For those that find all this stuff interesting, here is an interesting blog post by Brad Kuhn.
I'm with him at the bottom. Just don't buy Motorola phones. I love my Nexus One. It's made by HTC. If you want an Android phone, get one that is open. I purchased my Nexus One direct from Google and it's completely unlocked. I have root access and can tether and even make it a hotspot without any jailbreaking and I'm charged nothing extra from T-Mobile.
At Least Motorola Admits It
Thursday 15 July 2010 by Bradley M. Kuhn
written before about the software freedom issues inherent with Android/Linux. Summarized shortly: the software freedom community is fortunate that Google released so much code under Free Software licenses, but since most of the code in the system is Apache-2.0 licensed, we're going to see a lot of proprietarized, non-user-upgradable versions. In fact, there's no Android/Linux system that's fully Free Software yet. (That's why Aaron Williamson and I try to keep the Replicant project going. We've focused on the HTC Dream and the NexusOne, since they are the mobile devices closest to working with only Free Software installed, and because they allow the users to put their own firmware on the device.)
I was therefore intrigued to
discover last night (
via mtrausch) a
February blog post by
Lori Fraleigh of Motorola, wherein Fraleigh clarifies Motorola's opposition to software freedom for its Android/Linux users:
We [Motorola] understand there is a community of developers interested in … Android system development … For these developers, we highly recommend obtaining either a Google ADP1 developer phone or a Nexus One … At this time, Motorola Android-based handsets are intended for use by consumers.
I appreciate the fact that Fraleigh and Motorola are honest in their disdain for software developers. Unlike Apple — who tries to hide how developer-unfriendly its mobile platform is — Motorola readily admits that they seek to leave developers as helpless as possible, refusing to share the necessary tools that developers need to upgrade devices and to improve themselves, their community, and their software. Companies like Motorola and Apple both seek to squelch the healthy hacker tendency to make technology better for everyone. Now that I've seen Fraleigh's old blog post, I can at least give Motorola credit for full honesty about these motives.
I do, however, find the implication of Fraleigh's words revolting. People who buy the devices, in Motorola's view, don't deserve the right to improve their technology. By contrast, I believe that software freedom should be universal and that no one need be a “mere consumer” of technology. I believe that every technology user is a potential developer who might have something to contribute but obviously cannot if that user isn't given the tools to do so. Sadly, it seems, Motorola believes the general public has nothing useful to contribute, so the public shouldn't even be given the chance.
But, this attitude is always true for proprietary software companies, so there are actually no revelations on that point. Of more interest is how Motorola was able to do this, given that Android/Linux (at least most of it) is Free Software.
Motorola's ability to take these actions is a consequence of a few licensing issues. First, most of the Android system is under the Apache-2.0 license (or, in some cases, an even more permissive license). These licenses allow Motorola to make proprietary versions of what Google released and sell it without source code nor the ability for users to install modified versions. That license decision is lamentable (but expected, given Google's goals for Android).
The even more lamentable licensing issue here is regarding Linux's license, the GPLv2. Specifically, Fraleigh's post claims:
The use of open source software, such as the Linux kernel … in a consumer device does not require the handset running such software to be open for re-flashing. We comply with the licenses, including GPLv2.
I should note that, other than Fraleigh's assertion quoted above, I have no knowledge one way or another if Motorola is compliant with GPLv2 on its Android/Linux phones. I don't own one, have no plans to buy one, and therefore I'm not in receipt of an offer for source regarding the devices. I've also received no reports from anyone regarding possible non-compliance. In fact, I'd love to confirm their compliance: please get in touch if you have a Motorola Android/Linux phone and attempted to install a newly compiled executable of Linux onto your phone.
I'm specifically interested in the installation issue because GPLv2 requires that any binary distribution of Linux (such as one on telephone hardware) include both the source code itself and "the scripts to control compilation and installation of the executable". So, if Motorola wrote any helper programs or other software that installs Linux onto the phones, then such software, under GPLv2, is a required part of the complete and corresponding source code of Linux and must be distributed to each buyer of a Motorola Android/Linux phone.
