Earl Thomas will be a Cowboy by Mid August- Book it

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But there is another thing that Earl’s comments tend to do: dissuade other trading partners. What other team is going to want to make a trade offer—which is incredibly risky—for a guy who seemingly only wants to play in Dallas?
Teams don't care about that. If they want him, they'll trade for him and give him the money he wants. Money tends to quiet the "I only want to play for this team" desire. I don't think he has any suitors other than Dallas.


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I would hate it. Poor use of cap funds for an aging, declining player who wants a new contract at 12mil per season. Heck, I would rather pay Dez who at least would score a few touchdowns...ET is not going to score many touchdowns. The safety position is not a "money 5" position. Be smart.

A long term deal for him runs cross-grain to my principles on not paying out big money for age at athletic positions.

The thing is I’m not convinced we have to give him that long term contract. Could possibly do this as one-year rental.
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A long term dea for him runs cross-grain to my principles on not paying out big money for age at athletic positions.

The thing is I’m not convinced we have to give him that long term contract. Could possibly do this as one-year rental.

I disagree.

His top priority is getting that long term deal and he'll be a problem until he does.


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I disagree.

His top priority is getting that long term deal and he'll be a problem until he does.

He might end up singing...
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need

Snging in Dallas, which is where he wants to be.


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Agree 100%. Keeping him sends a valuable message to the rest of the Seahawks roster. Bringing him in to the Cowboys locker room sends a horrible message to a number of players playing for below market value salaries.

Valid concern.


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He might end up singing...
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need

Snging in Dallas, which is where he wants to be.

Take note of him asking Raiders owner Mark Davis to "Come Get Me" as well.

It's about the money, not the location.


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So expecting you to be mature enough to admit that you were wrong is now "being a jerk"? And again with the name-calling?

I didn't need to come up with the "disconnect" because I wasn't the guy who had one. That would be you, again, the guy who can't admit when he's wrong. That's your issue, not anyone else's.

I appreciate you backing me up yesterday, I truly do. But I don't see why it is so difficult for you to admit you were wrong and move on like a mature adult does.

Instead, you're wasting an awful lot of time and effort trying to paint me as some bad guy here when my only crime was trying to educate you about something you clearly didn't know.

I said I was mistaken - were you unable to read that?

Obviously what I meant by being a jerk was the suggestions that I should apologize to you and thank you for "setting me straight", as if you were a wise adult administering discipline and setting a rebellious child on the right path. Of course, that on top of the suggestion I was stupid for not knowing exactly how the compensatory program worked, and the silly act as if you have been grievously disrespected and ... well, you get the picture. Well, probably not. I suspect you prefer to justify the jerk act in your mind.


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I remember the 'Earl Thomas will be a Cowboy by draft day - book it' threads 4 months ago. Lets hope the Cowboys aren't entertaining this idea. The trade value and the salary will be long term backbreakers.


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I said I was mistaken - were you unable to read that?

Amidst all of the other excuses and projecting? Yeah, it was hard to pick out.

Obviously what I meant by being a jerk was the suggestions that I should apologize to you and thank you for "setting me straight", as if you were a wise adult administering discipline and setting a rebellious child on the right path. Of course, that on top of the suggestion I was stupid for not knowing exactly how the compensatory program worked, and the silly act as if you have been grievously disrespected and ... well, you get the picture. Well, probably not. I suspect you prefer to justify the jerk act in your mind.

Keep going the name calling route while trying to project that behavior on someone else. It's been a great look for you so far.


Look, I just asked that you man up and admit you made a mistake but it's obvious that I expected too much and gave you too much credit.

This conversation doesn't need to go any further.


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Amidst all of the other excuses and projecting? Yeah, it was hard to pick out.

Keep going the name calling route while trying to project that behavior on someone else. It's been a great look for you so far.


Look, I just asked that you man up and admit you made a mistake but it's obvious that I expected too much and gave you too much credit.

This conversation doesn't need to go any further.

lol - you still feel the need to gloat and act superior while denying your silly comments and reactions. If internet glory is important to you, so be it.


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lol - you still feel the need to gloat and act superior while denying your silly comments and reactions. If internet glory is important to you, so be it.

I'm not the guy who can't admit when they're wrong without throwing a hissy fit. Look into a reflective surface to find him.

You have a real problem with trying to project your own faults and failings onto others.


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I'm not the guy who can't admit when they're wrong without throwing a hissy fit. Look into a reflective surface to find him.

You have a real problem with trying to project your own faults and failings onto others.

lol - a little over dramatic aren't you? Of course, your flair for melodrama was what kicked this off to begin with. It couldn't be that you could just say "I think you're wrong, and let's talk about it", it had to be "omg I can't believe you don't know this! How can you not know this!" And then you can't accept my concession that I misunderstood the compensatory free agency system, it has to be an apology, a thank you for setting me straight, and an admission of faults and failings. Let me see if I can find a teenage girl to take my place in this conversation. The two of you would have a lot in common.


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lol - a little over dramatic aren't you? Of course, your flair for melodrama was what kicked this off to begin with.

Was it?

Or is it you once again projecting your own failures onto others? I'm going to go with the latter. Because if you bothered to listen at all to what I was telling and showing you, we wouldn't be here now.

It couldn't be that you could just say "I think you're wrong, and let's talk about it", it had to be "omg I can't believe you don't know this! How can you not know this!"

Show me where I said any of those words? Once again, your projecting shines through. You're overly sensitive and can't stand to be told or to admit that you're wrong. And you prove my point at every turn.

And then you can't accept my concession that I misunderstood the compensatory free agency system, it has to be an apology, a thank you for setting me straight, and an admission of faults and failings. Let me see if I can find a teenage girl to take my place in this conversation. The two of you would have a lot in common.

I got news for you kiddo, I'm already talking to one, and she still can't simply admit when she's wrong without throwing a tantrum about it.

If you spent a fraction of the time doing your homework that you do trying to avoid accountability, and trying to blame others, we wouldn't be here.


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Was it?

Or is it you once again projecting your own failures onto others? I'm going to go with the latter. Because if you bothered to listen at all to what I was telling and showing you, we wouldn't be here now.

Show me where I said any of those words? Once again, your projecting shines through. You're overly sensitive and can't stand to be told or to admit that you're wrong. And you prove my point at every turn.

I got news for you kiddo, I'm already talking to one, and she still can't simply admit when she's wrong without throwing a tantrum about it.

If you spent a fraction of the time doing your homework that you do trying to avoid accountability, and trying to blame others, we wouldn't be here.

Sorry, I've had enough melodrama. Stick with the teenage girls if you want to continue.

OMG - bye.


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I remember the 'Earl Thomas will be a Cowboy by draft day - book it' threads 4 months ago. Lets hope the Cowboys aren't entertaining this idea. The trade value and the salary will be long term backbreakers.

That deal almost hit. Here’s why it didn’t:
Seattle insisted on second round pick
Cowboys insisted on third round pick

So the two teams will continue to posture and negotiate. None of the dynamics have changed...only the temperature in the room.
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