Edge retires from WWE.

RoyTheHammer;3916486 said:
Since you mention Hogan and Flair.. it seems to me the company was doing better before they got there honestly. I enjoyed the program more. But you can't blame TNA for trying to use big names to boost their ratings.

The WWE does the same thing. They had to bring back Rock, Austin, and HHH for WM to try and boost ratings, because without those three the card was pretty tired. Besides the HHH/Taker match, really the only other good thing about the PPV was Orten/Punk.

The point though, is that TNA isn't the only company trying to use past stars to draw better ratings.

Agreed. Good post.

The difference...Rock and HHH can still actually wrestle good matches. Hogan never could, and certainly can't now, and Flair is long past the point of being anything servicable in the ring.

I have no problem with bringing in names to help your ratings and your product, it would be stupid not to, but Hogan and Flair at this point? It's worthless.

R2A was even kind enough, and not brain washed enough, to point out how little having them has done for their program.

The thing with Hogan, even if he could wrestle semi good, would be that he's a waste cause he's not going to put anyone over anyway. So basically you're paying to have Hogan come in, on name value, and eventually defeat your top guys, for his ego, thus setting you back.

you can do things like that, like WWE did with him, when the short term program he's working is with HBK cause, lets face it, HBK doesn't need to beat Hogan to remain more over than him. What WWE did with Hogan, for short term boosts in ratings, worked brilliantly cause he's not going to hurt their roster.

You'll notice they didn't have him working with Cena or Orton or anyone who was up and coming the last time that he was there, other than as a tag team partner, cause they knew Terry would want to go over on them and thus ruin their upward momentum.

Thus why he worked with guys like The Rock and HBK. The last new guy he worked with, and was forced to put over, was Lesnar and, yes, they had to force him to do that.

I used to absolutely love Hogan. I definately give him the credit he deserves for what he did for wrestling in the 80's and for what he did for WCW in the 90's but I also give him all the credit he deserves for everything he ruins with his selfish ego. Hogan now, and for the last 10 years really, is not good for your product.

RoyTheHammer;3916498 said:
There's a reason that our justice system doesn't send mentally ill people to prison.. they can't be responsible for what they do when they arn't in their right mind.

Purely as a wrestler and entertainer though.. there's no denying he was great.

Sorry no sale. I do not give a pass to murders simply cause someone gives them a mental illness or insanity defense.

He's a murder and he knew it was wrong or he wouldn't have killed himself or wanted people to believe he was sorry for what he did.

Hoofbite;3916581 said:
Hopefully he's rotting in hell.

Probably is.

Romo 2 Austin;3917181 said:
He's 7-1 in his career, on a 5 fight winning streak, so based on that, pretty well.

I heard he was doing pretty well over in the small Japan fighting promotions or whatever. I don't recall even hearing about what his last fight was, or even when it was. I thought he was in Strikeforce but it appears they've cut ties with him already.

if he isn't even wanted in Strikeforce at this time it means his MMA career is probably headed in the wrong direction, despite a solid record.
Ren;3917226 said:
He's also taken a huge a step down in competition

Who did he fight that was top flight competition? I'm not being smart I just didn't know who all he fought. Didn't even realise he'd fought 8 fights.
Ren;3917226 said:
He's also taken a huge a step down in competition

I don't know so I won't argue at all lol I was just saying he's 7-1 as when he asked about Lashley I got interested and googled it. I don't watch MMA outside of Lesnar's fights, and thats mainly for the hope I have that he gets embarrassed and ends up back in wrestling, he could've been as big as Hogan/Rock/Austin but he got tired of the road, it really sucks, Lesnar/Cena could've been the Rock/Austin for 10+ years.
BraveHeartFan;3917234 said:
Who did he fight that was top flight competition? I'm not being smart I just didn't know who all he fought. Didn't even realise he'd fought 8 fights.

Nobody ...... And he was another guy who had no personality.

He belonged in TNA.
BraveHeartFan;3917234 said:
Who did he fight that was top flight competition? I'm not being smart I just didn't know who all he fought. Didn't even realise he'd fought 8 fights.

No one really, but seeing as even Strikeforce chose to cut ties with him it's safe to say his carer is heading in the wrong direction. Sapp and Sims are at least semi known names i wouldn't go as far as to call neither of them good but they are the kind of names that a W over them at least puts you on the MMA radar, he's completely off that now
Ren;3917155 said:
That's what JBL did when he retired

Interesting...learn something new every day because I did not know that.

Taker will sponsor somebody doing that and he'll also do behind the scenes WWE stuff. Like HHH is doing.
BraveHeartFan;3917233 said:
Agreed. Good post.

The difference...Rock and HHH can still actually wrestle good matches. Hogan never could, and certainly can't now, and Flair is long past the point of being anything servicable in the ring.

I have no problem with bringing in names to help your ratings and your product, it would be stupid not to, but Hogan and Flair at this point? It's worthless.

Im not debating who's a bigger draw at this point, just the fact that both companies resort to bringing in past legends to try and boost ratings. Hogan and Flair, as old as they are now, are two names synonymous with wrestling. Two of the biggest stars of all time. (Although Hogan was way overrated and just annoying at this point, imo)

They don't have to bring them in to wrestle either. Rock or Austin didn't wrestle a match at WM. Just their mere presence puts butts in the seats and draws buys for the PPV. That's kinda what TNA is trying to do as well. Not as successfully though obviously, but can't blame them for trying.

