Elliott's Accuser

Just admit you got owned and slink away quietly..... this act is pathetic

Oh yes ......... you set me straight ........ I did not realize what an angel Mrs Thompson was ........ thank you for showing me the error of my ways ........ she would have been better off to stay away from that slimy Zeke Elliot ....... poor girl.

Justice for her .......... thank you bkight13 for setting the world straight.

6 games is not enough.
Why would that make a difference? Alot of young women who go to college & need to pay for their tuition are strippers. They're still human beings. You make it sound as though the word "stripper" is dirty. That can go both ways, male & female. Now, if she were a prostitute, that would be a big difference. Then I would say the young woman is going after Zeke's money.

I am not sure reading comprehension is your strong suit. I asked a question. I didn't imply it meant anything.

I go to strip clubs on occasion. Some entertainers are credible. Others aren't. Most aren't but that's besides the point. Most people in general aren't all that credible when you get right down to it.

I'm probably more open minded than most. Just because a woman is a prostitute wouldn't make her completely unbelieveable.

I have two daughters and I pity the poor ******* that decides that they can lay a hand on them. But punishing someone out of political correctness is ********. Even saying yeah it probably happened but they have no proof is not really enough in my book.

If she said she was going to try to extort money out of Zeke, or if she lied in her police report on any material matter I personally wouldn't suspend Zeke without a mountain I've evidence that proved conclusively he did it. Not even partial video footage would be enough for me. I would want everything that even led up to the altercation.
There's always one in every crowd. The OP, in no way, degraded her for her possible "profession". He was simply asking a question.

But I'm sure Zeke's accuser sure appreciates you jumping to her rescue after assuming the worst of the original question!

I wish I could like this post 10 times. The people who do that stuff wear me out.
There's always one in every crowd. The OP, in no way, degraded her for her possible "profession". He was simply asking a question.

But I'm sure Zeke's accuser sure appreciates you jumping to her rescue after assuming the worst of the original question!
And you are who, the forum police?! I don't recall replying to you to begin with. I can jump to the rescue to any one I please, after all, you've done so by sticking your nose in a conversation that wasn't even pertaining to you. Talk about calling the kettle black. In my opinion, the OP "degraded her for her possible profession" just by using the word STRIPPER. That word alone is degrading. Last but not least, congrats, you've made my ignore list with all the other arrogant posters who stick their nose where it doesn't belong thinking their opinion/comments is the only one that matters. Pft....
^^ CZ truly is a melting pot of ALL types of individuals ^^

Even ones who are offended (I'm beginning to despise this word, btw) by the term stripper :laugh: despite the fact that these individuals do, in fact, STRIP off their clothes and make money for doing so. Like the common saying goes: facts don't care about feelings.

Part of the beauty of football, really. People of all races, beliefs, genders, and cultures can come together with their fandom of the Cowboys. Even if they agree on absolutely nothing else.
And you are who, the forum police?! I don't recall replying to you to begin with. I can jump to the rescue to any one I please, after all, you've done so by sticking your nose in a conversation that wasn't even pertaining to you. Talk about calling the kettle black. In my opinion, the OP "degraded her for her possible profession" just by using the word STRIPPER. That word alone is degrading. Last but not least, congrats, you've made my ignore list with all the other arrogant posters who stick their nose where it doesn't belong thinking their opinion/comments is the only one that matters. Pft....

Maybe you are overly sensitive. Is a person who takes their clothes off while dancing to music not a stripper?
^^ CZ truly is a melting pot of ALL types of individuals ^^

Even ones who are offended (I'm beginning to despise this word, btw) by the term stripper :laugh: despite the fact that these individuals do, in fact, STRIP off their clothes and make money for doing so. Like the common saying goes: facts don't care about feelings.

Part of the beauty of football, really. People of all races, beliefs, genders, and cultures can come together with their fandom of the Cowboys. Even if they agree on absolutely nothing else.

Some of these people are looking for a reason to get offended.
Maybe you are overly sensitive. Is a person who takes their clothes off while dancing to music not a stripper?
Well technically I only consider full nude dancers strippers. If pasties and G-Strings are present to the end they are just topless or GO-GO dancers.
And you are who, the forum police?! I don't recall replying to you to begin with. I can jump to the rescue to any one I please, after all, you've done so by sticking your nose in a conversation that wasn't even pertaining to you. Talk about calling the kettle black. In my opinion, the OP "degraded her for her possible profession" just by using the word STRIPPER. That word alone is degrading. Last but not least, congrats, you've made my ignore list with all the other arrogant posters who stick their nose where it doesn't belong thinking their opinion/comments is the only one that matters. Pft....
Honey, that last paragraph is priceless, :laugh:
But the immediate banishment by ignore of one of my favorite fellow footballing brethren Jwooten? I implore of thee to reconsider what might be construed as a rather rash and hasty decision! ( I kin Chanel ' kilmer/ doc holiday' with the best of 'emo_O)
Honey, that last paragraph is priceless, :laugh:
But the immediate banishment by ignore of one of my favorite fellow footballing brethren Jwooten? I implore of thee to reconsider what might be construed as a rather rash and hasty decision! ( I kin Chanel ' kilmer/ doc holiday' with the best of 'emo_O)

I get rid of the problem right away. Less to remember.
Possibly. What does that say about Zeke?

I do not believe he beats women but I do believe he lacks a gentleman's respect for them. He also appears to lack good judgment, self-control and character.

Maybe the suspension is a good thing in the long run?
That he enjoys a weakness gravitating to sexified women? ( Wyatt, you are an Oak,,) the guy is a testosterone Factory at his age, guys! Sheese.

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