Eric Scott Jr. took his tattoo game to a new level

This board is now completely filled with trolls, congrats mods.

Same crew liking each others negative posts.

Kid grew up in a town of 7,000 people and now makes $900k in the NFL. Let the man live this has ZERO to do with football.
I'm not surprised that we're seeing this type of reaction.
This board is now completely filled with trolls, congrats mods.

Same crew liking each others negative posts.

Kid grew up in a town of 7,000 people and now makes $900k in the NFL. Let the man live this has ZERO to do with football.
and opinions of him hurt you how?
Imagine being bothered by somebody else's tattoo work.

Oh, the horror!!!!
I think it is a reaction from the 28 years of failed seasons driving fans to look for new reasons to point out and complain about as more examples of why those failures keep happening.

When the 1990's Cowboys were winning, Cowboys fans didn't care about the wild parties, the drugs, the women, the Michael Irvin off-the-field storylines, Erik Williams' car wreck, etc. because the team was winning or at least challenging for Super Bowls every year.

I think many fans forget that most of these players are young men who are having a lot of money thrown at them and they are simply finding ways to enjoy it.

While some of the things they do we would never do, I am sure there are many questionable (if not stupid) things most of us did at that age that we are fortunate enough to not have shared with everyone publicly.

It's hard to blame the players for choosing to enjoy their lives and it's hard to blame the fans for being upset when they see the players doing it while the team keeps disappointing year after year.
While most of that is true I got to tell you that what's different is you didn't have TMZ you didn't have 75 social media resources on the Internet along with 17 different networks on TV posting stories real time everyone's got a camera on their phones they have their phones out you can't get away with anything and it goes viral really fast in real time there's no cover ups there's no hiding it there's no soft balling going on when the story comes out where the agents and the team can kind of hide it a little bit or at least tone it down..

I mean people keep forgetting that yes those things did happen but that it wasn't as big a deal because it wasn't a 24 7365 thing where it went viral and it won't go away it picks up steam from its first post until it's reposted thousands of times in the same day on so many resources that people have a bigger problem with it because more people are involved now people who used to not even care about sports but they care about things that are relevant as far as if it's negative news about something they don't like like especially the Cowboys or a player they get to all comment on it...​
So yes all the way back to the 70s we had all the north Dallas 40 stuff we know people were partying I mean look at the The Jets quarterback Mr. Hollywood the way he dressed like a pimp I mean it just didn't get outside the normal sports arena people didn't know all the scoops and the inside stories every time someone's arrested now the DUI or even something minor they get into a minor Fender Bender there's a picture within the hour it's online and then people are commenting on it...​
So that's the difference the complaint seem more now not because of the losing because it's front center and social media and the Internet has made things all things targets especially concerning the Cowboys one of the most beloved and hated teams in sports....

And lastly I don't have a problem with the guy's tattoos I mean I'm not into tattoos and I'm glad that I never got any because all the jewelry men and women and the tattoos seemingly used to belong to a small crowd of people who wanted to be unique and different and now everybody does it like everybody wears carhart even these dudes that sit in an office don't even mow their own lawns pay everyone to do their own stuff around their house and their cars women they're wearing carhart carhart is supposed to be for contractors people blue collar people who wear it for a reason but somehow it became popular well now everything that becomes popular goes viral really fast and now tattoos along with other forms of body art like jewelry and odd places are now seemingly mainstream...​
And that's why I don't have an issue with it however myself other than the 2 little earrings I wore in my left ear when I was younger and occasionally I watch I no longer wear that earrings I'm now the guy who's very different because I don't have any of those things and I don't wear carhart and yet I'm an HVAC contractor...​
So now I'm unique I'm a 50 something white guy with no tattoos and no special body jewelry and I don't wear carhart lol ohh and I don't buy Stanley or Yeti tumblers..LOL​
I've got more tattoos than i can count. Spent many of hours in that chair, and plenty of money i didn't have. So i'm all about people getting ink.

But i'll admit its pretty risky to get an NFL shield on your chest when you cant even get on the field.

But this has nothing to do with bad culture or the Dallas Cowboys at all. This is a young man deciding to spend his money on what HE wants. Its his body, who cares.

It definitely doesn't make him a bad person, or as someone said "Kelvin Joseph 2.0". They only thing they have in common is they play the same position.
The way I see it, at least he got into the NFL. Even if he never plays a down, that's more than most people can say...and if he regrets the NFL tat, he can always get a coverup.
Save for my future given that I'm not going to make it in the NFL? Nah, I'll get a Hellboy tattoo that cost more than a car. Good investment.
While most of that is true I got to tell you that what's different is you didn't have TMZ you didn't have 75 social media resources on the Internet along with 17 different networks on TV posting stories real time everyone's got a camera on their phones they have their phones out you can't get away with anything and it goes viral really fast in real time there's no cover ups there's no hiding it there's no soft balling going on when the story comes out where the agents and the team can kind of hide it a little bit or at least tone it down..

