Ed Werder happier than a Pig in slop

Oldschool7;2482936 said:
Yakuza Rich, no doubt media can pull B.S.

But we don't even need the reporters on this stuff!

T.O. and Jerry are pulling ****tt in front of all. They yank it out and flash it for all eyes to see.

Watch and listen with you own eyes. My gawd how blind can you be?

YR is not a homer.
I can't believe how most of you guys/gals get yourselves sucked.

Stop listening to the (over-reacting) Galloway show. You'll live longer. :D
Boysboy;2482934 said:
The sad part of this is that if the Boys win their next 2 to advance to 10-5, and clinch a playoff birth after this, even fans like these will hop back into the Boys' and TO's jockstraps.

At least stay consistent...

Actually.... as sad as it is.... some would rather be right about something or just hate on a player MORE than the BIG PICTURE of the Cowboys winning it all.

Very sad.
Of course while nursing a nagging injury that definitely effects his throwing, Romo is going to look for his most dependable receiver in crucial situations- whom happens to be Witten. I'm glad that's a story.

Imagine if Witten, TO and Roy11 were out, we'd probably be looking to Barber to carry the load. The waves that would cause!
Yakuza Rich;2482683 said:
I have a couple of good friends that are reporters, one of whom works for the AP and another is a beat writer for a major D-I college.

Anyway, watch the last season of 'The Wire.' In it, the show goes into the media and its role in society. Except there's one reporter who has this knack for coming up with these incredible stories. The problem is he's making them up.

The Wire is written by David Simon, a former reporter for the Baltimore Sun. He wrote that storyline based on true events he experienced. And when talking to my friends about the show, they say that kind of stuff happens ALL OF THE TIME. Not my words...theirs.

What really gave it away to me was when he said that a source told him that Owens quit on the route on Romo's first interception. Having watched that play four times, it's hard to tell whether or not he "quit on the route", but it didn't make much of a difference...Romo threw it into practically triple coverage anyway. My guess from that is Owens didn't run in that direction because he saw it was covered by the zone. Instead, Mr. Blue Suit supposedly has some source which is probably none other than him quoting Aikman on the telecast.

And remember, Mr. Blue Suit is the same guy that said Parcells would retire after 2003, then after 2004, then after 2005. He had sources, y'know. And BSP...err, I mean ESPN were the same people reporting Keith Davis was shot to death and Owens tried to commit suicide because he couldn't handle Parcells back in 2006. They had sources, y'know.

After awhile you have to take these sources with a grain of salt, and then run it over with a bulldozer. But even after that, you start to have to wonder if there really are sources to begin with.

So take your pick....either Mr. Blue Sit and Mr. Read Lips have just about ZERO credibility when it comes to sources or they are just making stuff up. Not exactly a great tat to have when it comes to being a reporter.


You have friends in the reporting industry who tell you that reporters make up stories all the time? :eek:


It is very hard to make up stories today for the same reason you cited earlier ... Jayson Blair.

Many news organizations require their reporters to reveal their sources to management. It used to be that reporters didn't have to do this, that they alone knew the identity of a source. But a lot of organizations have moved away from that based on the "scandals" that rocked the news industry a few years back.

I suspect maybe Ed Werder has to do this, i.e., someone at ESPN knows who his sources are. That way the organization is protected should Werder "make stuff up."

One other thing you must note: reporting rumors isn't the same as making up fictional people, as Blair did.

I think what adds to Werder's credibility is that players are now coming forth with the information that at the very least confirms the basis of his story.

Even T.O. didn't deny he thought Romo should look for open receivers other than Witten.
InmanRoshi;2482881 said:
If TO played for any other team we would be pointing and laughing at them for believing a player who had wrecked two previous lockerrooms was incapable of doing it to theirs, all the while regurgitating the mantra of "You don't know him like we do. It's not like all the other times. It's different now. He's changed". And with good reason .. those people are typically losers.

I'm sorry, but your perception is totally skewed by your inherent bias already.

For example, you have assumed something that hasn't ever been shown to be factual and that is the answer to the question of how one man can have such power to wreck a locker room with 51 other players and management? In TO's case, not only once, but TWICE - supposedly.

The fact is, the situations supposedly "induced" by the said player can result in two different reactions.

The media has created the persona and has driven it into the minds of those who are already inherently biased to reinforce its position. In other words, they've created a myth which people who already don't like the player reinforces the image they want to see.

Or the excuse makers who willingly except whatever the player does despite this persona (whether media generated or player generated or both) because the said player is on the team.

The truth is, it most likely lies somewhere in between.
This is going to go away soon enough. A win over the Giants, and then the Ravens, will put to rest all this kind of crap.

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