Drafting has been really bad from 2018-2020

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Do you work for the Cowboys or a 3rd party affiliate? I do know for a fact that people are paid by the Cowboys to promote the brand and defend it. Not sure what reality or hidden agenda you're trying to push on fans. It was not a strong class at all. Michael Gallup is the only starter worth anything and he is a 3rd stringer. The TE isn't that great, deep dive and check the tape on Schultz. Connor Williams is the worst guard in football, if he is cut today, he will never get another job in the NFL... Don't even get me started on Vander Esch, total bust.. He will be a 4th string on a bad team that will pick him up.
In your deep dive, did you discover that Connor Williams was signed by the Dolphins to be their center on a 2 year deal, aka, he is 1. No longer with the Cowboys and 2. Has indeed found a job.

Not sure much more of your deep dive can be taken seriously at this point.
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