ESPN: Cowboys rookie Jourdan Lewis to stand trial for domestic violence charge

A prosecutor is not going to file charges unless their is enough evidence. If he admitted to physical contact that is enough to charge him. If she accused him of grabbing her neck and then he told the responding officers that he "maybe" have grabbed her neck, I am guessing this prosecutor thinks that is enough to warrant charges.

Not true. Overzealous prosecutions happen a lot, especially when a public figure is evolved. It happened to Hardy... ended up being exonerated and had his record expunged.
I totally agree. As Risen stated above "it's a woman's world".

To put someone on trail with no evidence is a travesty and a total waste of our tax dollars. In your case you had to hire an attorney.

I'm shocked that in your case with no evidence, the trial Judge did not throw the case out.
I was livid. To go to trial for something you didn't do is tough. It's not innocent until proven guilty, people will look and judge you no matter the outcome just because someone said it. Took money and my time.....yes I had a lawyer. That's why I never judge a case until the facts come out. I understand what it feels like to be falsely accused I'm just glad the court made the correct decision
I totally agree. As Risen stated above "it's a woman's world".

To put someone on trail with no evidence
I'm shocked that in your case with no evidence, the trial Judge did not throw the case out.

The judge cannot "throw-out" a criminal case without the prosecutor agreeing to it.
Not true. Overzealous prosecutions happen a lot, especially when a public figure is evolved. It happened to Hardy... ended up being exonerated and had his record expunged.

No mrtxstar, the evidence against Hardy was the pictures the police took of the girls bruises.
The judge cannot "throw-out" a criminal case without the prosecutor agreeing to it.

Bro I'm sorry to tell you that you are dead wrong. Lack of evidence is definitely cause to dismiss.

Insufficient Evidence
If a defendant is arrested and charges are pending against him, the prosecutor must present the case to a grand jury or a judge and show that the prosecution has enough evidence to establish probable cause to believe the defendant committed a crime. As with arrests, the evidence must show an objective, factual basis for believing that the defendant committed the crime. If the grand jury or the judge do not find probable cause, then the charges must be dismissed.
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Bro I'm sorry to tell you that you are dead wrong. Lack of evidence is definitely cause to dismiss.

Insufficient Evidence
If a defendant is arrested and charges are pending against him, the prosecutor must present the case to a grand jury or a judge and show that the prosecution has enough evidence to establish probable cause to believe the defendant committed a crime. As with arrests, the evidence must show an objective, factual basis for believing that the defendant committed the crime. If the grand jury or the judge do not find probable cause, then the charges must be dismissed.
I don't know where you got your information, but I can tell you that In the USA, only felonies go to a grand jury and the law stares very specifically that a judge cannot dismiss a criminal case over a prosecutor's objection. And I know this because I am a Texas prosecutor. Lewis is charged with a misdemeanor.
No mrtxstar, the evidence against Hardy was the pictures the police took of the girls bruises.
He was still exonerated and record expunged. Those pics weren't evidence he did anything to his girl. They were taken the next day after she had time to bruise herself up. The prosecutor in that case was way way overzealous and so was his bench trial judge.
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The government doesn't need proof beyond a reasonable doubt to file a charge but they sure need it to prove it. I do this for a living. Tons of domestics get filed (among other reasons they are a huge money maker for local prosecutors who get big federal grants based on number of filings) and tons get dismissed when witnesses don't show, recant or the evidence simply isn't enough to convict
I don't know where you got your information, but I can tell you that In the USA, only felonies go to a grand jury and the law stares very specifically that a judge cannot dismiss a criminal case over a prosecutor's objection. And I know this because I am a Texas prosecutor. Lewis is charged with a misdemeanor.

I guess I stand corrected!

I know I have heard of that being done several times. I'm guessing that might have been civil cases.
He's a 21 year old millionaire and all the girls are throwing themselves at him. Guys too that just want to
be associated with all that money and glitz. He's not mature enough at his age to understand he will
probably be broke by age 35.
Well maybe this is where a mentor would come in handy !! A older and wise Ex-Cowboy with a good head on shoulders.

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