ESPN Mosley: Romo: Be patient with me


Negativity King
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Romo is starting to sound like Wade.

This whole team has finely honed their skills in apologetics.

Maybe Romo is the one that needs patience. If he had some he might not try and force the ball when their is nothing there. :rolleyes:


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windward;2480262 said:
I swear people would have learned to appreciate Tony after 3 weeks of Brad Johnson.

I guess I was wrong.

I truly hope Brad Johnson is no longer part of this team after this season. I would have to look real hard to find a worse #2 than this guy. I have no clue as to how he made the roster for this season. You know, I am not an overly big person, I am 6'3"(bare feet) and with my shoes on and with a few rolls of coins in each hand I am nearly 180 pounds. But I swear, I can put more velocity on a football and throw it further than Johnson can. Granted, I can't read a defense like he can but darn, I am not even sure if he can throw the ball 50 yards. We have the worst #2 QB in the NFL.


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Batman;2480285 said:
I truly hope Brad Johnson is no longer part of this team after this season. I would have to look real hard to find a worse #2 than this guy. I have no clue as to how he made the roster for this season. You know, I am not an overly big person, I am 6'3"(bare feet) and with my shoes on and with a few rolls of coins in each hand I am nearly 180 pounds. But I swear, I can put more velocity on a football and throw it further than Johnson can. Granted, I can't read a defense like he can but darn, I am not even sure if he can throw the ball 50 yards. We have the worst #2 QB in the NFL.
BJ should just retire, period. Be a QB coach if you want, but retire. or sign with Commanders.

I'm hoping for a vet backup (Losman?) and a developmental rookie in the offseason.


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lest not we forget all the greats struggled early...Aikman, P. Manning, the list goes on and on, mark it down Tony will be a great...count on it.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
windward;2480294 said:
BJ should just retire, period. Be a QB coach if you want, but retire. or sign with Commanders.

I'm hoping for a vet backup (Losman?) and a developmental rookie in the offseason.

Garcia may be available.


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This post was a nice read, but Romo seriously needs to quit talking like that and either take a s*** or get off the pot.


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The Panch;2480278 said:
Why dont you get a clue kiddo. Even if you included that dropped pass, he only completed half of his passes. I already said I blamed it more on having no T.O. than Romo, so quit your PMSing.

They're just reacting in the heat of the moment like everyone else is.

kiddo? LOL

it was pouring rain. The ball was wet and we couldnt run the ball. He made fletcher miss on an easy sack, rolled to his left and threw and absolute perfect dart 40 yards down the field to sam hurd.

Sam hurd then preceded to let a perfectly thrown pass go right through his hands on what would have been about a 15 yard pass, then the two drops by austin, the crossing route would have been about a 65 yard td. And the hurd drop and austin drops if I remember correctly were third downs ending drives.

If you want to blame the qb for that, so be it.

and by the way, did you call one of these shows today? You have that same petty entitlement attitude.

The Panch

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theebs;2480309 said:
kiddo? LOL

it was pouring rain. The ball was wet and we couldnt run the ball. He made fletcher miss on an easy sack, rolled to his left and threw and absolute perfect dart 40 yards down the field to sam hurd.

Sam hurd then preceded to let a perfectly thrown pass go right through his hands on what would have been about a 15 yard pass, then the two drops by austin, the crossing route would have been about a 65 yard td. And the hurd drop and austin drops if I remember correctly were third downs ending drives.

If you want to blame the qb for that, so be it.

and by the way, did you call one of these shows today? You have that same petty entitlement attitude.
1. Todd Collins went 22-31 for 244 and a TD with no INTs. That wet ball b.s. is no excuse.

2. And quit your crying cause Im not yelling out "Glass half full!" for a QB who refuses to mature his game and actually point out his flaws unlike most of the slurpers on here.


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The Panch;2480332 said:
1. Todd Collins went 22-31 for 244 and a TD with no INTs. That wet ball b.s. is no excuse.

2. And quit your crying cause Im not yelling out "Glass half full!" for a QB who refuses to mature his game and actually point out his flaws unlike most of the slurpers on here.

Im not crying at all. Collins wr caught the ball, amazing how you attain yards when your wr catch the ball isnt.

Romo has flaws, but your not of the ability to make a case for them apparently because that game had nothing to do with him. there are games where he played poor. I just dont think you know which ones or when to even identify when the qb is playing poor.

But by all means keep whining about stuff you obviously cant recognize.


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Many will say this type of pressure can break a good QB but I think this is what Tony needs. Listen, the guy has every other amount of individual respect talent wise with the pro bowls and the great regular season record. I'm not saying that the guy isn't hungry but he has accomplished alot individually in this league and he's a competitive guy who needs something to get his juices going, a challenge.

Well, we can see how this talk about December and the post season gets him talking like he has to prove he's really not that bad. He never sounds so unsure of himself in any other regard since he first started. This is a challenge for Tony and as competitive as he is when he hasn't accomplished something, this "he can't win big games" perception is going to motivate him t take it to the next level. You're gonna see precision against the G-Men folks. He's gonna finally have to play like he has something to prove and this guy has the mettle to prove. The media is finally doing us a favor, put a chip on this guys shoulder. Hopefully Garrett can put a game plan together that can utilize this teams talent.