If you're surprised by that last paragraph, you're probably not alone. I find that many are confused regarding this GPLv2 nuance. I believe the confusion stems from discussions during the GPLv3 process about this specific requirement. GPLv3 does indeed expand the requirement for "the scripts to control compilation and installation of the executable" into the concept of "Installation Information". Furthermore, GPLv3's "Installation Information" is much more expansive than merely requiring helper software programs and the like. GPLv3's "Installation Information" includes any material, such as an authorization key, that is necessary for installation of a modified version onto the device.
However, merely because GPLv3 expanded installation information requirements does not lessen GPLv2's requirement of such. In fact, in my reading of GPLv2 in comparison to GPLv3, the only effective difference between the two on this point relates to cryptographic device lock-down. I do admit that under GPLv2, if you give all the required installation scripts, you could still use cryptography to prevent those scripts from functioning without an authorization key. Some vendors do this, and that's precisely why GPLv3 is written the way that it is: we'd observed such lock-down occurring in the field, and identified that behavior as a bug in GPLv2 that is now closed with GPLv3.
However, because of all that hype about GPLv3's new "Installation Information" definition, many simply forgot that the GPLv2 isn't silent on the issue. In other words, GPLv3's verbosity on the subject led people to minimize the important existing requirements of GPLv2 regarding installation information.
As regular readers of this blog know, I've spent much of my time for the last 12 years doing GPL enforcement. Quite often, I must remind violators that GPLv2 does indeed require "the scripts to control compilation and installation of the executable", and that candidate source code releases missing the scripts remain in violation of GPLv2. I sincerely hope that Android/Linux redistributors haven't forgotten this.
I have one final and important point to make regarding Motorola's February statement: I've often mentioned that the mobile industry's opposition to GPLv3 and to user-upgradable devices is for their own reasons, and nothing to do with regulators or other outside entities preventing them from releasing such software. In their blog post, Motorola tells us quite clearly that the "community of developers interested in … experimenting with Android system development and re-flashing phones … [should obtain] either a Google ADP1 developer phone or a Nexus One, both of which are intended for these purposes". In other words, Motorola tacitly admits that it's complete legal and reasonable for the community to obtain such telephones, and that, in fact, Google sells such devices. Motorola was not required to put lock-down restrictions in place, rather they made a choice to prohibit users in this way. On this point, Google chose to treat its users with respect, allowing them to install modified versions. Motorola, by contrast, chose to make Android/Linux as close to Apple's iPhone as they could get away with legally.
So, the next time a mobile company tries to tell you that they just can't abide by GPLv3 because some third party (the FCC is their frequent scapegoat) prohibits them, you should call them on their FUD. Point out that Google sells phones on the open market that provide all "Installation Information" that GPLv3 might require. (In other words, even if Linux were GPLv3'd, Android/Linux on the NexusOne and HTC Dream would be a GPLv3-compliant distribution.) Meanwhile, at least one such company, Motorola, has admitted their solitary reason for avoiding GPLv3: the company just doesn't believe users deserve the right to install improved versions of their software. At least they admit their contempt for their customers.
Update: jwildeboer pointed me to a few posts in the custom ROM and jailbreaking communities about their concerns about Motorola's new offering, the Droid-X. Some commentors there point out that eventually, most phones get jailbroken or otherwise allow user control. However, the key point of the CrunchGear User Manifesto is a clear and good one: "no company or person has the right to tell you that you may not do what you like with your own property." This is a point akin and perhaps essential to software freedom. It doesn't really matter if you can figure out to how to hack a device; what's important is that you not give your money to the company that prohibits such hacking. For goodness sake, people, why don't we all use ADP1's and NexusOne's and be done with this?