gives a **** about Larry Johnson right now!
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