Enough already on this HENSON dude

Bob Sacamano

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Doomsday101 said:
I agree. I would also add the deep ball is not a high percentage throw to begin with.

I was waiting for someone to say that, I would rather take someone who is very well at throwing the short to medium range passes than someone who is very well the other way around, throwing short to medium range passes means you have to vary the velocity on your throws, which is very important for a QB, you can't sling it in there everytime, esp. when you have the arm strength of Henson


The Duke
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trickblue said:
ummm... c'mon Hos... haven't you realized by now that Jerry and Bill are out and out LIARS?

Don't give a flip to what they say... our local media will steer you in the right direction!
Do tell?

Man, I need to take a course in reading between the lines or English interpretation. Oh wait, this is exactly what my degrees focused on.

I shouldn't have spent so much time staring at those college girls.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Yakuza Rich said:
Romo and Henson are different situations. Romo has played football continuously. Henson had a major break when he played baseball. You CAN'T send both of your backup QB's to NFL Europe. You're chancing both of them getting injured and making for a long season for both of them. If the starter gets injured, you're unbelievably screwed.

Henson has easily separated himself from the other NFLE QB's. Outside of his first game and last game, he's been very good to excellent and has shown a lot more athletic ability and a better arm than any other NFLE QB that I've seen. Not to mention he's much bigger.

I'm not expecting big things from Henson, but I'm a Cowboys fan which means I'm a Henson fan by association. Since he's doing well and I can see why the scouts liked him so much, that's a good thing.

Also remember that Rhein's starting WR's are pretty poor by NFLE's standards as Zuriel Smith is their #1 WR. And since they've been injured, their #1 guy is Chris Samp who is more of an H-Back.

It would be akin to having a WR corp of Crayton and Copper, then seeing both of them getting injured and the WR corp would now be Witten and Jamaica Rector. Despite that, Henson's put up good numbers (not to mention doing it with WR's that are good for about 5 drops a game)


Exactly right! And to add a little real life perspective to so we're not playing a "what if" game, consider this.

It was Aikman's second to last year I believe, mayber last or 3rd to last. Anyway, we had a slew of WR injuries. Both starters we injured and out. Aikman was trying to throw to 3rd, 4th and 5th string receivers and it was miserable. Even Aikman couldn't succeed throwing to scrubs, and people started calling him garbage. If Henson is "Aikman bad", I'd take him in a heartbeat.

Don't get me wrong; I'm neither comaparing Henson to Aikman nor saying he will ever be as good as Aikman. I'm just saying that even a great, HOF QB didn't look so good throwing to scrub WRs so Henson should be cut A LOT of slack for 3 bad game statistics when he had no one to throw to.

But you know what? I'ts futile trying to reasonably debate someone who is either eternally negative or simple has a bias against someone.


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summerisfunner said:
I was waiting for someone to say that, I would rather take someone who is very well at throwing the short to medium range passes than someone who is very well the other way around, throwing short to medium range passes means you have to vary the velocity on your throws, which is very important for a QB, you can't sling it in there everytime, esp. when you have the arm strength of Henson

To me what makes the deep ball effective is when your setting the defense up for the long ball. A great running game and hitting the shorter routs, before you know it the safety start creeping up and CB start biting on the shorter routs and you have them setup for an out and up or a post. As for the long bomb I have seen guys with average arms hit the bombs because in the end it is not about the ablilty to throw the ball 60 or 70 yards in the air it is about hitting the mark down field which may only be 40 yards.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Doomsday101 said:
To me what makes the deep ball effective is when your setting the defense up for the long ball. A great running game and hitting the shorter routs, before you know it the safety start creeping up and CB start biting on the shorter routs and you have them setup for an out and up or a post. As for the long bomb I have seen guys with average arms hit the bombs because in the end it is not about the ablilty to throw the ball 60 or 70 yards in the air it is about hitting the mark down field which may only be 40 yards.

Correct. When they talk about strong arms they aren't necessarily referring to how far someone can chuck it down field. They are talking about how quickly he can zip the ball in there on 10-15 yard out patterns so the DB doesn't have time to step in front of the ball.

Bob Sacamano

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Doomsday101 said:
To me what makes the deep ball effective is when your setting the defense up for the long ball. A great running game and hitting the shorter routs, before you know it the safety start creeping up and CB start biting on the shorter routs and you have them setup for an out and up or a post. As for the long bomb I have seen guys with average arms hit the bombs because in the end it is not about the ablilty to throw the ball 60 or 70 yards in the air it is about hitting the mark down field which may only be 40 yards.

the deep ball is about having enough arm strength to get the ball down there, but more importantly, putting enough touch on the ball, Tom Brady can hit the deep ball and his arm is only above-average, it just goes back to your mechanics, which Drew needs improvement on, understandably so...


