No, but you should have the fortitude to admit when you're wrong about a situation, especially when clear evidence is presented to you in the way of not only play-by-play commentary from the NFL stat book, but an actual picture as well as analysis that is, as I have gone back and looked at the tape, factual.
I was merely pointing out that you have been, throughout this argument, serving in the role of "property." The others here have taken complete and total ownership of the argument.
You can still save face, as you like to say, by admitting that you were wrong. Or you could do similar analysis of your own to attempt to refute their claims and present evidence to the contrary. I'm guessing, though, that you will not be able to do so. Also, the gentlemen here will not think less of you for admitting that you were off the mark on this one - I've observed just about every regular poster here and these guys are professionals and mature. If you admit they were wrong, they'll likely just let sleeping dogs lie.
Al of that being said, I sincerely hope that you prove me wrong and are able to come up with something concrete. Good football discussion when backed by legitimate sources and information makes us all a little bit smarter at the end of the day.