Emmitt Smith tells how TO causes DC failure.


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theebs;2298142 said:
I just watched it and.

I actually agree with keyshawn and carter. Cant stand either of them but keyshawn said something that laufenberg has said for awhile. Press T.O. and he struggles and then gives in.

Keyshawn showed the plays where springs really had his hand on him and owens was lazy and struggling.

Laufenberg said last night that Owens struggled and then mentally checked out.

If owens blows this season, I will be sick.

Hopefully someone can set owens straight.

All this can be cured by taking away owens ability to speak after games. He is not the coach or the qb, he doesnt have to have a press conference to himself. Simply dont let him and the problems go away.

and if I were romo, I wouldnt talk to the media for a long time because all their going to do come wednesday is drive him crazy about owens.

It would be best for the team if owens and romo just simply stopped talking to the media.

It really would be best. I never understood why he was always being interviewed after games anyway. Most players want to get the hell outta there and get home. I love TO and I love what he brings to this team on the field, but even if he didn't mean anything by it, he needs to shut up.


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theebs;2298142 said:
I just watched it and.

I actually agree with keyshawn and carter. Cant stand either of them but keyshawn said something that laufenberg has said for awhile. Press T.O. and he struggles and then gives in.

Keyshawn showed the plays where springs really had his hand on him and owens was lazy and struggling.

Laufenberg said last night that Owens struggled and then mentally checked out.

If owens blows this season, I will be sick.

Hopefully someone can set owens straight.

All this can be cured by taking away owens ability to speak after games. He is not the coach or the qb, he doesnt have to have a press conference to himself. Simply dont let him and the problems go away.

and if I were romo, I wouldnt talk to the media for a long time because all their going to do come wednesday is drive him crazy about owens.

It would be best for the team if owens and romo just simply stopped talking to the media.

This is why I'm shocked Wade and Brian don't require their corners to play press coverage alot of the times.

Really-it's no different from QBs and consistently knocking them down. If you constantly play physical with opposing WRs by playing press effectively, you throw off their timings and eventually get them frustrated. You saw the '01 Rams/Pats Super Bowl where all the Pats did was mug those wuse receivers...they started playing more scared and tentatively as the game went along.


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Typical of the media...T.O. himself is a story, more to the point they continue to shove a microphone in his face hoping he says something controversial...Another fine example of 'Gotchya journalism'


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Getcha Popcorn Ready

I hope TO gets 30 balls his way next week.


Star Power
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dadymat;2298034 said:
Emmitt: The problemistics in Dallas is that T.O. is demanditating that he get the football....

Stu: preach it dawg

Emmitt:an the longer this situational type stuff keeps happnin the Cowboys will not be a dominational football team

:lmao: That was some funny stuff.

As for the media:

"The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses." - Malcolm X

Unfortunately, I think ESPN's crew is too dumb and jaded for mind control.


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Boyzmamacita;2298006 said:
What TO situation? These people are crazy.

It's amazing, isn't it. We have so many tabloid fans, it's ridiculous at times. ESPN spits out garbage and fans who don't know any better jump all over it and run with it. Unbelievable!!!!!!


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theebs;2298142 said:
I just watched it and.

I actually agree with keyshawn and carter. Cant stand either of them but keyshawn said something that laufenberg has said for awhile. Press T.O. and he struggles and then gives in.

Keyshawn showed the plays where springs really had his hand on him and owens was lazy and struggling.

Laufenberg said last night that Owens struggled and then mentally checked out.

If owens blows this season, I will be sick.

Hopefully someone can set owens straight.

All this can be cured by taking away owens ability to speak after games. He is not the coach or the qb, he doesnt have to have a press conference to himself. Simply dont let him and the problems go away.

and if I were romo, I wouldnt talk to the media for a long time because all their going to do come wednesday is drive him crazy about owens.

It would be best for the team if owens and romo just simply stopped talking to the media.[/

Even if there is no story, this would be the best thing to do. I would bet a bunch of money, owens couldn't do it though.


Mick Green 58
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I think what ESPN is doing is kind horsecrap.

However, I think alot of folks are fooling themselves if they think Terrell Owens won't start to publicly sulk if he continues to have very mediocre performances.

Right now, the Cowboys are making attempts to get him the ball, but again, if he continues to have very average performances and more importantly, we start to lose games, then he will become a very real problem.

I thought Keyshawn Johnson and Chris Carter did a great job of showing film of some of Terrell Owens' routes and how there was very little separation from the corner, very little effort in some cases and yet the ball was still being forced to him.

Terrell Owens is a huge competitor. The two things that will make him turn on the organization is if we start to lose and if he has to constantly hear how guys like Charles Woodson and Shawn Springs shut him down. Now we know they have help over the top (although Shawn Springs did play him very well), but the fact that the media says it typically bothers competitors like Terrell Owens.


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theebs;2298142 said:
I just watched it and.

I actually agree with keyshawn and carter. Cant stand either of them but keyshawn said something that laufenberg has said for awhile. Press T.O. and he struggles and then gives in.