I mean people keep forgetting that yes those things did happen but that it wasn't as big a deal because it wasn't a 24 7365 thing where it went viral and it won't go away it picks up steam from its first post until it's reposted thousands of times in the same day on so many resources that people have a bigger problem with it because more people are involved now people who used to not even care about sports but they care about things that are relevant as far as if it's negative news about something they don't like like especially the Cowboys or a player they get to all comment on it...​
So yes all the way back to the 70s we had all the north Dallas 40 stuff we know people were partying I mean look at the The Jets quarterback Mr. Hollywood the way he dressed like a pimp I mean it just didn't get outside the normal sports arena people didn't know all the scoops and the inside stories every time someone's arrested now the DUI or even something minor they get into a minor Fender Bender there's a picture within the hour it's online and then people are commenting on it...​
So that's the difference the complaint seem more now not because of the losing because it's front center and social media and the Internet has made things all things targets especially concerning the Cowboys one of the most beloved and hated teams in sports....

And lastly I don't have a problem with the guy's tattoos I mean I'm not into tattoos and I'm glad that I never got any because all the jewelry men and women and the tattoos seemingly used to belong to a small crowd of people who wanted to be unique and different and now everybody does it like everybody wears carhart even these dudes that sit in an office don't even mow their own lawns pay everyone to do their own stuff around their house and their cars women they're wearing carhart carhart is supposed to be for contractors people blue collar people who wear it for a reason but somehow it became popular well now everything that becomes popular goes viral really fast and now tattoos along with other forms of body art like jewelry and odd places are now seemingly mainstream...​
And that's why I don't have an issue with it however myself other than the 2 little earrings I wore in my left ear when I was younger and occasionally I watch I no longer wear that earrings I'm now the guy who's very different because I don't have any of those things and I don't wear carhart and yet I'm an HVAC contractor...​
So now I'm unique I'm a 50 something white guy with no tattoos and no special body jewelry and I don't wear carhart lol ohh and I don't buy Stanley or Yeti tumblers..LOL​
That's what I meant by "I am sure there are many questionable (if not stupid) things most of us did at that age that we are fortunate enough to not have shared with everyone publicly."

I don't think that's the cause though, but rather the easily available target/reason for upset fans.

The losing is what is causing the problem, and social media and real-time news in general is always ready to provide a target for fan frustrations and anger.

If/when the Cowboys win another Super Bowl and some players get "Super Bowl" tattoos, the fans will laugh it off with a few minor "I wouldn't do that" comments but that would be about it.

Fans are happy with their teams when they win and upset when they lose. When their teams win, they like the coaches, the players and the owners. When their team loses, they want coaches fired, players cut and the owners to sell the team.

As everyone knows, "fan" is short for "fanatics" and many fans truly live up to its namesake.

That does not make fans wrong or "bad" though because we all invest our time and money in watching and supporting our favorite teams so when those investments end poorly, everyone wants changes. It also helps to see the players somewhat upset about their failed seasons as we are.
These dudes are soft, the whole point of the tattoo is the experience. Pain and the relationship you build with the artist. One of the guys I know did Daks arm out of a shop in L.A. The whole beign put to sleep thing is weird.
The whole point is the look not the experience lol. Who the hell intentionally y sits in pain for 8 hours for experience?
For a tattoo? Jesus lol
YES! DAK SPENT 3 DAYS on a freaking tattoo and if it's good for him...

Stupid stuff like this creates false narratives a young player feels obligated to live up to. No, a tattoo doesn't "make" anyone good or bad...but...I avoid women with too many tattoos and I do raise an eyebrow towards a guy with too many. Unless we grew up together and I know you, know you...I got one eye on you until I know otherwise...
So because he couldn’t get on the field he can’t get a tattoo? You guys man…..
The NFL logo??? He ain’t in the damn NFL yet. How about doing something in the league first, like dressing for a game?

I don’t care about people getting tattoos and I resent anyone trying to make it about that. Many people have them and none of you know if I personally have them or not.

It ain’t about who is and isn’t allowed to get a tattoo for crying out loud.

It just speaks to the entitlement culture that he spent the last year around. He posts this as if he is some star already.

All I care about is how he plays on the field. Either he delivers or can be eternally reminded of his failure backward and stretched out in the mirror. Up to him.
This board is now completely filled with trolls, congrats mods.

Same crew liking each others negative posts.

Kid grew up in a town of 7,000 people and now makes $900k in the NFL. Let the man live this has ZERO to do with football.
Ask any tattoo artist and see what they tell you. They don't even like using numbing cream, they must laugh at these dudes.

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