Eric Scott Jr. took his tattoo game to a new level

I kind of hate looking at these tattoos knowing how much better they are now than when I was young.

Mine were nice back in the early 2000's. Now some of the stuff these young people get (not just athletes) make them look like I had bro do it for a 12 rack
Fun fact. Non NFL players get tats too. I know, my sister in law is one of the best in Knoxville I asked her she confirmed that one need not play in NFL nor get on the field in a NFL game to get one.

It's okay, my mind was blown too.
No, no @fivetwos position only superbowl champions are allowed tattoo's.
Never understood Tattoos as making your body a walking billboard doesn't make sense?
Ok if you're doing 10 years at some prison or life maybe a couple of tattoos might help with the time in the pen?
Or in the Navy, you got a MOM tattoo fine, but this is wacky at best.
And what happens when these guys hit 60 and are fatties?
LOL............again I will never understand tattoos of these sizes and the sacrifice it takes to get them done.
To each their own....some guys love to constantly crap on their own players to make themselves feel better. I will never understand thus, but again, to each their own.
Silver lining is that the guys that get *****ed about in the offseason usually play pretty well after.
These dudes are soft, the whole point of the tattoo is the experience. Pain and the relationship you build with the artist. One of the guys I know did Daks arm out of a shop in L.A. The whole beign put to sleep thing is weird.
who even knows what happened when he was put to sleep
when he gets booted out of the NFL, maybe he can get a Homedept or Lowes tattoo. shrugs, look at me, I'm cool. lmao
This board is now completely filled with trolls, congrats mods.

Same crew liking each others negative posts.

Kid grew up in a town of 7,000 people and now makes $900k in the NFL. Let the man live this has ZERO to do with football.
I've got more tattoos than i can count. Spent many of hours in that chair, and plenty of money i didn't have. So i'm all about people getting ink.

But i'll admit its pretty risky to get an NFL shield on your chest when you cant even get on the field.

But this has nothing to do with bad culture or the Dallas Cowboys at all. This is a young man deciding to spend his money on what HE wants. Its his body, who cares.

It definitely doesn't make him a bad person, or as someone said "Kelvin Joseph 2.0". They only thing they have in common is they play the same position.
Yes this is the player the Cowboys traded up for in last years draft.

He might not have been able to get on the field but he picked up a new hobby!!!

I'm glad he used his time on the bench wisely i mean the dude had plenty of time t....whatever else he needed to do in life lol

did he even play special teams this year I mean I I can't even remember a game he played was he active any games this year he actually see any action or is he a straight up red shirt
Not better than Dak's Daffy Duck tattoo! Totally worth 10+ hours of self-inflicted coma don't you think.

These are grown men too lmao.

Dak Prescott Was Sedated For 11 Hours... to Get a Tattoo - Crossing Broad
Daffy in the headlights
I've got more tattoos than i can count. Spent many of hours in that chair, and plenty of money i didn't have. So i'm all about people getting ink.

But i'll admit its pretty risky to get an NFL shield on your chest when you cant even get on the field.

But this has nothing to do with bad culture or the Dallas Cowboys at all. This is a young man deciding to spend his money on what HE wants. Its his body, who cares.

It definitely doesn't make him a bad person, or as someone said "Kelvin Joseph 2.0". They only thing they have in common is they play the same position.
yuppers, we shall see what happens this year
Never understood Tattoos as making your body a walking billboard doesn't make sense?
Ok if you're doing 10 years at some prison or life maybe a couple of tattoos might help with the time in the pen?
Or in the Navy, you got a MOM tattoo fine, but this is wacky at best.
And what happens when these guys hit 60 and are fatties?
LOL............again I will never understand tattoos of these sizes and the sacrifice it takes to get them done.
Agree 100%, its one of the oddest phenomenons of my lifetime. It was literally illegal when I was young and it was a thing for bikers gangs and prisoners. Ok its legal now and trendy, I get it, but it just keeps getting worse and worse. More and more people with face and neck tattoos, full body tattoos. And girls getting them the second they turn 18. It is so incredibly unattractive. I think in a couple of decades it will stop and we will look back at this as the tattoo era. I cant imagine this is now a permanent human thing. And as far as it being just a thing for the young, I am seeing more and more older people getting them now too. I just do not get it.
No, no @fivetwos position only superbowl champions are allowed tattoo's.
So we go from not dressing at all for an entire season to SB Champs as the qualifiers?

Got it.

I don’t care what the guy does or doesn’t do that goes beyond the field, but the NFL logo is a bit comical….and even more presumptuous.
Kelvin Joseph 2.0
some of y'all say the oddest things ,

how can a guy who was picked in the sixth round be compared to a guy the Cowboys more than likely were counting on to maybe hit on in Kelvin Joseph pick in the second round??

A lot of these late round picks 4 through 7 most teams are hoping to get a one guy out of those area of the draft Cowboys do a pretty good job of it...

the fact is y'all already calling this guy a bust even though he's a sixth round pick just last season when we already had Gilmore, Lewis ,and bland all starting and I believe they made it through the season without getting injured and now we have Trayvon diggs. the man sitting in a backlog that's what last year's draft was to me, not that I agree with all of it, but apparently, they weren't picking day one starters they were getting role players and the developmental players guys they can develop into backups for now as they pretty, much had the starting 22 set... I mean if you look across the board the entire draft was pretty much like that ,

I mean it sucked that Overshown got hurt but yeah guys like I think can still contribute in like Shoon, Richard's, deuce Vaughn ,even Eric Scott at some point and I think M. Smith will eventually develop in at least into a good rotational guys.​
so this draft yes it was weird it wasn't as bad as the special teams draft of what 2009 but they literally instead of getting BPA they seem to fill holes, like backup holes ,which is very odd but please don't make early, way too early comparisons between boss man fats and Eric Scott they were picked for different reasons in very different parts of the draft...​

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