Nobody really thinks these things through. The big complaint was that Moore never ran the ball, but then give him an offensive line that can run block and Barkley and he has a 2000 yard back. Suddenly he is committed to the run.
Our OL hasn’t been able to get a push on the LOS for years and so running has been ineffective. So we have to pass. But since we can’t run, we face less favorable passing environments.
Running game has actually looked better without Martin, which is crazy to say. Steele hasn’t been the same since injury. Rookie on the left side and center, though they have both gotten better as the year progressed. Dowdle has been fine actually.
McCarthy has been relying on a quick passing game to compensate. If we were more effective at running we would run more. Maybe next we can and if we do the story will be about reducing Dak’s role but that would be the wrong interpretation. We aren’t overusing Dak by choose but necessity.