CFZ Duece Vaughn Could End Up Being One of the Most Prolific Backs Ever

Well that is the way I see it anyway. Many others would agree with you. I think that is one reason why there is so much disagreement about what trolling actually is.

I actually looked it up and you’re correct. It’s not about positivity or negativity. It’s about getting peoples anger or blood up.
I will wait and see play on the field.
Yea anything future related shouldn't be allowed to be discussed. Unless, of course it's negative. We should sticky the negative future threads. They are much better and way more realistic.
He’s little.

Gonna get trucked.
He can take it. He's a tank up close. Just very short. But a tank nonetheless. You can't square him up often.. It'll happen. But he's got this.

I mean, you guys are welcome to go look for yourselves.

I just happen to study our players a lot. That's all. That's my opinion. Bunch of weirdos, hanging out on a football board. It's not as outrageous as it would initially sound if you just look at the player. He's an exception to the rule. Easy.
He can take it. He's a tank up close. Just very short. But a tank nonetheless. You can't square him up often.. It'll happen. But he's got this.

I mean, you guys are welcome to go look for yourselves.

I just happen to study our players a lot. That's all. That's my opinion. Weird on a football board, I see.
How has anyone watched this guy in the preseason and still think it’s some simple thing to line up Deuce Vaughn and hit him hard lol.

Like he won’t just stop on a dime right in front of the defender and juke them out.
How has anyone watched this guy in the preseason and still think it’s some simple thing to line up Deuce Vaughn and hit him hard lol.

Like he won’t just stop on a dime right in front of the defender and juke them out.
I’m sure he will make his share of plays… but you answered your own question yourself. It’s the preseason. He has never even met a team that has game planned for him yet. Some of you are trying to make a sound like he’s some invincible force. I’m sorry, but it’s just a little premature.
I don't want to get into some stupid debate. But picture this. What if Deuce is just durable. He was in college. It was never even a problem. I realize they are all prone to injury. But there are certain guys that are just built for the game. If he can stay healthy, you're going to be surprised by how much this guy can carry the load. You have to get on the surface to see it. Even Big Nate Newton said it. He said, something along the lines of being apprehensive at first. Then he saw his thighs, and said his thighs are as big as mine, he'll be fine. Then described how truly built he is. I'm paraphrasing there. Jerry is putting his knowledge to use finally. He's finally on top of his game again. And I think it bodes well on him to be working hand-in-hand with a guy who can coach his own son like that. At that height, and have him be such a class act and all that.

It's going to be fun. Because both of these guys can get 12-ish carries a game. Sprinkle in some Dowdle and Luepke and we've got ourselves West Coast Party going on in our backfield.

And by prolific, I mean in Dallas, and that he's going to be in the game a lot, eventually. May take some work. And they shouldn't rush him. McCarthy said it best. He just looks comfortable in there

I also think Jerry's timing with the tag was perfect. He's being well advised by McClay, obviously. But it's good to see them working together.
Lol! The propensity to overhype players on here is ridiculous. Its unlikely as hell he ever eclipses 600 yards in a season!
Yea anything future related shouldn't be allowed to be discussed. Unless, of course it's negative. We should sticky the negative future threads. They are much better and way more realistic.
This is getting old. You are on the verge of constant trolling with your repeated negative attitude on negative posts.
They are entitled to their opinions as well.
How has anyone watched this guy in the preseason and still think it’s some simple thing to line up Deuce Vaughn and hit him hard lol.

Like he won’t just stop on a dime right in front of the defender and juke them out.
Right. He's like a little CMC in a way. Very slithery. He has more juke than I've seen in a back in a long time. But he also knows when to hit the hole and take it up-field, Emmitt-style. It's a thing of beauty, really, how he makes do with his every ounce.
When Emmitt Smith was a rookie, he told Michael Irvin that one of his goals was to become the NFL's all-time leading rusher. Irvin admits that he thought Emmitt's goal was nothing but fantasy. For those of you that remember, Emmitt was considered too slow for his size. He wasn't a big back. He wasn't a power back. He wasn't a speed back. He wasn't overly elusive. He was just...great. Emmitt was equal parts heart and vision and durability. Emmitt is the NFL's all time leading rusher. His record will quite possibly never be broken.

