Enough already on this HENSON dude


Well-Known Member
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Austin28 said:
Let me guess Zaxor, we should give Bledsoe the hook and start Henson ....

Maybe I misunderstand, but I guarantee Zaxor will NEVER say that. He hates Bledsoe, and drives me quite nuts with it, LOL.


Regular Joe....
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I think it's telling. BP made a point to say that he had seen every game, start to finish, with the exception of one. If I look at that, it says something. If BP were not interested in Henson, he would have somebody else watching. The QB coach or the OC, whomever got the short straw, as it were. Now, he could be lying but if he were, why say anything. He could simply say that the team was keeping an eye on Hensons progress and leave it at that. He didn't. He went out of his way to share more info then is really neccessary and that is not typical of how Parcells opperates. This is why I felt is was somewhat telling.

I really do believe he's watching. He wouldn't be doing that if he didn't have interest in the player IMO.

Bob Sacamano

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I think it's telling. BP made a point to say that he had seen every game, start to finish, with the exception of one. If I look at that, it says something.

could that one game be the one that took place on Draft Day? again, I don't think it says much of anything compared to him saying he's seen improvement in Henson


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Austin28 said:
...But weren't you saying last year that the coaches were saying he was improving. My memory recalls that you'd pick up every little tid bit of information and just go ape chat at the mention of Henson's name.

I think you even lost a bet last year listening to what the coaches were saying a little too much ... and not enough to the "boneheads" here.

Do you use the same logic when the coach, especially Parcells, says things are going to be all peachy with TO?

Don't you think the coaches might be saying that because they want things to go smoothly with the media, so things do get blown out of proportion and become a distraction to the team ... ?

While you're nodding your head 'yes' to everything the coaches say and interpreting it as fact, the rest of us will just wait, watch and see what happens.

Romo ended up wearing the #2 crown last year; you wore the avatar as a result, remember?

That's my trump card.

Realistically, the game has yet to be played as far as 2006 is concerned .. and you're shouting TRUMP CARD!

Do you want to make a friendly bet for this year, regarding the #2 spot?

There is an awful lot of "last year" in a post from a guy who joined last month. isn't that right BnA

Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
I think it's telling. BP made a point to say that he had seen every game, start to finish, with the exception of one. If I look at that, it says something.

but I'm saying it could mean many things, such as he couldn't finish the game on Draft Day because he was busy doing the draft thing


The Duke
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Charles said:
Make sure the bet is detailed and the parameters are clearly spelled out:lmao2:
Hey Clueless. If you check back you'll find that I paid up that bet even though BnA was banned from the forum. The next time you want to question my integrity, know what the hell you're talking about or have the nads to address me personally.

Point of reference, in the 4 years I've been on these forums I have made a total of 6 bets. They are as follows...

A current bet with RiggoForever about the next 5 years of Cowboys games at Fed Ex.

A bet with Mr. Integrity, Nors, about Parcells promoting from within. I won, he welched. Go figure. A friendly bet and he welched.

The aforementioned avatar bet with BnA. I had a Romo avatar with a crown on his head custom made by Juke. I paid up even though there was no way he could have had I won the bet. Is that sinking in Clueless? Had he lost I get stiffed. Meanwhile he's on other sites questioning my integrity and didn't have the nads to retract anything he said when I did pay up. That's right, no nads.

I lost a bet with a Commanders fan last year for money donated to Hurricane Katrina. The best was for $20.00, I donated $200.00 I'll gladly give you his username if you doubt me.

I made a $100.00 bet with MikeD17 that your hero, Q, would not finish 2004 in the top 3 of the NFC in passer rating. I have 2 witnesses to the fact I begged him not to take the bet. He welched. Common theme here huh Clueless?

The first bet I ever made was with Art from ES. I bet him "a dime to a donut" that I would be closer on where Washington's D finished in 2003. He said 12 to 15, I said 26. They were 25th. He welched.

Them's the facts. Try not to cry.

