Donovan Lewis of The Ticket Dallas On "The Problem"

I disagree with SAS's hairline.
It would be a good look for him, if he just went ahead and shaved it bald, and kept the facial hair. Instead, he looks like Sherman Hemsley
In my opinion, the only reason Romo made it so long is because Jerry thinks like this. If you aren't winning Super bowls, you might as well be exciting. Romo was exciting, just couldn't do anything past the regular season. Those things gave Jerry a lot of funds through out the 20 years we've been irrelevant. You don't think Jerry likes to win, well if he's not winning on the field, he darn sure will win at the bank.
Actually, you don't know that yet. He is still learning. He doesn't throw as many interceptions as Romo. Dak opens up the run game because teams are scared of his running ability. Not to mention that he is very accurate and they have been winning without Dez. The problem with Romo is that he makes bad decisions at crucial times.

Dak to the future.
I don't have the time to teach you football.
Only on this board, I'd imagine.
That makes me believe it is more hero worship than team success. I do not care who is the QB is, just win.

Look, we all know without a doubt that Jones will force Romo back at some point. It is just a matter if when.
Defense has to account for Dak's legs? He has 20 rushes for a whopping 60 yards. Out of scrambling QBs in this league, he is probably dead last. There is no accounting for Dak's legs except maybe near the goal line.

This offense hasn't changed, all that has happened is the removal of some plays. You guys really think the spread and shotgun was never used before Dak? Like I said, there are some rollouts and some read-option like stuff, but that's it.

Linehan didn't just suddenly burn the playbook he worked all offseason on because Dak is here. That's now how it works.
No one said they burned the playbook. but it don't look the same, no one can argue that
I will talk about who is winning because he is 2-6 in the playoffs. Yeah, he's getting it done.
Correction 2-4. And lets be honest his supporting cast have been trash. He's had maybe 3 teams in his 9 years as a starter that could have actually won the superbowl. 3 is pushing it. 09 we were ok but nothing like a superbowl contender. So basically only 2 years 07 (his second year a starter) and 2014. I'll say it again. Romo's lack of playoff success is because Jerry and the front office failed him. Romo's playoff stats read
QB rating - 93.0
Yards - 1316
TD - 8
INT - 2
CMP%- 61.6

Those numbers look pretty good for someone who everyone claims "chokes" in the playoffs
Correction 2-4. And lets be honest his supporting cast have been trash. He's had maybe 3 teams in his 9 years as a starter that could have actually won the superbowl. 3 is pushing it. 09 we were ok but nothing like a superbowl contender. So basically only 2 years 07 (his second year a starter) and 2014. I'll say it again. Romo's lack of playoff success is because Jerry and the front office failed him. Romo's playoff stats read
QB rating - 93.0
Yards - 1316
TD - 8
INT - 2
CMP%- 61.6

Those numbers look pretty good for someone who everyone claims "chokes" in the playoffs
How is he winning without a supporting cast?
What people here fail to realize is...

Just the mere threat of a scramble for 10 yards makes the defense play differently. It's a dimension Romo had 7 years ago. That dimension is long gone from Romo's repitoire. Aside from that, Dak can do anything Romo can do.

Advantage: Future franchise
I don't think he can do anything romo can do but the read option does add a nice deminsion
Romo anticipates defenses much better but thats one of those things you learn from seeing
If the guy is one hell of a QB, he should be a hell of a QB enough to take his team to the Super Bowl. That team Romo played with when they went 13-3 was a hell of a team, no super bowl. That 2014 team was a Super Bowl caliber team, no Super Bowl. I'm glad you fell for the trap.
If the guy is one hell of a QB, he should be a hell of a QB enough to take his team to the Super Bowl. That team Romo played with when they went 13-3 was a hell of a team, no super bowl. That 2014 team was a Super Bowl caliber team, no Super Bowl. I'm glad you fell for the trap.

That "13-3" team was because of Romo. He threw two perfect passes to Crayton, dropped against a defense that didn't give up more than 20 in the playoffs. Those were catches that needed to be made. We don't need to explain what happened in the 2014 playoffs.

Stick to the play by play in game threads. You're a little above average at that.
That "13-3" team was because of Romo. He threw two perfect passes to Crayton, dropped against a defense that didn't give up more than 20 in the playoffs. Those were catches that needed to be made. We don't need to explain what happened in the 2014 playoffs.

Stick to the play by play in game threads. You're a little above average at that.
He didn't win either of those two games through out his 10 year's of starting for the Cowboys. 2 games, SMH. I thought he was a hell of a QB?

I'm so glad I lived through Roger and Troy, those guys were winners. The tony's of the world, yuck.

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