Video: E:60 Zeke suspension and investigation

Funny how neither Schefter or ESPN mention that Thompson was caught, red handed, lying to police and asking her friend to lie to police.

The NFL chose to believe Thompson in spite of this which is far more damning to the NFL than the NFL siding with Thompson despite saying she was going to ruin his career.

But hey, why let those pesky details come to light?

Diana Moskovitz's comments were more interesting than Shefter's: "Goodell just sticks his finger in the wind and decides which way PR winds are blowing." And therein lies the problem: So far, this is a PR win for the league. Can't go wrong with more punishment. What can Elliot's team or Jerry do to change the calculations?
Funny how neither Schefter or ESPN mention that Thompson was caught, red handed, lying to police and asking her friend to lie to police.

The NFL chose to believe Thompson in spite of this which is far more damning to the NFL than the NFL siding with Thompson despite saying she was going to ruin his career.

But hey, why let those pesky details come to light?

Do you have the link for that? That'd be an interesting read.
There's nothing that says he broke a DJ's nose. The witnesses have stated that he did not throw a punch. The NFL stated that they talked to the woman in the St. Patrick's Day incident and that she didn't have a problem with EE pulling her blouse down because they were dating at the time.

Imagine if they had worked out and gotten married lol

Their kids would be able to find that video lol smh
Diana Moskovitz's comments were more interesting than Shefter's: "Goodell just sticks his finger in the wind and decides which way PR winds are blowing." And therein lies the problem: So far, this is a PR win for the league. Can't go wrong with more punishment. What can Elliot's team or Jerry do to change the calculations?
They can use the unjust card.
Interesting... The report stated that Elliot's camp has a slew of "new" evidence to introduce and is going to be taking Tiffany Thompson to court as well. If they do have this evidence-- why wasn't it a part of the initial investigation? Or is this the evidence their camp has claimed the NFL chose to ignore?

Beyond all that-- the most damning fact for the NFL in that segment is that 7 of 9 verdicts handed down by Goodell since the new DV policy has been issued were less than 6 games. Goodell ignored his own precedents to throw the book at a player whose guilt is not 100% confirmed and who very well could be the victim of an ex GFs vendetta.

If Elliott can destroy her credibility-- he may not be able to reduce the suspension-- but he could definitely shift public perception and throw into question Goodell's motives behind what would likely be classified as a witch hunt. That would be a MASSIVE black-eye for Goodell and the NFL and would very likely be the nail in Roger's coffin.
Interesting... The report stated that Elliot's camp has a slew of "new" evidence to introduce and is going to be taking Tiffany Thompson to court as well. If they do have this evidence-- why wasn't it a part of the initial investigation? Or is this the evidence their camp has claimed the NFL chose to ignore?

Beyond all that-- the most damning fact for the NFL in that segment is that 7 of 9 verdicts handed down by Goodell since the new DV policy has been issued were less than 6 games. Goodell ignored his own precedents to throw the book at a player whose guilt is not 100% confirmed and who very well could be the victim of an ex GFs vendetta.

If Elliott can destroy her credibility-- he may not be able to reduce the suspension-- but he could definitely shift public perception and throw into question Goodell's motives behind what would likely be classified as a witch hunt. That would be a MASSIVE black-eye for Goodell and the NFL and would very likely be the nail in Roger's coffin.

But he needs to keep pounding away at it; or his lawyers do whatever. And frankly Jerry needs to do the same. Keep the bright light of publicity on the NFL and the liar.

Again and again keep pointing out her lying and the NFL's lack of consistency and fairness. And that the NFL investigators have a history of incompetence. Like never being able to find the Ray Rice video until it was all over the internet and on ESPN, etc.
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He's definitely always got their backs, which is why players love the guy. But when has he taken legal action against the league for one of his players? I hope he does in this case, just can't see it happening.

When has he really had a chance like this? There really hasn't been an opportunity to challenge the league's authority on player discipline, especially with the facts as we know it?
But he needs to keep pounding away at it; or his lawyers do whatever. And frankly Jerry needs to do the same. Keep the bright light of publicity on the NFL and the liar.

Again and again keep pointing out her lying and the NFL's lack of consistency and fairness. And that the NFL investigators have a history of incompetence. Like never being able to find the Ray Rice video until it was all over the internet and on ESPN, etc.

Agreed. But the reality of the situation is that Goodell has all the power and authority to enforce this decision regardless of what Zeke does. He may look like a complete incompetent, ego-driven lunatic at the end-- but the suspension could still end up sticking.

I think we need to accept the fact that Zeke will more than likely be serving a suspension (hopefully reduced). Goodell has gone "all in" with this statement-- and is not likely to fold at this point as it would make him look horrible. He is a lawyer and he can always hide behind "we looked at the evidence, did our investigation and are confident in our findings that Zeke was physical with this woman".

Gonna be real messy-- especially if they can prove she lied and destroy her in court. They may succeed at hurting Goodell's image-- but that still may not be enough to change the reality of the suspension. In fact-- it may make him more adamant in his stance.
When has he really had a chance like this? There really hasn't been an opportunity to challenge the league's authority on player discipline, especially with the facts as we know it?
Good point, so you're convinced that he'll challenge the league on this one?
They can use the unjust card.

