Enough already on this HENSON dude


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silverbear said:
You've had my back before, Hos, it's only fair that I take up for you here... besides, I have been known to get a mite worked up when folks assail my honesty too...

I'm vulgar, opinionated, in your face, but nobody can honestly say that I'm not a straight shooter... delete the vulgar bit, and that could describe you as well...

Anyway, I know where you were coming from...

I have to say, I agree, as much I usually try to ingore stuff if I can, I will be up for a fight if someone said I am not honest or straight shooter. And yes, Hos's ability to keep his word was questioned, no matter what Smiley icons are put around the posts, it doesn't change the words in it.


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Hostile said:
Either you are flaunting the fact you were BnA last year or you're his puppet and he's telling you this. Which is it? Either way I'll find out and either way it's a pretty revisionist history of the truth, but I should expect no less. For now, until we prove you're BnA, you're the puppet. No way you know all of this joining in April without either being him or him holding your strings.

Actually, neither. I've been a reader of this site for a while. Then I didn't post here much in the offseason. When I came back, I forgot the username, password and even the email address I used to register for this site.

wecher said:
Whoop dee freaking doo. I lost a bet. Oh the world is going to end.

I've lost bets, too. That's nothing to be ashamed about unless you made up your own terms as you they went along.

You said that BnA was banned around the time of the bet. I don't remember that, but I find it ironic.

Head in the clouds said:
I have no idea what you're asking or what point you are trying to make. Not that I really care either way.

I'm saying that Parcells claims everything is all chummy with TO. Do you think he's sure about that just because that's WHAT HE IS SAYING. I don't think he's worth anything, but what if they want to trade Henson?


.. (then it would have made sense to have said that)

I mean, they could trade him if he was as talented as you say right?

You lose all objectivity when Henson's name is mentioned.

Henson has played OK in NFL Europe, but he's got a tremendous amount of imrovement to make, to say it nicely, before he becomes a quality NFL starter.

My money is on him being a lifetime back up ...

Besides, do you really think this is Bledsoe's last year?

"Yesman" said:
When the same coach calls other players fat in the same press conference I'll deduce that he wasn't trying to pour syrup on anyone.

Sounds kinky ... lol

Mr. Agenda said:
Thank you for sharing your intentions. Why I should give a flying crap is beyond me, but thank you for sharing.

Unlike some, who want to see Henson start even at the expense of the team, I don't have an agenda.

I just don't think he's done anything in NFLE to warrant anything yet.

Xray vision said:
Hello Ben. This was the biggest day of your life wasn't it?

Again, I'm not Ben (whoever that is). I was just saying that you haven't really trumped squat - that's all.

Hostility said:
You really can't read can you? Posters say "see no improvement." Head Coach says "I see improvement." When the Q-tip starts hurting stop pushing it in.


Not this poster, though. You're saying that because the coach said he was improving that it was your, and I quote, "trump card".


We've seen enough of your trump cards to keep us (well, me at least) laughing for a good while.

In fact, your trump cards here trump anyone's who has ever been banned.

You take the cake. It just so happens that you're a moderator. You won't catch me kissing your butt though....

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Mr. Nobility said:
Not really. I prefer to make bets with people with integrity, like the last 2 Commanders fans I bet with.

I don't blame you. If I were you, and someone was already onto the way I handle losing bets, I wouldn't want to bet either.

In fact, my offer is off the table. I retract that bet.

Have a nice day.


Reaction score
Hostile said:
I'd like to know how I've done this.

Have I threatened you in this thread or via PMs? Nope.

You absolutely did question my integrity. We both know it. Had I innocently offended someone I'd be man enough to apologize. You haven't attempted to. In other words, the offense was intentional. So don't play innocent.
My track record speaks for itself. I don't pull punches and I am very poor at insinuating.

I shoot from the hip. I have never been scared to put my opinion out there. If I wanted to question your intergrity or call you out for shoddy betting habits, I'd do just that.

Don't expect any apology. I don't care how you describe the offense..........intentional or innocent. Honestly I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.

I just get a kick out of forum bets


Well-Known Member
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Give me a freaking break, I knew who you were after one post, so stop denying it.

Once a troll, always a troll.