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windward;2480262 said:
I swear people would have learned to appreciate Tony after 3 weeks of Brad Johnson.

I guess I was wrong.

For *****' real.


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theebs;2480270 said:
I actually think this is the least appreciative fan base.

While taking care of my kids today I listened to the Ticket, espn 1033 and the new fan 105.3.

And the topic from all the hosts was how romo is not really that good, and every single caller on every station said he is not the guy and that if you put him on the foul line with 1 second left needing one point he would miss both shots.

They went on and on about how it is time for the GM to draft a real qb and how romo wasnt even drafted.

It was ticking me off so much I almost called this mike rodriguez guy on 105.3 He is blaming everything on romo and saying romo is what he is and he just doesnt have it.

This is one of the dumbest sports markets in the world. The fans here are spoiled, entitled and frankly Stupid.

LOL! What a CROCK! No offense. Romo hasnt done a thing and gets more love than about any QB I have EVER seen for what amounts to nothing all that special, other than stats. No knock. His resume is pretty empty right now. We'll see how it plays out. But to say he is above criticism, and when its done those who do are stupid is pretty ridiculous.

I live in Philly. What you here in this media market is nothing compared to what goes on here. And McNabb has a long history of actually winning, with a SB appearance. McNabb is getting run out of town. The town is rllying against the team and the coach loudly. I was listening to sport radio and someone in a contest TURNED down a free McNabb jersey the other day. LOL. Its RABID here. Sports in general are a what have you done for me lately mentality. Others like to look for the silver lining in everything. To each their own.

Now, what Cowboys fans get criticized for nationally, is this sort of fair weather, out of touch with what just happen on the field mentality. What I dont see here in PA is fans who are in the same boat attacking each other over their passion so the appear to be a better fan. Here, its vice versa. The passionate ones are the better fans. I like it this way.


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WoodysGirl;2480198 said:
December 10, 2008 7:55 PM

Posted by's Matt Mosley

IRVING -- Until he wins a playoff game, Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo will continue to be asked about his relatively poor play in December and January over the past two seasons. On Wednesday, he cautioned reporters to give him a few years before deciding he couldn't win big games. He suggested that quarterbacks who've performed well in the regular-season (as he has) shouldn't have a problem winning in December and January. Here's what he told the New York media:
"Well, I have only two Decembers. This is my third one now. So I don't know if you can really have anything -- if I play about eight years and we stink in December every year, maybe we can talk about it.​

"But the first year you are just kind of running around with your head cut off, you don't really know what is going on. When you are playing you are just playing. And I think we went, what, 2-2 last year. But that is also different. I didn't even play but a half in that last game. So I would like to think I had a winning record a little bit except for last year. And we have only played one game [this season] against a good team on the road. So it is what it is. People talk and they come up with stats and a few different things. But the reality of it is if you are a good football team and you are playing games that everyone is playing in, yeah, you will win."​

Dallas Cowboys, Tony Romo, New York Giants
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Sounds an awful lot like Wade Phillips and his "I've only lost 3 playoff games as a Head Coach" to me. The teams' players are truly taking the image of their coach. Romo isn't going to get 8 Decembers to prove himself. He's had 2, I'm thinking 2, 3 more max and there will be a new QB.


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I'm not concerned about Romo and I don't buy into him being unable to produce late in the season. He is a quality QB and he will get the job done. He has been starting now for 2 1/2 seasons people need to ease up and stop putting their frustration of many years on his shoulders.


No Quarter
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The cupcake is really rubbing off on Romo. Nothing is a problem, lets wait and see if this corrects itself, etc.


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chinch;2480536 said:
The cupcake is really rubbing off on Romo. Nothing is a problem, lets wait and see if this corrects itself, etc.

If he is out working during the week then he is doing what needs to be done to get the job done. Walking around pouting or being mad does not win ball games. What do you want Romo to say? I'm just awful and there is no way I can do the job? That is your job and the job other critics.


No Quarter
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Doomsday101;2480542 said:
If he is out working during the week then he is doing what needs to be done to get the job done. Walking around pouting or being mad does not win ball games. What do you want Romo to say? I'm just awful and there is no way I can do the job? That is your job and the job other critics.
Please realize I'm not dumping on Romo - i actually really like the guy as a person.

Unfortunately the things i like about him don't add up to being an NFL field general. :(

I am on telling you he's being TOTALLY MISMANAGED by the holy trio (Wade, Jason & Jerry) and his attitude is not that of a LEADER or WINNER but more of a guy waiting for LADY LUCK to strike. Aw shucks we'll work this out -- just gimme 8 Decembers.

FYI his public attitude late last year was terrible and it was off prior to his hand injury all this year. Only since then did we see the old Tony we all fell in love with as a QB. Last week we saw the "old tony" but the blooper-highlights version we saw previously several times.

The Jerry circus, with help of Wade has infected the team. Romo's answers are direct proof. Of course ignoring problems is easy & convenient... just ask Wade (and many posting here). ;)