Eagles now SUSPEND T.O. (***Ultimate TO Thread***)

LaTunaNostra said:
What a sideshow. ;)

TO was "betrayed".

I didn't watch it. I ate dinner late.

Besides, when I want to see narcissistic personality disorder in action, I just go over and sit with my father-in-law. There have been times when I think TO has his phone number.:)
Letemburn said:
Lmao. The Eagles have hurt TO's feelings. Lmao, him and his agent are crazy

Yeah, he sure looked like his feelings were hurt yesterday when he was flexing and posing for the media. He seemed to be doing quite well for a guy with a quirky groin, too. The only real injury he has is between his ears.

Jack*** probably videotapes himself while he's asleep to make sure he doesn't miss any opportunities to look at himself.
There is some strange stuff going on here in Cincinnati with Marvin Lewis and his last Press conference. Warrick has been cleared to practice and stated that it wasn't his decision to not have him there he would prefer it. His salary has already been accounted for so it makes no sense to ask him to take a paycut now. This would have normally been done much sooner. I could see the eagles putting TO on the Reserved/ Suspended list. They wouldn't have to pay him a dime and still own his rights so they could limit him from playing anywhere. I could really see them making an example out of him. There then could be a trade in the works for Peter Warrick. Just something to think about with the strange timing of this Warrick situation here in Cincinnati.
I agree. Philly has reeped what they've sown. TO will sit the rest out and, I suspect, find it a bit more difficult to sign a big bonus contract in future. The only guy smiling here is Ozzie Newsom IMO. Good for him I say.
This is an old thread. I should read dates before I start to post a reply.
And the words of the prophets were written on the studio wall. :D

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