Oh it is about opinion JT. Contrary to what you might think, yours is just an opinion, just like mine. What you think is not fact. The location of San Antonio, alone, is a factor. The taxes in Texas as opposed to NY or LA is a factor.
If you don't think that living in L.A. or N.Y. is different then living in San Antonio and facing their press corps, then I'd have to guess that you also have never spent any time in either of those places. It's not the same. It's not even kind of the same. It's a different world, and there is not even a question of that but yeah, this isn't about opinion. Sure it's not.
You can try and sell that but I'm not buying.
The statement that teams can not use the same strategy due to varying markets is an opinion.
The argument you laid out is not opinion but ... an argument. One that was logically flawed if not just untrue.
San Antonio is ALL about 2 things: The Spurs and UT. They have no bigger story.
In LA and NY they have much bigger fish to fry.
LA has all of Hollywood and USC. NY has it's own cache of celebrities and the Yankees, Giants, Mets and now Nets.
The Lakers and Knicks are huge because those organizations won over the years and built a following.
Same as the Dallas Cowboys.
(And much of the Cowboys success came when this was still a smaller market.)
Again this isn't 1990 anymore. The media is far less local and far more national.
Beyond that teams have varying degrees of media crush in the SAME CITIES.
You think the 90's Clippers had the same press as the 90's Lakers??
I travel for work and have to varying extents for years.
Cities are really very similar all over.
Teams and the players themselves are the only factor that really matters.
Miami is a very small town; that got a whole lot bigger once LeBron came to town.
In basically every sport teams have won by using the same foundation as San Antonio regardless of market.
Great coach who preaches selflessness and playing defense.
Build around a high caliber high character player with great work ethic.
Draft, scout, acquire talent that fits your system and elevate players beyond the norm.
That works in essentially any team sport.
I've seen the Stars, Mavs, Rangers, Cowboys all compete for championships and they all followed that blueprint basically.
BTW, San Antonio has grown 30% since 2000. It has well over 2 million people now.