Video: E:60 Zeke suspension and investigation

I honestly don't see it as a big deal. If he did that to somebody he didn't know or had a good idea that she wouldn't be okay with it, then I could take a greater issue with it.

My father did things from time to time to embarrass my mother. And guess mom did things from time to time to embarrass my dad.

Ever depants a friend in public?

I have.

And almost every friend I know has.

Is that the behavior of a 'knucklehead?' Is that behavior that you really hope you wish to change and that person can 'see the light?' Is that behavior that is 'disrespectful to men?'

If so, the league has a lot of explaining to do with all of the 'hazing' incidents and rituals that virtually every team does (except for the Cowboys) each training camp. Hell, they film it on Hard Knocks every year.

To me, the St. Paddy's Day incident is weaksauce from the NFL. They are insistent that EE abused Tiffany Thompson and they know that their case is incredibly weak and want to spin the St. Paddy's Day incident as so reprehensible that it's a sign of 'disrespecting women' to help make their case seem stronger than it is.

In the end, the NFL still has to justify how they gave a white kicker a 1-game suspension who admitted to abusing his wife while they gave a black RB a 6-game suspension for something he wasn't arrested for and the accuser is on record to lying to police and witness tampering. And they still have to justify why they would trust a white woman who was caught lying to witness and tampering with a witness over a black man who does not have a criminal record. As well as why they allow a white man in Rob Gronkowski to make sexual references and demean women in public, yet never condemn him for disrespecting women.


Yakuza Rich off the top ******* rope! FACTS.
Allegedly assaulted his GF, broke a DJ's nose, St. Patrick's day incident (which would qualify as sexual assault if it was deemed non-consentual); all illegal.

But the league said none of those things were considered in arriving at the decision to suspend him. It would look really bad if they came back and said the exact opposite.
Also for those keeping score at home - it's worth noting that Goodell used the personal conduct explanation rather than the NFL's very specific domestic violence policy -- personal conduct has no precedent. Domestic violence policy does.

By using the more vague policy, he was able to overinflate the punishment for PR points. It's the equivalent of using an administrative action in the military to throw the book at a soldier when there's no evidence -- you know your case would be laughed out of a court of law, so you maximize the administrative stuff. There's no criminal record but you can throw a guy on lawnmower duty for 45 days because you "felt like" he did it.

Slimy tactic from a slimy commissioner. CBA negotiations in 2019/2020 are going to be a doozy.
Allegedly assaulted his GF, broke a DJ's nose, St. Patrick's day incident (which would qualify as sexual assault if it was deemed non-consentual); all illegal.
So is jaywalking.........these hacks never delved into that fact that even her friends discounted any abuse.
But the league said none of those things were considered in arriving at the decision to suspend him. It would look really bad if they came back and said the exact opposite.
I find it hard to believe, though with the NFL, I never know what to believe.
I have lost all respect for Adam Schefter. His smug "the league has heard both sides and, well, you see which side they believe" remark and not bringing up the lie the accused was 100% caught in tells me he is another Mara-Goodell implanted Cowboys troll.
Also you will see Peter Harvey's comments where he said that there was an eyewitness to this...Tiffany Thompson herself.

Yes, an attorney and former attorney general claimed that a person was an eyewitness to their own accusation. Why the media has failed to jump on that statement is disappointing, in the least.


Should be a lot of convictions in NJ getting over turned if that is how they do criminal justice there.
What's going to have more PR bite--"NFL gets tough with woman beater" or "Man accused of woman abuse, didn't get a fair process"? Unfortunately, the societal commandment to make sure a suspected woman beater never escapes punishment has completely over ridden any sense of the rights of the accused to a fair process and Goodel knows that. It is going to be an uphill battle to swing that pendulum back. How much is Jerry going to want to look like he is taking a "woman beaters" side and how far is Zeke going to push it before his PR team tells him it isn't worth dragging out anymore?

If she lied, than he should stand on the side of the truth. Zeke's reputation is forever tarnished, unless there is stuff we don't know....he has nothing to lose now.
If she lied, than he should stand on the side of the truth. Zeke's reputation is forever tarnished, unless there is stuff we don't know....he has nothing to lose now.

He and his career are young enough that his advisors might ultimately tell him the best path is public contrition even if he didn't actually do it, rather than drag the he said-she said drama on any longer. The general public is always going to side with the alleged victim unless there is slam-dunk evidence of innocence and apparently there isn't. He is in a really Kafkaesque situation. It sucks, but in the court of public opinion, you are generally guilty until you prove yourself innocent.
Allegedly assaulted his GF, broke a DJ's nose, St. Patrick's day incident (which would qualify as sexual assault if it was deemed non-consentual); all illegal.
If my wife didn't consent last night I would be guilty of rape...
Don't let the TMZ media types set the tone on Zeke for you. Zero proof or reason to believe he did anything at that club where the DJ caught a punch to the snout.
So is jaywalking.........these hacks never delved into that fact that even her friends discounted any abuse.
Jaywalking is a little different than assault.

Hopefully his legal team can make some headway with the idea that she lied about it.
If my wife didn't consent last night I would be guilty of rape...
Don't let the TMZ media types set the tone on Zeke for you. Zero proof or reason to believe he did anything at that club where the DJ caught a punch to the snout.
Right now everything is an "if". At the end of the day, it's rather convenient that he keeps having his name attached to all this madness. Maybe he's just the most unlucky human walking the planet? Maybe he's not the angel some of you wish he was?
Jaywalking is a little different than assault.

Hopefully his legal team can make some headway with the idea that she lied about it.
They both are illegal. And with the original legal results, outside of the NFL.....just as trivial.
Right now everything is an "if". At the end of the day, it's rather convenient that he keeps having his name attached to all this madness. Maybe he's just the most unlucky human walking the planet? Maybe he's not the angel some of you wish he was?
Or maybe you could consider that neither extreme is the reality.
Maybe Zeke is an immature childlike 22 year old guy who is naive. Maybe his parents are right when they said worry Zeke doesn't know what being a star means yet.

Or you can assume he is a monster that goes around beating up women, drunk DJ's and sexually assaulting women.
Funny how neither Schefter or ESPN mention that Thompson was caught, red handed, lying to police and asking her friend to lie to police.

The NFL chose to believe Thompson in spite of this which is far more damning to the NFL than the NFL siding with Thompson despite saying she was going to ruin his career.

But hey, why let those pesky details come to light? YR

Schefter did mention that Thompson was going to ruin Zeke's life in that interview.
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Serious question, did you really not know that? Its been discussed a million times about her story.
Heard about it a while back, never really looked into it much. There's a lot of moving parts here and the fact that she's a liar holds no weight when it comes to what happened between her and Zeke. In the NFL's eyes, just because she's a known liar, doesn't mean he didn't do it.

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