The Duke
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Austin28 said:
Actually, neither. I've been a reader of this site for a while. Then I didn't post here much in the offseason. When I came back, I forgot the username, password and even the email address I used to register for this site.
Let's just say I highly doubt this tale. I know which posters question me in which ways. I doubt I'd have forgotten one.

the puppet said:
I've lost bets, too. That's nothing to be ashamed about unless you made up your own terms as you they went along.
I didn't do this, so why should I care. I paid up even though had he (you) lost he (you) couldn't.

the puppet said:
You said that BnA was banned around the time of the bet. I don't remember that, but I find it ironic.
I didn't ban him (you)so I'm not sure on the time frame. Therefore, no irony at all.


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Hostile said:
Let's just say I highly doubt this tale. I know which posters question me in which ways. I doubt I'd have forgotten one.

Kind of like how you knew who was going to be the #2 guy last year.


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blindzebra said:
Give me a freaking break, I knew who you were after one post, so stop denying it.

Once a troll, always a troll.

Funny how you know who I am; and I haven't a clue as to who you are.


The Duke
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Charles said:
My track record speaks for itself. I don't pull punches and I am very poor at insinuating.

I shoot from the hip. I have never been scared to put my opinion out there. If I wanted to question your intergrity or call you out for shoddy betting habits, I'd do just that.

Don't expect any apology. I don't care how you describe the offense..........intentional or innocent. Honestly I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.

I just get a kick out of forum bets
I consider that an apology and I'll take you at your word that it wasn't intentional. It was still offensive and others caught it, not just me.

You still haven't addressed how I was supposedly acting like an Internet Tough guy. I admit to being Internet pissed off guy. That isn't the same thing.


The Duke
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Austin28 said:
Kind of like how you knew who was going to be the #2 guy last year.
You know Ben, that feather isn't so damn good looking that you have to brag about it this much. You've got one feather in your cap and you act like it's a war bonnet. Pretty pathetic.


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Hostile said:
You know Ben, that feather isn't so damn good looking that you have to brag about it this much. You've got one feather in your cap and you act like it's a war bonnet. Pretty pathetic.

Oh, here we go again. I'm some guy named Ben ...



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For the record, I still retract that bet with Hostile ...

If anyone else would like to bet, let me know the terms etc ..


Well-Known Member
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Austin28 said:
Funny how you know who I am; and I haven't a clue as to who you are.

Ridiculous, since you claim you have been on this forum and know the history of this bet and all. I was posting in all the threads that led to the bet.

Lying is an art form, and you are doing it paint-by-numbers.:lmao2:


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile said:
Thank you again.

FYI, if I win the tickets from RiggoForever you're coming to that game with me.

What game is that, bud?? I must have missed that thread...

You don't have to thank me, though, aren't pals supposed to stick up for each other?? Haven't you done the same for me before??


The Duke
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silverbear said:
What game is that, bud?? I must have missed that thread...

You don't have to thank me, though, aren't pals supposed to stick up for each other?? Haven't you done the same for me before??
I made a bet with RiggoForever. He says Dallas will not win in Fed Ex for the next 5 years. 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. If they shut us out, I buy him 4 tickets to the Skins game in Dallas in 2011. If Dallas does win at Fed Ex within those 5 years he buys me 2 tickets to the next Cowboys game at Fed Ex.

Naturally we gotta stroll by the DTC guys right?


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blindzebra said:
Ridiculous, since you claim you have been on this forum and know the history of this bet and all. I was posting in all the threads that led to the bet.

Lying is an art form, and you are doing it paint-by-numbers.:lmao2:

Oh, so I'm supposed to remember every poster ..

I vaguely remember the bet thread or other details other than the bet and the terms of it ...

I guess your posts just didn't stand out in my memory. I see you've got a lot of posts, but I don't recall you at all.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
Reaction score
Hostile said:
I made a bet with RiggoForever. He says Dallas will not win in Fed Ex for the next 5 years. 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. If they shut us out, I buy him 4 tickets to the Skins game in Dallas in 2011. If Dallas does win at Fed Ex within those 5 years he buys me 2 tickets to the next Cowboys game at Fed Ex.

Naturally we gotta stroll by the DTC guys right?

LOL... if I'm still upright, I'm SOOO there...

And yeah, we ought to stop by the DTC, pay them our "respects"... h*ll, we ought to find out where they're posting these days, and TELL them we'll be lookin' for them...


New Member
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Hostile said:
You're lying Ben. You just said I paid up a few posts ago. Now the story changes. And you wonder why every site bans you.


I honestly didn't know if you did or didn't. I think I remember hearing both things from somewhere ...


The Duke
Reaction score
Austin28 said:

I honestly didn't know if you did or didn't. I think I remember hearing both things from somewhere ...