Little Jr

Well-Known Member
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Just another post of the ones who dont believe in Henson have agendas and are bias. The ones who do are actually watching his games and are evaluating his games and think the others have no clue.

Dont see it in Henson= Agenda

See something in Henson= watching and evaluating his games and the other side has no clue and have agendas.


Inventor of the Whizzinator
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summerisfunner said:
but how many players beside Roger, Hutch and Henson were away from the game for a year or more, have tried to come back and be a franchise QB?

Wasn't Warner bagging groceries or something at a point?


rock music matters
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BigDFan5 said:
There is an awful lot of "last year" in a post from a guy who joined last month. isn't that right BnA

ooooo - someone got busted!!! : )

Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
Funxva said:
Wasn't Warner bagging groceries or something at a point?

true, but he went on to play in the ARena league, was signed by the Rams to be a backup, played in NFLE, and was even eventually pushed down to #3 on the depth chart with the Rams, completely different situation


Inventor of the Whizzinator
Reaction score
summerisfunner said:
true, but he went on to play in the ARena league, was signed by the Rams to be a backup, played in NFLE, and was even eventually pushed down to #3 on the depth chart with the Rams, completely different situation

Actually this sounds a lot like Henson except substitute Arena league for baseball as they are both really about a relevent to NFL level football, and it's not so different. :eek: :)

Bob Sacamano

Reaction score
Funxva said:
Actually this sounds a lot like Henson except substitute Arena league for baseball as they are both really about a relevent to NFL level football, and it's not so different. :eek: :)

but Warner didn't come back from a long layoff, he was actually playing football for a few years before his Super Bowl days, and he wasn't being grooomed to be a franchise QB


Inventor of the Whizzinator
Reaction score
summerisfunner said:
but Warner didn't come back from a long layoff, he was actually playing football for a few years before his Super Bowl days, and he wasn't being grooomed to be a franchise QB

How long was he selling insurance or real estate or whatever for?


The Duke
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Austin28 said:
...But weren't you saying last year that the coaches were saying he was improving. My memory recalls that you'd pick up every little tid bit of information and just go ape chat at the mention of Henson's name.
Either you are flaunting the fact you were BnA last year or you're his puppet and he's telling you this. Which is it? Either way I'll find out and either way it's a pretty revisionist history of the truth, but I should expect no less. For now, until we prove you're BnA, you're the puppet. No way you know all of this joining in April without either being him or him holding your strings.

the puppet said:
I think you even lost a bet last year listening to what the coaches were saying a little too much ... and not enough to the "boneheads" here.
Whoop dee freaking doo. I lost a bet. Oh the world is going to end.

the puppet said:
Do you use the same logic when the coach, especially Parcells, says things are going to be all peachy with TO?
I have no idea what you're asking or what point you are trying to make. Not that I really care either way.

the puppet said:
Don't you think the coaches might be saying that because they want things to go smoothly with the media, so things do get blown out of proportion and become a distraction to the team ... ?
When the same coach calls other players fat in the same press conference I'll deduce that he wasn't trying to pour syrup on anyone.

the puppet said:
While you're nodding your head 'yes' to everything the coaches say and interpreting it as fact, the rest of us will just wait, watch and see what happens.
Thank you for sharing your intentions. Why I should give a flying crap is beyond me, but thank you for sharing.

the puppet said:
Romo ended up wearing the #2 crown last year; you wore the avatar as a result, remember?

That's my trump card.
Hello Ben. This was the biggest day of your life wasn't it?

the puppt said:
Realistically, the game has yet to be played as far as 2006 is concerned .. and you're shouting TRUMP CARD!
You really can't read can you? Posters say "see no improvement." Head Coach says "I see improvement." When the Q-tip starts hurting stop pushing it in.

the puppet said:
Do you want to make a friendly bet for this year, regarding the #2 spot?
Not really. I prefer to make bets with people with integrity, like the last 2 Commanders fans I bet with.


