Charles said:
Make sure the bet is detailed and the parameters are clearly spelled out
Hey Clueless. If you check back you'll find that I paid up that bet even though BnA was banned from the forum. The next time you want to question my integrity, know what the hell you're talking about or have the nads to address me personally.
Point of reference, in the 4 years I've been on these forums I have made a total of 6 bets. They are as follows...
A current bet with RiggoForever about the next 5 years of Cowboys games at Fed Ex.
A bet with Mr. Integrity, Nors, about Parcells promoting from within. I won, he welched. Go figure. A friendly bet and he welched.
The aforementioned avatar bet with BnA. I had a Romo avatar with a crown on his head custom made by Juke. I paid up even though there was no way he could have had I won the bet. Is that sinking in Clueless? Had he lost I get stiffed. Meanwhile he's on other sites questioning my integrity and didn't have the nads to retract anything he said when I did pay up. That's right, no nads.
I lost a bet with a Commanders fan last year for money donated to Hurricane Katrina. The best was for $20.00, I donated $200.00 I'll gladly give you his username if you doubt me.
I made a $100.00 bet with MikeD17 that your hero, Q, would not finish 2004 in the top 3 of the NFC in passer rating. I have 2 witnesses to the fact I begged him not to take the bet. He welched. Common theme here huh Clueless?
The first bet I ever made was with Art from ES. I bet him "a dime to a donut" that I would be closer on where Washington's D finished in 2003. He said 12 to 15, I said 26. They were 25th. He welched.
Them's the facts. Try not to cry.