I do still enjoy watching Steiner and Sting.. although i hate the new attaire Sting wears and would rather see him talk less and go back to the black and white gimmick. Steiner is just a bad ***, although he doesn't have more than a year or two left before he won't be able to do it anymore. Sad time in wrestling right now with Rock and Austin gone, HHH and guys like Nash, Steiner, etc.. kind of winding down their careers.
Santino is another who could have had a legit MMA career. He is a black belt in Judo, and had an opportunity to compete for Canada in the Olympics. Still competed in some MMA, but I forget what his record was.

Tons of old guys I wish could have had the opportunity to fight in MMA today. They still had their underground fights, but watching some of the old grapplers like Lou Thesz, Dan Hodge, Bruno Sammartino, Stu Hart, etc., would be a site to see how they stack up to others.

Would have paid anything to see Danny Hodge in an MMA cage though. Would have been amazing to see what someone with his amazing strength, boxing ability, and wrestling ability could do.
RoyTheHammer;3917599 said:
Im not debating who's a bigger draw at this point, just the fact that both companies resort to bringing in past legends to try and boost ratings. Hogan and Flair, as old as they are now, are two names synonymous with wrestling. Two of the biggest stars of all time. (Although Hogan was way overrated and just annoying at this point, imo)

They don't have to bring them in to wrestle either. Rock or Austin didn't wrestle a match at WM. Just their mere presence puts butts in the seats and draws buys for the PPV. That's kinda what TNA is trying to do as well. Not as successfully though obviously, but can't blame them for trying.

I do still enjoy watching Steiner and Sting.. although i hate the new attaire Sting wears and would rather see him talk less and go back to the black and white gimmick. Steiner is just a bad ***, although he doesn't have more than a year or two left before he won't be able to do it anymore. Sad time in wrestling right now with Rock and Austin gone, HHH and guys like Nash, Steiner, etc.. kind of winding down their careers.

Oh I agree. Completely, well except about Steiner. I haven't liked him since he was a tag team with his brother. Every since I couldn't stand him.

But i don't blame TNA for wanting to try and bring in ratings with legends and such. It makes sense. It just doesn't do you anything good, at all, beyond a show or two appearance when it comes to Hogan and Flair now days. Especially Hogan. Giving him any sort of control and giving him any sort of shot to get back into the ring is doing nothing but destroying your company.
BraveHeartFan;3918070 said:
Oh I agree. Completely, well except about Steiner. I haven't liked him since he was a tag team with his brother. Every since I couldn't stand him.

But i don't blame TNA for wanting to try and bring in ratings with legends and such. It makes sense. It just doesn't do you anything good, at all, beyond a show or two appearance when it comes to Hogan and Flair now days. Especially Hogan. Giving him any sort of control and giving him any sort of shot to get back into the ring is doing nothing but destroying your company.

That is one of the biggest pops of all time, Hogan used right is fantastic for any wrestling company. Flair has completely dried himself out IMO, although I was never a huge Flair fan.
Romo 2 Austin;3918075 said:

That is one of the biggest pops of all time, Hogan used right is fantastic for any wrestling company. Flair has completely dried himself out IMO, although I was never a huge Flair fan.

Flair was a hundred times the wrestler Hogan was or could ever want to be....all the guys liked and respected him which is something Terry never had nor ever will.
Romo 2 Austin;3918075 said:

That is one of the biggest pops of all time, Hogan used right is fantastic for any wrestling company. Flair has completely dried himself out IMO, although I was never a huge Flair fan.

Nah.. I gotta agree with Braveheart here man. The only way to "use" Hogan right is to bring him back for one or two shows. Hogan isn't doing anything good for TNA right now. He's destroying the product actually. Hogan is the one deciding how to use Hogan right now, and all he's doing is trying to promote himself and make more money. He and Russo are killing the promotion though. I liked TNA a whole lot more before he got there. I still like the talent they have there, but its not being used correctly at all.

And enough with advertising for things before you have the contracts signed already.. that pisses me off more than anything Hogan has done since he got there. Its happened at least 3 seperate times already.
RoyTheHammer;3918168 said:
Nah.. I gotta agree with Braveheart here man. The only way to "use" Hogan right is to bring him back for one or two shows. Hogan isn't doing anything good for TNA right now. He's destroying the product actually. Hogan is the one deciding how to use Hogan right now, and all he's doing is trying to promote himself and make more money. He and Russo are killing the promotion though. I liked TNA a whole lot more before he got there.

I was agreeing with him lol. That's what happens when you bring hogan back once or twice a year, the fans will go NUTS. no reason for him to be on tv every week, and no reason for him to be heel.
DallasGirl50;3918130 said:
Flair was a hundred times the wrestler Hogan was or could ever want to be....all the guys liked and respected him which is something Terry never had nor ever will.

Which is why it's sad to see flair now, he doesn't even carry himself like a star anymore, atleast hogan can still do that. Flair just seems like a broken down old man, hogan seems like a broken down old star.
Romo 2 Austin;3918173 said:
Which is why it's sad to see flair now, he doesn't even carry himself like a star anymore, atleast hogan can still do that. Flair just seems like a broken down old man, hogan seems like a broken down old star.

He just had surgery so he is gone for awhile.

He needs the money.
DallasGirl50;3918303 said:
It's not sad if it's not true. Don't want him to have surgery myself...my nephew told me but I don't know where he got it.

The fact that he won't be gone for a while is sad. I wouldn't mind never seeing ric on tv again.
Romo 2 Austin;3918173 said:
Which is why it's sad to see flair now, he doesn't even carry himself like a star anymore, atleast hogan can still do that. Flair just seems like a broken down old man, hogan seems like a broken down old star.

Now that I agree with.
I'd rather watch Flair any day of the week and twice on Sunday over Hogan...even if his gig is lame as heck.

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