There are people laughing at posts like this because the projections are simply not possible. Deuce is WAY too short. Deuce is too light. He doesn't have breath-taking top-end speed. There's just no way for him to get onto the field and then stay there in one piece. The OP is just spouting fantasies.

Unless...unless he's not.
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When Emmitt Smith was a rookie, he told Michael Irvin that one of his goals was to become the NFL's all-time leading rusher. Irvin admits that he thought Emmitt's goal was nothing but fantasy. For those of you that remember, Emmitt was considered to slow for his size. He wasn't a big back. He wasn't a power back. He wasn't a speed back. He wasn't overly elusive. He was just...great. Emmitt was equal parts heart and vision and durability. Emmitt is the NFL's all time leading rusher. His record will quite possibly never be broken.

There are people laughing at posts like this because the projections are simply not possible. Deuce is WAY too short. Deuce is too light. He doesn't have breath-taking top-end speed. There's just no way for him to get onto the field and then stay there in one piece. The OP is just spouting fantasies.

Unless...unless he's not.
The thing is, I don't spout fantasies. I call them as I see them, balls and strikes. I'm not predicting Super Bowl 100%, but I do like our chances. We made some really slick upgrades here. There's nothing stopping Deuce from being one of the best unless it's himself. He just has to be patient and not be Sproles: just be typical Deuce and thrive on proving all the doubters wrong in time. He has the kind of skill to do that.

And I remember back in Emmitt's days. I was at those camps at St. Eds. We went there to heckle Steve Walsh, I think it was.
"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas"
The thing is, I don't spout fantasies. I call them as I see them, balls and strikes. I'm not predicting Super Bowl 100%, but I do like our chances. We made some really slick upgrades here. There's nothing stopping Deuce from being one of the best unless it's himself. He just has to be patient and not be Sproles: just be typical Deuce and thrive on proving all the doubters wrong in time. He has the kind of skill to do that.

And I remember back in Emmitt's days. I was at those camps at St. Eds. We went there to heckle Steve Walsh, I think it was.'re probably the reason Steve Walsh didn't pan out.

I'm with you on Deuce. I don't have a crystal ball. But literally the only thing that anyone can point at as a limiting factor is his size. Everything else is in place. Everything. I am personally all in on him. I'll be surprised if he isn't a real contributor.
All I can say is I can' t wait to see deuce running behind leupke ,out of the I formation . But pollard behind leupke will be good as well.
2-3 weeks before the start of the season is so different than 2-3 weeks after the start of the season..
All I can say is I can' t wait to see deuce running behind leupke ,out of the I formation . But pollard behind leupke will be good as well.
He can do that, but he's more dynamic. That's exactly why I think he'll be good. They're going to line Vaughn up at FB, at times, out to WR, things like you see McCaffrey do in the WCO. He'll benefit from having such good receivers around him. He's going to be the little pesky guy they have to stop, but gets others' open too.

By the way, I'm not saying you line him up at FB. But that he'll be a receiver out of anywhere including from there. That's what he does.
I’m sure he will make his share of plays… but you answered your own question yourself. It’s the preseason. He has never even met a team that has game planned for him yet. Some of you are trying to make a sound like he’s some invincible force. I’m sorry, but it’s just a little premature.
Yup, saw a sample of it Seattle preseason game, they attacked his legs, feet...ran thru the tackle, didn’t let him juke.

He still got the nice 25 yd Td run, but otherwise was limited.'re probably the reason Steve Walsh didn't pan out.

I'm with you on Deuce. I don't have a crystal ball. But literally the only thing that anyone can point at as a limiting factor is his size. Everything else is in place. Everything. I am personally all in on him. I'll be surprised if he isn't a real contributor.
We ended seeing him pull off in a Ferrari,some car like that, and were kinda star struck. But he hardly noticed us, there were all kind of people there. We got some autographs of some scrubs, though.

I think the important thing I am saying is he's plenty durable enough. You have to look at his build to understand it. He's tough, too.
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