Drop a pass? Talk to Greg Hardy. Fumble a ball? Talk to Greg Hardy.

do you actually think it matters that Garrett lightly claps sometimes? like, you really, truly think that makes a difference?

Yep. Has the same effect as Romo wearing his hat backwards.
Miss a tackle? Talk to Greg Hardy. Throw an interception? Talk to Greg Hardy. Give up a touchdown? Talk to Greg Hardy.

Just have any player that does these things talk to Greg Hardy :)

No matter the results, a problem gets solved :D ... (fewer bad plays or Hardy suspended)

what's pathetic is people like you that continue to defend this degenerate, who is better served being locked up....if you think assaulting a special teams coach knocking things out of his hand and ranting and raving at his team mates as emotion is laughable

He didn't actually touch the special teams coach.

The coach shoved Hardy.

Hardy only touched the coaches clipboard.
The great irony here is that while everyone wants players to be "held responsible", no one here seems to want Greg Hardy to be held responsible for his actions.

Hes doing what he needs to. If you watched, the d line followed him wherever he went. He led, they followed.
I vote Greg Hardy for the new special teams coach. He can still play D and coach STs. I bet he'd do better than Bisacci.

thats what I said lol
Rich is a fav of JG though he just needs to watch some tape and coach better.

Let's be honest - there is a LITTLE difference here. Hardy has been a Cowboy for about five minutes. Dez is still acquiring the capital to do this. The other two examples are two of the best players to ever play. Ever. Ever.

Nobody complained when Mike Irvin did the same thing, because... he had the acquired capital to do so.

I don't necessarily have a big problem with either of them - but it is funny that Hardy and Dez were jawing at each OTHER, so can they both be right? Is Hardy right for going nuclear? Was Dez right to try to tell him time and place? Was Witten wrong talling Dez time and place? Are folks so ready to pick god damned sides over the dumbest crap these days and go fight like a bunch of primitives over the absolutely most petty, asinine things? That was rhetorical, because the answer is obviously yes...
The great irony here is that while everyone wants players to be "held responsible", no one here seems to want Greg Hardy to be held responsible for his actions.

I hold him responsible for each of his sacks and his outstanding play this year. He is a diamond among trash,
Miss a tackle? Talk to Greg Hardy. Throw an interception? Talk to Greg Hardy. Give up a touchdown? Talk to Greg Hardy.

Just have any player that does these things talk to Greg Hardy :)

No matter the results, a problem gets solved :D ... (fewer bad plays or Hardy suspended)

Hmm- I really don't see what this thread is about. If you have every played football, then you'd know that players will play harder for each other more so than they will for the coaches. That's in any game. So, let it rip GH. Maybe the guys will play harder and stay focus.
I think that Hardy crossed the line on this occasion, but I like the intensity he brings, and I think that the incident on Sunday will ultimately be a good thing for our team.

I've seen enough, re-sign Greg Hardy today if possible.
I have no problem with what Hardy did except that he knocked the clipboard out of the coaches hand. Can't disrespect the coaching staff in tha way. Other than that I love the passion and disgust with the 100yd kickoff return.

Same here, but I'd add one more thing. Hardy had no business in that special teams huddle - passion or not - while Biasacia is trying to set up the play call for the ensuing kickoff.
Let's be honest - there is a LITTLE difference here. Hardy has been a Cowboy for about five minutes. Dez is still acquiring the capital to do this. The other two examples are two of the best players to ever play. Ever. Ever.

Nobody complained when Mike Irvin did the same thing, because... he had the acquired capital to do so.

I don't necessarily have a big problem with either of them - but it is funny that Hardy and Dez were jawing at each OTHER, so can they both be right? Is Hardy right for going nuclear? Was Dez right to try to tell him time and place? Was Witten wrong talling Dez time and place? Are folks so ready to pick god damned sides over the dumbest crap these days and go fight like a bunch of primitives over the absolutely most petty, asinine things? That was rhetorical, because the answer is obviously yes...

certainly respect your angle on this. but obviously i have a different take on it.

is there an unspoken rule that you have to be a certain pedigree for a certain length to show passion like this on the side lines?
passion is passion. certainly dez and hardy have pretty strong resumes and they are stars of their team. leaders even. i dont think just because one is the best ever at their position that they are the only ones that are allowed to show passion. maybe to you and thats fine but not to me.
i could care less if they were jawing at each other. its a battle out there. these guys are now family, brothers. these things are bound to happen. so as long as the coach can keep them in check and resolve any unneeded tension to where it doesnt spill over and become a team distraction i have no issue with it. whoever is right or wrong.

jimmy allowed certain players to get away with things those who are dominant in their respect position on the team were allowed certain room the others werent. maybe Jason is taking that same approach with Hardy and Dez.

i think what is petty is the media making a bunch of BS about pretty much petty stuff. These dudes are animals on the field. All of a sudden the media goes ballistic because these guys show some intense energy, some extreme passion on the sidelines? Sure I agree it should be honed in and done hopefully at the right time but to go to this degree of making a bigger deal than it is? Its all just profit and ratings. These things make the haters watch. More viewers =profit. Otherwise I dont think it would be that big of a deal. Gotta sensationalize. It's business.
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