Don't want to hear anybody whine or cry about Dak again

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....then there's plenty out agency, trade, or draft to choose from since you're so broad with expectations, rationale and skill set. Plenty to choose from......can't wait to see how that works out. Got 2 now.....Lance & Rush, see how that plays out.
We know how it plays out with Choke Prescott. Sure, let's continue to go with what we know doesn't work. Brilliant plan.


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We know how it plays out with Choke Prescott. Sure, let's continue to go with what we know doesn't work. Brilliant plan.
Should the Lions fire their coach? We know it doesn't work?


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Should the Lions fire their coach? We know it doesn't work?
I'm not concerned with the Lions, only the Cowboys. Stop trying to defend Dak by pointing out others who don't even play a position or are on another team. It doesn't mean Dak didn't choke 3 years in a row. Just means a desperate defense of Dak's failure.


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Should the Lions fire their coach? We know it doesn't work?
If they are getting the same disappointing results 8 years from now, yes the Lions should move on

They're currently trending upward

We're treading water at best and imo going backwards

Not even close to a legitimate comparison


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Sorry for the language in previous post... Lemar played like crap and the Baltimore defense gave them a chance. If we hold GB to 24 we win... Yet all I hear is Dak...Dak...Dak... Get me a defense like the Chiefs or Ravens then watch what happens. And a DC worth talking about.....Quinn ain't it...from a family member. Get a defense and we will win many playoff games. Don't get one!! Don't cry about the quarterback either...NO DEFENSE!!!! NO RINGS!!!!!! Jackson was way worse then, Dak. Yet, still had a chance in the end....
You'll have to speak to the families of the players on the Dallas Cowboys. I'm actually happy somebody is finally speaking up for the players. I'm so happy people are realizing Dak doesn't have it!


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He got off to a bad start. The defense was the biggest reason that they lost.
Both are equally to blame. He didn't help out the defense when they needed him most. He never does. Thing is, he only started doing well when the Packers went prevent and put backups in. The game was already over essentially since the Cowboys really didn't have time to score enough to make a comeback.

Dak isn't fully at fault. The defense isn't fully at fault. It's symbiotic. Equal blame. Even if the defense played lights out and held the Packers to 16 points and Dak only helped manage to get 15 points, you guys would defend Dak and blame the defense.


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Ah, the lame defense for Dak... If one defense plays well, yeah, it played well. But Dak constantly panics and chokes in big moments against good defenses. He NEVER steps up. not once. He stares down receivers, throws the ball erratically, holds on to the ball too long, takes sacks at the worst times, throws interceptions and gives the other side points...but yeah, you're right, he's a god. *eyeroll*

The entire team choked against GB. That includes your man Dak.
And our Defense chokes against good offenses. And our running choked a majority of the year.

In the 90's what play do we call on 3rd and 2?

What play would call today on 3rd and 2?



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What was Daks QBR through three quarters compared to Purdy and Goff?
In other words what was Daks QBR when there was an actual game on?
At the half Purdy was 8-14 for 93 yards, 1 INT no TDs. Dak was 13-21 for 93 yards and 2 INTs and 1 TD. Purdy's QB rating at the half was 47.62. Dak's was 48.41.

After 3/4 Purdy's was 86.97 and Dak's was 61.37. But the difference is, The Cowboys gave up 2 TDs on GBs 2 drives in the 3rd quarter. The 49ers gave up 0 points until less than 1 minute was left in the game.
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