ESPN: Cowboys rookie Jourdan Lewis to stand trial for domestic violence charge

He should! Zeke could learn a lot from what Dez has been through, Visionary :)
Actually, this is a great suggestion. Not to take anything away from the likes of Romo, Witten, or Staubach but a mentor that has walked a similar path often has a much more impactful influence. This is the basis of the AA Sponorship role.
It's a woman's world. There are so many BS charges these days that I automatically assume the broad is lying until proven otherwise.

The horror of having your neck held for 3 seconds though. My thoughts are with her and her family.
Think of it has the balancing of life.
For more years than not, women's claims of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence habe been dismissed and excused as "well, she must have asked for it, why was she dressed like that, she shouldn't have been there with all those men, etc."
You're disgusted because you happen to live in the time of overcorrection for women.
But history nor the universal principle of sowing and reaping cares about where you exist on the timeline. Just saying.
Think of it has the balancing of life.
For more years than not, women's claims of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence habe been dismissed and excused as "well, she must have asked for it, why was she dressed like that, she shouldn't have been there with all those men, etc."
You're disgusted because you happen to live in the time of overcorrection for women.
But history nor the universal principle of sowing and reaping cares about where you exist on the timeline. Just saying.
Woman are an evil force...created by the devil himself and inflicted on man for satans pleasure:).
Well the cop could have tried to lead into it with questions such as "did you grab her by the throat?"

Lewis : "I don't know, maybe. I happened so fast. I would never hurt her. "

Cops should not ask specific questions. They should just take notes on what went on as detailed as possible without leading with questions such as "did you grab her by the throat?"
But if she said he grabbed her throat, why would the police not ask if he did so or not?
Think of it has the balancing of life.
For more years than not, women's claims of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence habe been dismissed and excused as "well, she must have asked for it, why was she dressed like that, she shouldn't have been there with all those men, etc."
You're disgusted because you happen to live in the time of overcorrection for women.
But history nor the universal principle of sowing and reaping cares about where you exist on the timeline. Just saying.
"has" should be "as". Dang autocorrect. :mad:
Not true. Overzealous prosecutions happen a lot, especially when a public figure is evolved. It happened to Hardy... ended up being exonerated and had his record expunged.
It is true. You must have evidence that a crime has possibly been committed to proceed with any case. Now YOU may not think it's evidence, but whatever it is passes the standard of evidence and convinces a grand jury that a case should go before a judge.
Sometimes, it baffles me how people use the "holier than thou" term outside a religious context.
It is just an "you think that your s--- don't stink'' ......'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'......'he without sin cast the first stone'........'pot calling the kettle black'

It is also called "White Knight Syndrome" where men have to come to the aid of any and every woman on the internet to show how evolved they are....... it can be quite amusing
It is true. You must have evidence that a crime has possibly been committed to proceed with any case. Now YOU may not think it's evidence, but whatever it is passes the standard of evidence and convinces a grand jury that a case should go before a judge.
You and I are talking about apples and oranges. You are talking about the minimum needed for a prosecutor to proceed... in theory. I'm talking about what actually happens in reality. Prosecutors often proceed thinking they have enough for a conviction when in reality they end up not being able to prove their case... it happens. Evidence gets lost, witnesses refuse to cooperate, jury members become unpredictable... and sometime prosecutors are just overzealous and bite off more than they can chew.
Not that I think Jourdan is guilty, but domestic violence is a bit different than sneaking into a club when you're underage.

The issue here is not that sin is sin, but that some sins are more grievous to society than others.
When I was young (12 years old) I stole comic books from the 7-11 store. Yes, that's against the law.
But am I being "holier than thou" because I criticize someone for beating his wife?:huh:

Sometimes, it baffles me how people use the "holier than thou" term outside a religious context.

Hey I wasn't directing my comment right at you...your cool in my book bro....

I agree, if he truly committed something. I just like to wait and see before condemning somebody
It is just an "you think that your s--- don't stink'' ......'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'......'he without sin cast the first stone'........'pot calling the kettle black'

It is also called "White Knight Syndrome" where men have to come to the aid of any and every woman on the internet to show how evolved they are....... it can be quite amusing
But let's explore the expression. Do you believe some people can be more moral than others, have better character, better integrity?
You and I are talking about apples and oranges. You are talking about the minimum needed for a prosecutor to proceed... in theory. I'm talking about what actually happens in reality. Prosecutors often proceed thinking they have enough for a conviction when in reality they end up not being able to prove their case... it happens. Evidence gets lost, witnesses refuse to cooperate, jury members become unpredictable... and sometime prosecutors are just overzealous and bite off more than they can chew.
We may be. I think I'm describing evidence and you're describing proof. There's a slight difference.
Hey I wasn't directing my comment right at you...your cool in my book bro....

I agree, if he truly committed something. I just like to wait and see before condemning somebody
I think that's fair, waiting for the result.
I didn't think you were talking about me, though I have been guilty of being holier than thou from a religious perspective. God had to humble me, but that's a different topic which we can't discuss.
I'm just interested in how people use the term on a secular sense. That's all.
I'm pretty sure she wasn't 100% perfect. No human is.
I understand that. But can one be more moral than another? And if so, how is being "holier than thou" a negative?
Or let me put it simply, say the worst Mother Teresa did is say, "Diddly Poo" when she stubbed her toe. And let's say the next man kicks his dog with his good foot and punches his wife. Is Mother Teresa more holy and righteous than the next man? Why? Why not?

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