Keyshawn showed the plays where springs really had his hand on him and owens was lazy and struggling.

Laufenberg said last night that Owens struggled and then mentally checked out.

The laziness was evident a few times, particularly in the first half.


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If I was Garrett, I'd take press coverage on TO any day of the week. This offensive performance was all on Garrett. The Cowboys made legitimate attempts to get TO the football when they moved him around, playing to his strengths, which resulted in a TD. They did not make legitimate anytime other than that. They did not make legitimate attempts by running the football to keep the Redskns secondary in check. The play-calling was totally suspect and Romo was late getting the ball to TO anyways.


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Press coverage can take recievers out of games, however not to many corners can press recievers and not get burned, especially big strong recievers like TO, so not every team will be able to press owens. In fact there are far more team that cannot press him than can. We just happend to face two in a row. However if teams keep pressing us, there are ways to beat it. Nothing to worry about yet.


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sacase;2298329 said:
Press coverage can take recievers out of games, however not to many corners can press recievers and not get burned, especially big strong recievers like TO, so not every team will be able to press owens. In fact there are far more team that cannot press him than can. We just happend to face two in a row. However if teams keep pressing us, there are ways to beat it. Nothing to worry about yet.

All you have to do is be patient, which Dallas surely wasn't. They just kept passing and passing. How are you going to keep the secondary second guessing? Not only that, you wear down the OL in pass protection and it puts a burden on the QB....


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dadymat;2298034 said:
Emmitt: The problemistics in Dallas is that T.O. is demanditating that he get the football....

Stu: preach it dawg

Emmitt:an the longer this situational type stuff keeps happnin the Cowboys will not be a dominational football team

You made my morning with that one.

I swear, the only people talking about TO is the media. Unless I missed it, no players or coaches have stepped forward to say Terrell "TNT" Owens is about to blowup the Cowboys franchise with his megaton selfishness.

ESPN is definitely the National Enquirer of sports reporting.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Everyone knows Emmitt was a great player, but everyone also knows that his IQ only consist of two digits.


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theebs;2298142 said:
I just watched it and.

I actually agree with keyshawn and carter. Cant stand either of them but keyshawn said something that laufenberg has said for awhile. Press T.O. and he struggles and then gives in.

Keyshawn showed the plays where springs really had his hand on him and owens was lazy and struggling.

Laufenberg said last night that Owens struggled and then mentally checked out.

If owens blows this season, I will be sick.

Hopefully someone can set owens straight.

All this can be cured by taking away owens ability to speak after games. He is not the coach or the qb, he doesnt have to have a press conference to himself. Simply dont let him and the problems go away.

and if I were romo, I wouldnt talk to the media for a long time because all their going to do come wednesday is drive him crazy about owens.

It would be best for the team if owens and romo just simply stopped talking to the media.

Owens was taken out of context.Owens has been jammed at line before.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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theebs;2298142 said:
I just watched it and.

I actually agree with keyshawn and carter. Cant stand either of them but keyshawn said something that laufenberg has said for awhile. Press T.O. and he struggles and then gives in.

Keyshawn showed the plays where springs really had his hand on him and owens was lazy and struggling.

Laufenberg said last night that Owens struggled and then mentally checked out.

If owens blows this season, I will be sick.

Hopefully someone can set owens straight.

All this can be cured by taking away owens ability to speak after games. He is not the coach or the qb, he doesnt have to have a press conference to himself. Simply dont let him and the problems go away.

and if I were romo, I wouldnt talk to the media for a long time because all their going to do come wednesday is drive him crazy about owens.

It would be best for the team if owens and romo just simply stopped talking to the media.

You do know that TO has had some of his biggest games of his career against press coverage right? He isn't one of the most dominating receivers because he is 5'10 180lbs.

His issue isn't that he can't handle press coverage. He can dominate any single press coverage, it the press coverage with man over that slows him down and it will slow anyone down! The press prevents catching lots of balls underneath, and the man over prevents deep balls. To say he can't play when pressed is BSPN Spin by not telling the whole story. TO has dominated man coverage many times and as a Cowboys fan you've seen it! What three teams are known to play physical at CB and known to play some press coverage? Green Bay, Washington, and Philly.
  • Nov. 4th: Eagles: 174 Yards, 1 TD
  • Nov. 18th: Washington: 173 Yards, 4 TDs
  • Nov. 29th: Green Bay: 156 Yards, 1 TD

How about the second time they played the Cowboys and started pressing with man over so they didn't get killed again.

  • Dec. 16th: Eagles: 2 catches, 37 yards
  • Dec. 30th: Didn't play injured
  • Didn't play Green Bay again

To say TO can't play press against press coverage is completely false and absurd to even say. :rolleyes:

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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StarKist;2297991 said:
According to espn E smith is about to explain how TO causes DC collapse.


Tune in while you can.... after the game...

OT coming up....

Emmitt just needs to shutup up and be a good little commentator.