From your post (#256) of this thread...

Ben said:
Romo ended up wearing the #2 crown last year; you wore the avatar as a result, remember?

That's my trump card.
Translation, another lie.


New Member
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Hostile said:
From your post (#256) of this thread...

Translation, another lie.

Oh, I guess what talking about was I was at another board and someone said you didn't honor the full terms of the bet; or something like the avatar you had wasn't the one the winner of the bet wanted you to have ...

Maybe that was just a misunderstanding -who knows.


The Duke
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Austin28 said:
Oh, I guess I was at another board and someone said you didn't honor the full terms of the bet; or something like the avatar you had wasn't the one the winner of the bet wanted you to have ...

Maybe that was just a misunderstanding -who knows.
Let's look at the unfolding of this never ending spin control.

Your first shot in this thread was a pointed shot at me. Post #161 of the thread. Here's the jab directed at me.

BnA said:
Some guy on here, who says he's never been wrong about a pedigree QB, promised me that this Henson guy was 'the future'

Everyone here knows that QB pedigree is my schtick. I don't remember ever discussing it with you, though you clearly say I "promised" you this. The post further goes on to praise two posters who have indeed been in discussions with me about Henson. I've promised nothing but let's not get facts in the way of a good story.

Translation, you miss the attention and feel the need to prod an old adversary, me. I'm flattered.

Moving on to post #165...

Ben said:
At least the staff of this board has eliminated the objectiveness from this "debate"

What have we here? A shot at this forum by someone who's never been banned here but has loyalty to two guys who have? That's the story you want to run with? I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.

Translation, I don't buy that you've got a loyal fan Ben who would suddenly take up your old battles. You talked one guy, NoShameInMyGame, into coming here one time to do your dirty work. Don't try to claim that's the username you forgot. I already checked.

Moving on, post #256...

Ben said:
I think you even lost a bet last year... Romo ended up wearing the #2 crown last year; you wore the avatar as a result, remember?... Do you want to make a friendly bet for this year, regarding the #2 spot?

Here you know that I had a bet. Why do you know this? Because the bet was with you. You know all about the Romo avatar because you whined about it on another forum even though you know I wouldn't have done the same if I had ended up winning the bet later. You demanded payment when all the parameters of the bet were impossible and I paid up. Big deal. I wasn't hurt or humiliated so quit thinking your feather is so beautiful. I paid up for one reason, and one reason only, and it had nothing to do with you.

On top of this, you also offer to make the same bet this year. Yeah, no agenda there Ben. Not at all transparent either.

Moving on again. Post #287...

Ben said:
Well even if they are clearly spelled out, some people like to make up their own parameters after they lose
First of all this is an outright lie and you know it. I have to wonder, since you claim you aren't Ben over and over, why you'd take this stance if you aren't?

You clearly question my integrity here and lie to do it. Why would a perfect stranger do this about a bet he knows nothing about? That math doesn't add up. The funniest thing is that after this you start to pretend you really don't know anything about the bet. You know nothing about it, but can claim the parameters changed? Yeah right.

Here's an interesting claim. Post #302...

Ben said:
Actually, neither. I've been a reader of this site for a while. Then I didn't post here much in the offseason. When I came back, I forgot the username, password and even the email address I used to register for this site.

We have Guidelines against multiple usernames. We'll address this soon and get back to you. We also have Guidelines about banned posters coming back. We'll address that too. But I digress.

Later in that post you bring up the bet again. Clearly this bet is really important to you. But you didn't make the original bet right? Riiiiiight.

Moving on. Post #306...

Ben said:
Kind of like how you knew who was going to be the #2 guy last year.
You aren't Ben, but his cause is all important. I'm guessing brown eyes, genetics have nothing to do with it.

Now let's watch you try and spin control after multiple posters identify you. Post #315.

Ben said:
I vaguely remember the bet thread or other details other than the bet and the terms of it
That's funny. You accuse me of a lot of stuff for something you now "vaguely" remember.

Now watch the back tracking as I point out you're changing your stance again. Post #317...

Ben said:
I honestly didn't know if you did or didn't. I think I remember hearing both things from somewhere
Nice try. You've been adamant for how many posts?

And the final lie so far. Post #319...

Ben said:
Oh, I guess what talking about was I was at another board and someone said you didn't honor the full terms of the bet; or something like the avatar you had wasn't the one the winner of the bet wanted you to have ...

Maybe that was just a misunderstanding -who knows.
You want to stick with this glob of fiction or come clean?