What's going to have more PR bite--"NFL gets tough with woman beater" or "Man accused of woman abuse, didn't get a fair process"? Unfortunately, the societal commandment to make sure a suspected woman beater never escapes punishment has completely over ridden any sense of the rights of the accused to a fair process and Goodel knows that. It is going to be an uphill battle to swing that pendulum back. How much is Jerry going to want to look like he is taking a "woman beaters" side and how far is Zeke going to push it before his PR team tells him it isn't worth dragging out anymore?
Good point, so you're convinced that he'll challenge the league on this one?

Not sure. I think he may stay on the background and let Elliott and his camp push through the appeal and see where they go first. I am sure along the way he'll have his attorneys advising him.

He may not need to do anything based on what Elliott and his attorneys are able to do.
Not sure. I think he may stay on the background and let Elliott and his camp push through the appeal and see where they go first. I am sure along the way he'll have his attorneys advising him.

He may not need to do anything based on what Elliott and his attorneys are able to do.
Assuming he didn't actually do it, I hope he and Jerry fight it with everything they have.
Imagine if they had worked out and gotten married lol

Their kids would be able to find that video lol smh

I honestly don't see it as a big deal. If he did that to somebody he didn't know or had a good idea that she wouldn't be okay with it, then I could take a greater issue with it.

My father did things from time to time to embarrass my mother. And guess mom did things from time to time to embarrass my dad.

Ever depants a friend in public?

I have.

And almost every friend I know has.

Is that the behavior of a 'knucklehead?' Is that behavior that you really hope you wish to change and that person can 'see the light?' Is that behavior that is 'disrespectful to men?'

If so, the league has a lot of explaining to do with all of the 'hazing' incidents and rituals that virtually every team does (except for the Cowboys) each training camp. Hell, they film it on Hard Knocks every year.

To me, the St. Paddy's Day incident is weaksauce from the NFL. They are insistent that EE abused Tiffany Thompson and they know that their case is incredibly weak and want to spin the St. Paddy's Day incident as so reprehensible that it's a sign of 'disrespecting women' to help make their case seem stronger than it is.

In the end, the NFL still has to justify how they gave a white kicker a 1-game suspension who admitted to abusing his wife while they gave a black RB a 6-game suspension for something he wasn't arrested for and the accuser is on record to lying to police and witness tampering. And they still have to justify why they would trust a white woman who was caught lying to witness and tampering with a witness over a black man who does not have a criminal record. As well as why they allow a white man in Rob Gronkowski to make sexual references and demean women in public, yet never condemn him for disrespecting women.

Allegedly assaulted his GF, broke a DJ's nose, St. Patrick's day incident (which would qualify as sexual assault if it was deemed non-consentual); all illegal.
Getting into fights are now illegal? Why isn't Goddell suspending every guy that ends up in a fight then? St Pattys isn't assault because the person said it wasn't so whats your point stating the obvious?
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Getting into fights are now illegal? Why isn't Goddell suspending every guy that ends up in a fight then? St Pattys isn't assault because the person said it wasn't so whats your point stating the obvious?
Are you really questioning whether assault (AKA getting into a fight) is illegal? Again, you don't have to be found guilty of anything for the NFL to suspend you.
Are you really questioning whether assault (AKA getting into a fight) is illegal? Again, you don't have to be found guilty of anything for the NFL to suspend you.
Like I said if that was the case why isn't everybody that gets into a fight DV or not suspended. I've saw many fights where the police where on the scene where nobody even got arrested so again I don't know about all this illegal talk of yours. Maybe its like Jay walking because getting in a fight doesn't usually lead to people getting arrested ime
Do you have the link for that? That'd be an interesting read.

Look up the affidavits from Airyan Mason which shows the text messages from Thompson to Mason to lie for her.

Also look up Peter Harvey's transcript press conference call to the media on Friday. Harvey readily admits that Thompson lied and that Thompson asked Mason to lie for her as well. But...they believe everything else Thompson said.

Also you will see Peter Harvey's comments where he said that there was an eyewitness to this...Tiffany Thompson herself.

Yes, an attorney and former attorney general claimed that a person was an eyewitness to their own accusation. Why the media has failed to jump on that statement is disappointing, in the least.

Like I said if that was the case why isn't everybody that gets into a fight DV or not suspended. I've saw many fights where the police where on the scene where nobody even got arrested so again I don't know about all this illegal talk of yours. Maybe its like Jay walking because getting in a fight doesn't usually lead to people getting arrested ime
As to your first question... It's not often that players are reported to be involved in fights off the field, or there'd be a lot more suspensions for it. Not saying they don't happen, but it's pretty rare that it's in the news. The NFL is all about their image, "conduct detrimental to the league" is one of their favorite, blanket things to suspend people for.

Not sure what part of the country you're from, but people get arrested for assault/disturbing the peace (fighting) all the time.
Look up the affidavits from Airyan Mason which shows the text messages from Thompson to Mason to lie for her.

Also look up Peter Harvey's transcript press conference call to the media on Friday. Harvey readily admits that Thompson lied and that Thompson asked Mason to lie for her as well. But...they believe everything else Thompson said.

Also you will see Peter Harvey's comments where he said that there was an eyewitness to this...Tiffany Thompson herself.

Yes, an attorney and former attorney general claimed that a person was an eyewitness to their own accusation. Why the media has failed to jump on that statement is disappointing, in the least.

Awesome, thanks.

About to read up on it, but the NFL will say that just because she's a liar, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

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