Star Power
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Hostile said:
I don't know SoS. The Head Coach pretty clearly says he sees improvement. I got 5 or 6 yahoos on here telling me they don't. It's about weight. His opinion weighs more. Kind of a simple math concept really.

Yes, I know. My post was complete and utter satire, just in case you didn't understand where I was going with it.


Active Member
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Funxva said:
How long was he selling insurance or real estate or whatever for?

I think you might be getting up mixed with Tommy Maddox and Warner there? Maddox was Insurance agent or something like that before he tried out Arena and XFL. Then to Pitt I think.


Reaction score
Hostile said:
Hey Clueless. If you check back you'll find that I paid up that bet even though BnA was banned from the forum. The next time you want to question my integrity, know what the hell you're talking about or have the nads to address me personally.

Point of reference, in the 4 years I've been on these forums I have made a total of 6 bets. They are as follows...

A current bet with RiggoForever about the next 5 years of Cowboys games at Fed Ex.

A bet with Mr. Integrity, Nors, about Parcells promoting from within. I won, he welched. Go figure. A friendly bet and he welched.

The aforementioned avatar bet with BnA. I had a Romo avatar with a crown on his head custom made by Juke. I paid up even though there was no way he could have had I won the bet. Is that sinking in Clueless? Had he lost I get stiffed. Meanwhile he's on other sites questioning my integrity and didn't have the nads to retract anything he said when I did pay up. That's right, no nads.

I lost a bet with a Commanders fan last year for money donated to Hurricane Katrina. The best was for $20.00, I donated $200.00 I'll gladly give you his username if you doubt me.

I made a $100.00 bet with MikeD17 that your hero, Q, would not finish 2004 in the top 3 of the NFC in passer rating. I have 2 witnesses to the fact I begged him not to take the bet. He welched. Common theme here huh Clueless?

The first bet I ever made was with Art from ES. I bet him "a dime to a donut" that I would be closer on where Washington's D finished in 2003. He said 12 to 15, I said 26. They were 25th. He welched.

Them's the facts. Try not to cry.
It's been along time since we've agreed on something. I am clueless when it comes to your betting record.....meaning I've never really cared.

I am also clueless on how one would interpreted my post as questioning their intergrity..........maybe you saw an openning to flaunt your gaudy internet betting record:lmao: .....great pedigree.

Anyway back to the bet..........hopefully you make the repercussion for losing worthwhile.....what is a couple of Hundred bucks to a former Haley Davidson owner:cool:.


The Duke
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SultanOfSix said:
Yes, I know. My post was complete and utter satire, just in case you didn't understand where I was going with it.
I've been known to miss the drift a time or two. My bad if I did.


The Duke
Reaction score
Charles said:
It's been along time since we've agreed on something. I am clueless when it comes to your betting record.....meaning I've never really cared.

I am also clueless on how one would interpreted my post as questioning their intergrity..........maybe you saw an openning to flaunt your gaudy internet betting record:lmao: .....great pedigree.

Anyway back to the bet..........hopefully you make the repercussion for losing worthwhile.....what is a couple of Hundred bucks to a former Haley Davidson owner:cool:.
Yeah right you weren't questioning my integrity with that crap. That's right it was crap. You were clueless about whether I have integrity with regards to paying bets. You intimated that I don't and that the parameters need finite detail so I won't welch. That's why I mentioned the bets. I don't and won't welch. If that bugs you take a Tums.

Speaking of things that apparently bug you, my owning a Harley has really chapped your butt for some stupid reason which I am blissfully unaware of. Why? Do you have stock in Triumph, BMW or someone else? I don't get why this is such an issue with you that you need to keep reminding me about it. Do you want me to apologize for it? Hey I own a rare shotgun too. I've got a great marriage. Not a good marriage, a great one. Two nice kids too. Should I just apologize for everything nice that I have or have had in my life? Stuff that I worked for and earned BTW.

In other words Charles, if you want to get any more personal than this do it via PM and call me out where I can respond like I want to. Until then shut your festering gob.