Donovan Lewis of The Ticket Dallas On "The Problem"

I agree, except I think tony is still reliable and can still play, but he isnt ready for middle of the season entrance, and
the big thing is Dak is rolling and the cowboy offense now is not one other teams have seen, so it causes problems
trying to defend them.
Dak can roll out to either side, run read option, run with the ball, and tony cant do those things.

My thoughts as well. Additionally, if Tony were to be thrust back into the fray at this time, my fear is that the team might react in less than a positive manner if success didn't coincide with his return. It's also tough to predict how Dak might respond knowing his accomplishments didn't meet with total acceptance by the Cowboys' brass. As far as Dak has gone beyond all normal expectations, it'd be difficult for anyone to not be adversely affected by such a scenario. Anyhow, we'll see what develops. Here's hoping things with this team work out for the best in 2016 and beyond.
you will see when romo comes back.
Right now it is a dak offense, later it will be back to the old romo offense that all teams know how to defend.
Sigh....... This is the only thing that makes me anxious about this year's Cowboys.
My thoughts as well. Additionally, if Tony were to be thrust back into the fray at this time, my fear is that the team might react in less than a positive manner if success didn't coincide with his return. It's also tough to predict how Dak might respond knowing his accomplishments didn't meet with total acceptance by the Cowboys' brass. As far as Dak has gone beyond all normal expectations, it'd be difficult for anyone to not be adversely affected by such a scenario. Anyhow, we'll see what develops. Here's hoping things with this team work out for the best in 2016 and beyond.
Here is another thing, if say tony comes back in pitt game, and dallas with dak is 7-1 then tony loses to pitt.,
What will the media do with that ! lol
They will roast the jones and jg etc, sas will love it and really even if tony wins, each week will be the same, tony will be in a position
like dak is now, where he cant throw ints, or lose games.

I think the jones boys have let dak down by not getting behind him publicly more than they have.
They could have said as long as dak continues to play at the high level he has , he will continue to be the starter for the cowboys.
If asked about tony, just say tony will be back but it could be next year , so he can rehab totally.
Here is another thing, if say tony comes back in pitt game, and dallas with dak is 7-1 then tony loses to pitt.,
What will the media do with that ! lol
They will roast the jones and jg etc, sas will love it and really even if tony wins, each week will be the same, tony will be in a position
like dak is now, where he cant throw ints, or lose games.

I think the jones boys have let dak down by not getting behind him publicly more than they have.
They could have said as long as dak continues to play at the high level he has , he will continue to be the starter for the cowboys.
If asked about tony, just say tony will be back but it could be next year , so he can rehab totally.

Points well taken, imho. To my way of thinking, there are simply more positive scenarios that come into play by allowing Dak to continue than the opposite. Tony could have all offseason to rehab and recondition which would allow him to possibly avert disaster by returning before he's totally reconditioned. It took lots of time for him to decline and it will probably take just as much time for him to regain what he's already lost physically.
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Sigh....... This is the only thing that makes me anxious about this year's Cowboys.
yes and when tony comes back, he will be rusty, and if he doesnt do good, and they lose games,
they wont pull tony ,unless he lost at least 3 in a row, and by that time the damage is done.
Seeding position would be lost.

I think dak has earned the right to finish this season.
Damn glad to have such a 'quagmire' to work out of...but there is no denial in talent being at the cruxt. Not impatience of a time line.

The assembled coaching staff is well able, as has been shown with recent team directions, to identify and then put together direction and what satisfies team goals during all types of transitions.
Who is this Donovan Lewis? I thought he was going to break out singing, "On the good ship, lollipop!"
He couldn't bring himself to criticize anyone, not even the pathetic quarterbacks of last year.
stopped watching as soon as the announcer said "Sports Radio 13 The Ticket"
Defense has to account for Dak's legs? He has 20 rushes for a whopping 60 yards. Out of scrambling QBs in this league, he is probably dead last. There is no accounting for Dak's legs except maybe near the goal line.

This offense hasn't changed, all that has happened is the removal of some plays. You guys really think the spread and shotgun was never used before Dak? Like I said, there are some rollouts and some read-option like stuff, but that's it.

Linehan didn't just suddenly burn the playbook he worked all offseason on because Dak is here. That's now how it works.
No accounting for Dak's legs? Mmmmmokay.

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