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silverbear said:
It surprises you that trashing Cowboys players pisses off Cowboys fans??

Especially when the criticisms are quite bogus, launched by critics who clearly haven't even seem the guy play...

Seen a lot of their games, have you??

great QBs find ways to win games, not throw INTs on final drives of the game. Henson is no exception to the rule

Bob Sacamano

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DallasDW00ds0n said:
great QBs find ways to win games, not throw INTs on final drives of the game. Henson is no exception to the rule

guess Favre isn't either, because he's been doing that basically his whole career


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Rhetorical question here. Why would someone who has "had enough of this HENSON dude" start yet another thread about said "dude"?:lmao:


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summerisfunner said:
guess Favre isn't either, because he's been doing that basically his whole career

OHHH well i guess that excuses Henson from doing it in ***** NFLE

Bob Sacamano

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DallasDW00ds0n said:
OHHH well i guess that excuses Henson from doing it in ***** NFLE

the point is all QBs make the game-ending mistake from time to time, it's those that do it regularly that you have to be concerned about

Bob Sacamano

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DallasDW00ds0n said:
or those that are being "groomed" into the next great Dallas QB

give it up, his team only lost 2 games out of 6 with him as their starting QB, and only 1 can be attributed to him, if that


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give what up?! has this guy already proved hes the #1 QB for Dallas? i wasn't aware...


Regular Joe....
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summerisfunner said:
the deep ball is about having enough arm strength to get the ball down there, but more importantly, putting enough touch on the ball, Tom Brady can hit the deep ball and his arm is only above-average, it just goes back to your mechanics, which Drew needs improvement on, understandably so...

Strong arm QBs often have difficulty throwing a good deep ball. The problem is that if you have a strong arm and your accurate with it, the mechanics required to both, throw accuratly and hard are so different from those used to throw a deep ball with air under it. Aikman's mechanics were so engrained in his drops that it was difficult for him to change them when throwing the deep ball. Happens to a lot of QBs. That is why Alvin Harper was so important to our offense in the 90s. He was a guy that could go up and get the deep ball. It didn't have to be thrown perfectly. It could be underthrown or whatever.

As far as Henson is concerned, I don't really see that problem much. I think he has good velocity on his fast ball and I think he's pretty accurate as well. He's not Aikman accurate but pretty accurate. He also throws a pretty nice deep ball. That is my opionon at least.

Bob Sacamano

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Strong arm QBs often have difficulty throwing a good deep ball. The problem is that if you have a strong arm and your accurate with it, the mechanics required to both, throw accuratly and hard are so different from those used to throw a deep ball with air under it. Aikman's mechanics were so engrained in his drops that it was difficult for him to change them when throwing the deep ball. Happens to a lot of QBs. That is why Alvin Harper was so important to our offense in the 90s. He was a guy that could go up and get the deep ball. It didn't have to be thrown perfectly. It could be underthrown or whatever.

As far as Henson is concerned, I don't really see that problem much. I think he has good velocity on his fast ball and I think he's pretty accurate as well. He's not Aikman accurate but pretty accurate. He also throws a pretty nice deep ball. That is my opionon at least.

all true, just saying that everything a QB does goes back to his mechanics, but I'd take someone who does very well at throwing the short to medium range passes because that's showing that he does a very good job of varying the velocity on his throws, which shows that his mechanics are good, but with the deep ball, that's a mechanic Henson still needs to work on, although he's pretty good with it, but hey, if Henson didn't need any tinkering, he wouldn't be in NFLE


Regular Joe....
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summerisfunner said:
all true, just saying that everything a QB does goes back to his mechanics, but I'd take someone who does very well at throwing the short to medium range passes because that's showing that he does a very good job of varying the velocity on his throws, which shows that his mechanics are good, but with the deep ball, that's a mechanic Henson still needs to work on, although he's pretty good with it, but hey, if Henson didn't need any tinkering, he wouldn't be in NFLE

Fair statement. I concure with you.


The Duke
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acheman said:
Rhetorical question here. Why would someone who has "had enough of this HENSON dude" start yet another thread about said "dude"?:lmao:
Rhetorical answer here. Often thread topics are started by someone in order to remind everyone what they think and to spark a debate. For this thread, mission accomplished. Nothing wrong with that.